End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 134: Recuperation After the Crisis

Jeremy had a blissful sleep and didn't wake up until the afternoon of the following day.

"It's be ages since I had such a peaceful rest." Jeremy remarked as he stretched lazily and slowly got out of bed.

Immediately, he noticed a bowl of Spaghetti placed on the bedside table.

Clearly, Emma and Claire had prepared it while he was asleep.

To sure that Jeremy could joy the Spaghetti as soon as he woke up, with the flavor and ure remaining impeccable, they had thoughtfully placed a small heater underneath the bowl.

"How considerate of them." "I suppose I should spd more time with both of them during this period."

Jeremy mused with a smile.

He realized that he had be spding too much time in the instance and had somewhat neglected Emma and Claire.

As Jeremy was joying his Spaghetti , Emma walked into the room.

Seeing that he was awake, she smiled and said.

"You're finally up. Claire and I were just worried that you might sleep until eving."

"How could I sleep until eving? If I did, who would take care of the two of you?"

Jeremy replied, causing a slight blush to appear on Emma's cheeks.

"Is your body in good shape now?" Emma inquired after a momt of silce.

Jeremy nodded, th shook his head.

"My body is fine, but all my skills have be sealed. I need to find a way to break the seal as soon as possible."

Jeremy chose not to disclose the grim news that he only had a few months left to live.

He knew that revealing such information would surely devastate Emma.

Despite a hint of worry on her face, Emma continued to believe that Jeremy could overcome any obstacle.

"What can I do to help? Just tell me what you need, and I'll do it." Emma offered, eager to assist Jeremy in any way she could.

Despite the dangers she had faced while Jeremy was in the instance, she didn't blame him.

She believed that her own lack of strgth was the real issue.

Emma thought that if she had ev a fraction of Jeremy's power, she wouldn't have be helpless against Kean.

Thus, she was determined to quickly improve her own abilities to better support Jeremy.

Jeremy looked at Emma with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

He could clearly hear the regret and urgcy in her voice. He also ssed her deep guilt for not being able to assist him. Trying to ease her feelings, he quickly said.

"There is indeed something I need you to do."

"Tell me right away. I'll make sure to complete whatever task you give me."

Emma responded, her face lighting up with a determined smile.

"I need you to find Bonnie. She should have also returned to the real world by now. I want to know her currt situation." Jeremy requested.

Emma's expression froze momtarily at the mtion of Bonnie's name.

A suspicion formed in her mind, Jeremy's concern for Bonnie seemed unusually intse.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Jeremy asked with a hint of concern upon seeing Emma standing still.

Emma shook her head and quickly left the room.

As she walked into the living room, she countered Claire.

"Jeremy is awake now. If you want to see him, you should go." Emma said with a touch of disappointmt in her voice.

Claire was puzzled by Emma's expression.

"What happed? Why do you look so down?"

Emma recounted her conversation with Jeremy to Claire. Claire, too, began to form her own suspicions.

"Regardless of the circumstances, Bonnie must have helped Jeremy in the instance. It's only natural for him to be concerned about her. We shouldn't overthink it."

Claire tried to reassure Emma.Emma nodded in agreemt and th left the house.

Wh Claire tered Jeremy's room, she smiled and scrutinized him closely.

As his psychologist, Claire was more familiar with Jeremy's condition than anyone else. She could see that he had largely recovered.

"It seems I no longer need to worry. Your physical condition has significantly improved." Claire remarked. It was only th that Jeremy noticed her presce in the room.

"You're right. I've almost fully recovered."

Jeremy affirmed casually. They chatted for a while, discussing the evts that had transpired in the real world while Jeremy was in the instance.

"It seems Kean had long planned to target me. It was only because I tered the instance that he couldn't find me and thus aimed at you instead. The dangers you faced were indeed caused by me." Jeremy remarked with a hint of regret.

Claire quickly interjected, "This isn't your fault! Only a scum like Kean would do such a thing. No one else would stoop to such actions.

All the blame lies solely with Kean. You mustn't blame yourself. What we need to focus on now is seeking revge against Kean, we must sure he pays the price!"

Claire harbored deep restmt towards Kean.

Unlike Emma, who had a more straightforward way of thinking, Claire had pieced together the insidious nature of Kean's actions after the evts had unfolded.

Jeremy fully agreed with Claire's stimt.

But he also recognized that seeking immediate revge against Kean would involve numerous complications.

"You're absolutely right, we must avge ourselves against him someday. However, I'm not yet at my peak condition, and he's undoubtedly hiding in the capital.

Do you think we can just storm into the Lannisters' stronghold in the capital and drag him out to face justice?

The risks are far too high.

Moreover, those who have previously assisted us would certainly oppose such a reckless move." Jeremy reasoned, maintaining his pragmatic approach.

Though Jeremy was a man who believed in retribution, he was also highly rational. In the currt situation, he knew that confronting Kean directly would lead to conflicts with other federal forces. Jeremy needed the support of the federation's powers at this juncture.

Claire sighed, seemingly resigned to accept Jeremy's perspective.

"So, what do you think we should do next? Are we just going to sit a and do nothing?"

"Of course not! From what I know, several new instances have appeared a Moonlight City. Our next move should be to tackle these instances." Jeremy declared with a determined look.

While eating his Spaghetti, Jeremy meticulously formulated his next course of action.

Giv that all his skills had be sealed, it was imperative for him to devise a plan to acquire new abilities through an instance. Additionally, within the instance, he might ev discover a method to extd his lifespan.

This strategy prested several advantages. On the one hand, the risk was relatively low.

Besides him and his frids, there were also other federal forces in the Moonlight City These forces could provide assistance if Jeremy and his team countered any danger.

On the other hand, this approach would allow him to further solidify his relationship with Bjamin.

Although Jeremy's own power was formidable, confronting the Lannisters, who backed Kean, required the support of other powerful factions.

The White Family, which controlled the Federal Intelligce Bureau, was certainly a force strong ough to rival the Lannisters.

Moreover, during his time in the instance, Jeremy's bond with Bonnie had deeped. He believed that Bonnie would be instrumtal in facilitating communication with the White Family.

After patitly listing to Jeremy's comprehsive strategy, Claire concluded that the likelihood of its success was exceedingly high.

"Wh do you plan to tackle the instances a Moonlight City? I would like to join you, as I see this as a prime opportunity to hance my own abilities." she inquired, her eyes filled with determination.

Like Emma, Claire felt that her skills were somewhat lacking.

If she wished to provide more substantial assistance to Jeremy, she needed to significantly elevate her own strgth.

Jeremy, having savored the last bite of his Spaghetti, promptly responded, "It's getting quite late today, and I still need to meet with Bonnie. So, let's plan to handle the instances a the capital tomorrow.

You can also use the remaining time today to make thorough preparations. Considering that my skills have be sealed, should we counter any dangers within the instance, you won't be able to rely tirely on my assistance." Jeremy warned, his voice imbued with a note of caution.

Claire nodded firmly, her determination clear in her eyes.

"Alright th, I'll go back right now to get ready." She declared, choosing to leave without further ado.

Not long after Claire had departed, the phone by Jeremy's bedside rang abruptly, slicing through the quiet room.

Upon answering, he immediately recognized Bonnie's voice on the other d, laced with a mix of urgcy and concern.

"I hope we can meet as soon as possible. Emma has filled me in on your situation. If your condition allows, I would like to see you at my home this eving." Bonnie conveyed, her words imbued with a sse of immediacy.

Without a momt's hesitation, Jeremy responded, "Absolutely, no problem at all. I'll set off right away!" His voice was resolute, reflecting his readiness to spring into action.

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