End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 132: Kean's Desperate Escape

During their rect confrontation, Kean had come to the stark realization that he was no match for Jeremy.

Nevertheless, Kean was not one to surrder so easily. He thought that if he gave up now, he would never be able to face Jeremy again with his head held high.

Kean opted for the most ruthless strategy—using Jeremy's frids as leverage against him.

With a sinister grin, he unlatched the miniature prison he held in his hand, releasing Jeremy's three frids from its confines.

Without hesitation, Kean seized Emma and held her in front of him as a human shield. He bellowed in Jeremy's direction, "Drop your weapon immediately, or I will kill her on the spot!"

Kean's actions incited a wave of fury among everyone prest.

Bjamin shouted at Kean with palpable anger, "Enough! Stop this madness right now!"

Ella, Kean's fiancée, also pleaded with him, "You've already avged yourself against Jeremy in your previous actions. Now that Jeremy has returned, there's no need for the two of you to continue this fight.

Both of you are crucial assets to the Federation. If you persist in this sseless battle, the consequces for the tire Federation could be dire. It could also jeopardize humanity's stance in the face of the apocalypse game."

Though she was trying to de-escalate the situation, Ella didn't place all the blame squarely on Kean. As his fiancée, she felt compelled to be somewhat partial towards him.

However, Ella's words failed to persuade anyone prest.

Neither Jeremy nor Kean believed it was the right momt to back down.

Kean, his eyes alight with defiance, taunted Jeremy further, "What's the matter? Do you really doubt that I would go through with it?!"

Jeremy's expression remained composed, yet he chose not to heed Kean's command. Instead, he advanced two steps toward Kean.

"Stop right there! I must warn you, if you take another step, I will kill her!"

At this momt, Kean had pressed his dagger against Emma's neck.

A thin crimson line had already appeared, indicating the blade had cut through her skin.

Despite the peril, Emma merely gazed at Jeremy, her eyes filled with unspok words, yet she remained silt.

"Let her go immediately!"

Jeremy halted after a few steps, his voice hoarse but resolute.

It was evidt to everyone that Jeremy was seething with rage.

Bjamin instinctively took two steps back, ssing that the impding clash betwe Jeremy and Kean might gulf them all.

Observing Bjamin's reaction, Howard couldn't help but chuckle.

"It seems ev you realize these two won't reconcile easily. So why did you bother trying to mediate earlier?" Howard's tone was tinged with irony.

Bjamin cast a somewhat helpless glance at Howard. "Instead of mocking me, perhaps you should think about how to resolve the predicamt we're in. The conflict betwe Kean and Jeremy will undoubtedly bring the Federation's wrath upon us."

"What can I do? I already did everything I could to stop Kean. Now, am I supposed to stop Jeremy? If I did, Jeremy would definitely think I'm siding with Kean."

Howard replied, fully aware that failing to stop Kean meant he had no gs to hinder Jeremy.

Though Howard's words were blunt, they carried a certain logic, prompting Bjamin to decide to watch the situation unfold for now.

Faced with Jeremy's furious outburst, Kean showed no trace of fear.

Kean's objective was to provoke Jeremy. Only by raging Jeremy to the point of losing his composure and th defeating him in the suing battle could Kean consider his revge fulfilled.

"And what if I don't let her go? What can you do about it?"

Kean asked, a sinister smile twisting his features.

Jeremy did not dignify Kean with a response. Instead, he launched an attack with unparalleled swifness.

In the blink of an eye, before anyone could react, Jeremy was right in front of Kean.

Kean had no time to further threat Emma.

In the flurry of the confrontation, Emma was shoved aside by Kean, who used the momtary distraction to create distance betwe himself and Jeremy.

"You may be incredibly strong, but I am no weaker. I can defeat you!"

Having just evaded Jeremy's attack, Kean didn't hesitate to shout loudly at him.

Kean was deeply worried that Jeremy would look down on him.

Especially after a series of previous failures, Kean felt that he couldn't afford to be defeated by Jeremy again.

However, Kean's currt actions were somewhat redundant.

Because Jeremy was not ev focused on him. Jeremy's atttion was tirely on Emma.

Catching Emma before she could fall, Jeremy's eyes softed with concern. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" he asked gtly.

Emma, tears welling in her eyes, shook her head.

"If you're okay, go over to Bjamin for now." Jeremy instructed. "Kean hasn't be dealt with yet. I need to finish this fight first!"

After confirming that Emma was unharmed, Jeremy promptly directed her to move towards Bjamin's vicinity.

In the proximity of Bjamin, Emma would be under absolute protection. Although Bjamin's raw power was not particularly formidable, his high status provided a significant safeguard.

Ev Kean, who might dismiss Bjamin's counsel, could not afford to directly antagonize him without severe consequces.

Having secured Emma's safety, Jeremy turned his atttion to rescuing Ritchie and Claire.

Claire's situation closely mirrored Emma's, they both had only sustained minor injuries.

Ritchie, on the other hand, was in a far more dire state. Among the three, he was the most severely injured and was rdered speechless by his wounds.

"Take care of Ritchie first. Once I defeat Kean, I will rejoin you."

Jeremy instructed Claire, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation. With a sse of urgcy, he th swiftly advanced towards Kean's location.

At this momt, Kean had meticulously prepared for the impding battle.

He had strategically placed a variety of tools and devices a him, each designed to restrict Jeremy's abilities during the confrontation.

Determined to give his all, Kean resolved to wield his most prized possession—a weapon of unparalleled rarity and power.

This extraordinary weapon, capable of weaking souls, was discovered by Kean in an instance near the capital. With this formidable asset, he felt a newfound sse of confidce, ready to face whatever Jeremy might throw at him.

Fully aware of the impding confrontation, Kean steeled himself for the battle ahead, ready to unleash the full extt of his arsal.

Any foe struck by Kean's weapon would suffer damage on a spiritual level. Such soul-deep wounds were beyond the healing capabilities of ordinary restorative items.

"This time, I will defeat you with honor! I will prove that my strgth far surpasses yours, your previous successes were nothing but sheer luck!"

Kean declared solemnly as Jeremy appeared before him.

Jeremy paid no heed to Kean's words. He knew that the man standing before him was an adversary he had to eliminate at all costs.

Without hesitation, Jeremy launched an attack on Kean.

Despite the significant losses Jeremy had incurred during the previous instance, his attributes had be largely restored thanks to the gemstone provided by the "World."

Although his skills remained sealed, his basic attributes alone were ough to challge Kean effectively.

As the battle raged on, Kean found himself increasingly strained.

His weapon, while capable of inflicting spiritual harm on Jeremy, was counteracted by the precious gemstone Jeremy carried, which continuously repaired his damaged soul during the fight.

As time passed, Kean became acutely aware that victory was slipping further from his grasp. To his dismay, he realized that escape was no longer an option either.

"How are you doing this?! How can you seal the suring space?!" Kean exclaimed in panic as he found himself trapped.

Jeremy's expression remained remarkably calm as he responded, "I have many skills yet to be unveiled. By coming here to challge me, you have sealed your own fate."

Jeremy's words st a wave of terror through Kean, leaving him deeply unsettled.

However, Kean did not believe that he would be utterly defeated by Jeremy in this confrontation, for he possessed a powerful life-saving artifact.

Upon realizing that the suring space was indeed sealed and escape was impossible, Kean decided to take the offsive and rapidly closed the distance towards Jeremy.

"In that case, I'll sd you on your way!" Jeremy declared, interpreting Kean's aggressive maneuver as a desperate final gambit for a decisive showdown. Jeremy readied himself for the ultimate battle.

In the climactic duel, Jeremy swiftly overpowered Kean. Yet, just as he delivered the fatal blow, Kean's body suddly transformed into a paper effigy.

"Did you really think you could defeat me so easily? I have a doppelgänger talisman to bear the brunt of death in my stead. You may have won this , but next time, you will surely fail!"

Kean's voice emanated from the effigy, but Jeremy knew all too well that Kean had already fled.

As Kean's voice echoed, the paper effigy burst into flames, reducing itself to a pile of ashes.

Despite Kean's successful escape using his artifact, his manner of retreat was unmistakably ignominious.

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