End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 135: A Letter from the World

After hanging up Bonnie's call, Jeremy swiftly got dressed and headed towards Bonnie's house with the utmost urgcy.

Giv that Bonnie was Bjamin's daughter, it was no surprise that she resided in the city cter.

In less than half an hour, Jeremy found himself standing outside Bonnie's residce. Before he could ev ring the doorbell, the door swung op as if in anticipation of his arrival.

"I must apologize, my communication with Miss Bonnie wasn't particularly smooth, causing you the trouble of coming here in person." Emma said, her expression strained as she offered her apologies to Jeremy inside Bonnie's home.

"It's nothing, really. I think you've done an excellt job. You can head back now."

Jeremy replied with a warm smile.

Understanding all too well that Bonnie likely withheld crucial information from Emma, making it difficult for her to communicate effectively.

Emma's face displayed a hint of awkwardness.

"Alright th, I'll take my leave."

Once Emma had departed, Bonnie addressed Jeremy directly, her tone leaving no room for ambiguity.

"Emma seemed quite troubled. She's not just upset with me, she's also blaming you."

Bonnie remarked, her ssitivity to Emma's emotional state evidt.

Bonnie had always be exceptionally skilled at reading people, a talt that now served her well in understanding the complexities of Emma's feelings.

Jeremy, however, was unfazed by this matter, his primary concern lay in understanding how Bonnie had managed to return.

"This issue is insignificant. You must have received assistance from 'The World' to come back to the real world, right?

How exactly did he do it? What's his currt situation?" Jeremy inquired, his voice tinged with urgcy.

Since leaving the instance, Jeremy had lost contact with both 'The World' and the class change goddess Janna.

He was exceedingly eager to find out how those two individuals were faring at the momt.

Bonnie hastily interjected.

"I understand these matters are of greater importance. However, we must sure our conversation remains private. Ar't you concerned about eavesdroppers?"

Prompted by Bonnie's reminder, Jeremy realized his impatice had clouded his judgmt.

Under Bonnie's guidance, he followed her to the most secluded room in her home.

Once there, Bonnie divulged everything she knew.

"Let me start from the day we parted ways. After we separated, I continued along the path you indicated with the rest of the Heber caravan.

It wasn't long before we noticed a dramatic transformation in the Land of Eternal Night. The sky, once devoid of any light, was suddly illuminated by a dazzling radiance.

To escape the scorching sunlight, we sought refuge in a cave. It was there that I countered one of 'The World's' Puppets."

Bonnie's account corresponded to the momt wh the class change goddess Janna oped a portal, bringing the sun to the Land of Eternal Night.

The arrival of the sun not only subjected Jeremy to reltless assaults of light and heat but also flooded the tire Land of Eternal Night with blinding brilliance.

"Initially, I didn't recognize his true idtity. I simply assumed he was another lost soul wandering the Land of Eternal Night like us." Bonnie began, her tone reflective.

"Moreover, wh we first countered each other, he barely spoke. His Puppet seemed dazed and unresponsive until the momt the sunlight abruptly vanished."

Bonnie's account aligned with the momt Jeremy had exerted all his strgth to shatter 'The World's' seal.

With the seal brok, the Puppet left behind in the Land of Eternal Night regained some semblance of consciousness.

"The Puppet's expression suddly became remarkably animated. Not only did he transport all of us to a safe location, but before sding me back to the real world, he handed me a letter."

Bonnie continued. With that, she produced a blue velope from her pocket, adorned with intricate and lavish patterns.

"I couldn't op the letter, it seems to be sealed with some kind of chantmt. And since 'The World' mtioned it was meant for you, only you should have the right to op it."

Jeremy swiftly took the letter that Bonnie handed to him.

The momt the velope touched his hand, he heard 'The World's' voice resonating in his ears.

"If you can hear this, it means you've returned to the real world. I must warn you that other planners of the apocalypse game are closely monitoring your actions.

They are not only targeting you directly but can also collaborate with other humans. Be wary of traitors among your own kind."

'The World's' words immediately brought Kean to Jeremy's mind.

If Kean were to collaborate with the planners of the apocalypse game, the danger Jeremy faced would escalate dramatically.

"My currt situation is not tirely dire, yet it is far from ideal." 'The World' began to explain. "Although I have successfully freed myself from the seal, the combined strgth of the other planners of the apocalypse game remains formidable.

Their concerted efforts have significantly curtailed my ability to assist you further. The gemstone I provided you with earlier has the power to continually extd your lifespan.

However, it is imperative that you keep this gemstone hidd from others. If anyone else were to shatter it, your lifespan would instantly plummet to just sev days."

Jeremy was tak aback by the severe drawback associated with the gemstone 'The World' had giv him. Fortunately, he had never shown the gemstone to anyone else.

"Lastly, I must urge you to rapidly hance your strgth and level in the real world. If you fail to do so, the White Tower will find you before the next trial arrives.

The White Tower is intimately familiar with you, he knows all your strgths and weaknesses. This means that if he locates you, defeating him would be nearly impossible."

The mtion of the White Tower caught Jeremy off guard, he had never heard of this particular planner of the apocalypse game before. However, the fact that the White Tower was a planner implied that his power was on par with that of the Sun.

As 'The World's' voice faded, the blue velope in Jeremy's hand also dissipated into nothingness. Bonnie looked at Jeremy with a hint of anxiety and asked, "What did the letter say? Does it offer any help for our currt situation?"

Pulled back to the prest by her question, Jeremy finally responded.

"The letter mainly stressed the importance of rapidly hancing our own strgth. In fact, I've already devised a plan of action.

There are several instances a Moonlight City that we should deal with promptly. This will not only boost our abilities but also sure the safety of Moonlight City."

Jeremy had no inttion of disclosing all the information he had received.

Although he trusted that Bonnie would never betray him, he believed that keeping secrets to himself was the safest course of action.

After all, what if Bonnie inadverttly revealed ssitive information for some other reason?

Moreover, Jeremy wasn't just withholding information from Bonnie, he hadn't shared his secrets with Emma or Claire either.

Bonnie's expression showed a trace of hesitation after hearing Jeremy's explanation.

Bonnie surmised that the information mtioned in the letter from "the World" was likely not as scant as it appeared. However, she also felt that she could not continue pressing the matter.

For if she did, it would undoubtedly make Jeremy feel as though he were being suspected.

"Giv the situation, I'll prepare as quickly as possible. Wh do you plan to head out and deal with the instances a Moonlight City?" she asked, trying to focus on the immediate task.

Deciding not to dwell on it any further, Bonnie resolved to prepare herself and join Jeremy in clearing the instances a Moonlight City.

Jeremy laid out his plan succinctly: "Let's use the remainder of today to get ready. Tomorrow, I'll bring my frids and you to handle the instances a Moonlight City.

There's something important you need to know—my skills have be sealed. This means my strgth will be somewhat diminished, so you'll have to rely more heavily on your own abilities wh we counter danger in the instances."

Bonnie was stunned to hear that Jeremy's skills had be sealed.

"How is that possible? Wer't you able to play a crucial role in the battle betwe 'The Sun' and 'The World'? Who could have sealed your skills?"

Jeremy shook his head in response to Bonnie's question.

He had no idea who had sealed his skills.

Although 'The Sun' possessed the ability to seal skills, there hadn't be time for him to do so during their confrontation, as 'The Sun' had be tirely focused on 'The World'.

Moreover, the other planners of the apocalypse game hadn't had the opportunity to extd their power into the Land of Eternal Night before 'The Sun' had fall.

This situation left Jeremy deeply perplexed.

As of the tities he knew capable of sealing his skills seemed likely to have done so. The only pottial suspect was his ally, the class change goddess Janna.

"Regardless of who sealed my skills, there's nothing I can do about it right now. Let's focus on the tasks we can handle at this momt." he concluded pragmatically.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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