End of Days Game: I'm the Only One Who Can See the Hidden Cues

Chapter 108: The Jeweler Who's Both Friend and Foe

Though Jeremy often disdained Heber's subtle maneuvers, he had to concede that Heber, as a merchant, possessed an exceptionally high emotional intelligence.

Upon entering Nocturne City, Jeremy leaned in and whispered to Heber.

"Do you really have to give these guards gems every time you come to Nocturne City?"

Heber nodded reluctantly. "As a traveling merchant, I can't permanently stay in Nocturne City. And given that Nocturne City is such a bustling metropolis, a lot of things are bound to happen.

If I don't offer these guards a few perks, how else would they warn me about potential issues? I'd rather avoid getting into serious trouble."

Heber's explanation was impeccable.

After nodding in agreement, Jeremy inquired, "What's your next move? My plan is straightforward: I aim to swiftly locate merchants who sell energy crystals."

Heber was well aware of Jeremy's urgent need for a substantial quantity of energy crystals.

He also knew that Jeremy was currently in quite a hurry.

However, in Heber's view, transactions within Nocturne City were far from simple.

Finding the necessary resources in Nocturne City would require a significant investment of time and the utilization of certain connections.

"There are indeed many merchants in Nocturne City who sell energy crystals. But how do you intend to conduct transactions with them?" Heber asked.

"Can't I just approach them directly? My storage space is filled with precious gems and rare weapons. I imagine anyone would be eager to get their hands on such treasures." Jeremy replied confidently.

At this, Heber couldn't help but let out a derisive chuckle.

"I don't mean to belittle your idea, I just think you're being incredibly naive."

Jeremy didn't interrupt Heber, he merely listened patiently.

"Do you really believe that possessing precious gems and rare weapons will automatically entice merchants to trade with you? You're far too naive!

In Nocturne City, every merchant has their own network and channels. To seal a deal, you must first earn their trust.

If anyone could easily find willing trading partners in Nocturne City, then everyone would be making fortunes here."

Heber's words suddenly made Jeremy realize a few things.

Even in the real world, similar situations exist.

After all, merchants who manage to establish themselves in Nocturne City are undoubtedly shrewd. They only trade with other merchants they trust, as this is the most secure and reliable way to conduct business.

Having come to terms with Heber's assessment, Jeremy decided it was time to urge Heber to pick up the pace.

"If that's the case, why are you moving so slowly? Didn't you say you could cover our accommodation costs in Nocturne City?"

"This is Nocturne City! For all we know, we might encounter some significant figures along this very street! Rushing recklessly through the main avenue could land us in serious trouble." Heber explained, his tone tinged with frustration.

While Heber had his reservations, Jeremy was not inclined to be as cautious.

"I see there's a hotel just ahead. Why don't we stay there? The location isn't that great, so the rates should be reasonable." Jeremy suggested.

Without further ado, Jeremy instructed the convoy to halt and promptly headed toward the nearest hotel.

Heber felt a twinge of resignation but had to admit that Jeremy's judgment was sound.

Letting out a sigh, Heber remarked, "Indeed, those with great power often act with such youthful exuberance!"

As the convoy came to a stop, everyone followed Jeremy into the hotel.

In the lobby, Jeremy and Heber began organizing room assignments for each member of their group.

It was at this moment that Heber's peripheral vision caught sight of a very familiar figure—one of the gemstone merchants he knew well.

The instant Heber recognized him, he hurried over.

"Mr. Jack, it's been quite a while!" Heber exclaimed, bowing slightly in greeting.

Jack, adorned in opulent attire, displayed a slightly perplexed expression on his face. Two attendants trailing behind him took a few steps forward, intending to shoo Heber away.

"Who might you be? Do I know you?" Jack inquired in an exceedingly gentle tone.

Heber managed to ward off Jack's attendants with some difficulty and then, with a smile, began to speak.

"I once sold you a batch of precious gemstones! I am the very merchant who supplied you with rare gems, Heber!"

Jack scrutinized Heber closely and then, with a smile, responded.

"My memory must be failing me, I had completely forgotten about you. It's been half a year since you last visited Nocturne City. Have you come this time with another batch of rare gems?"

"Mr. Jack, your insight is remarkable! Indeed, I have come to Nocturne City to provide you with an additional supply of precious gems."

At this point, Heber gestured toward Jeremy, beckoning him over.

Jeremy approached Heber at a leisurely pace.

"Mr. Jack, this is my apprentice, his name is Jeremy." Heber introduced Jeremy as his apprentice to Jack.

A hint of hesitation flickered across Jack's face.

As a highly successful gemstone merchant, his instincts told him that Heber might be lying.

This suspicion was further fueled by the subtle unease in Jeremy's expression upon hearing himself referred to as Heber's apprentice.

Nonetheless, Jack had no intention of exposing Heber's lie.

After all, for merchants like them, lying was a common practice. As long as the lie posed no threat to him, was there any need for Jack to call it out?

With a smile, Jack nodded toward Jeremy.

At that moment, Jeremy's expression grew even more astonished, for as he approached Jack, he suddenly received a prompt from The Eye of Omniscience.

[Note: The gemstone merchant can be both an ally and a foe.]

The Eye of Omniscience had never been wrong before.

This implied that the gemstone merchant could potentially assist Jeremy, but under certain circumstances, he could also become an adversary.

The subtle change in Jeremy's expression did not escape Jack's notice, and even Heber sensed that something was amiss with Jeremy's demeanor.

"My apprentice here is a bit overly nervous." Heber remarked, attempting to explain away Jeremy's discomfort. "After all, it's his first time in Nocturne City. He has never seen such a bustling metropolis or met a distinguished personage like yourself."

Jack nodded with a smile, accepting Heber's explanation.

Though he couldn't quite pinpoint what kind of person Jeremy was, he was fairly certain that Jeremy wasn't of significant stature. After all, how could someone of great importance be trailing behind a mere traveling merchant like Heber?

"Though my apprentice may appear quite unremarkable, he has discovered some extraordinarily precious gemstones during our travels. He is willing to sell these gems to you but hopes to receive energy crystals as compensation."

Heber stated, laying his cards on the table.

By this time, Jeremy had regained his composure. He nodded emphatically and retrieved a rare gemstone from his pocket.

As a seasoned gemstone merchant, Jack recognized the high quality of the gem the moment he laid eyes on it.

"May I examine this gemstone more closely?"

Jack asked, refraining from directly reaching out. He chose to seek Jeremy's permission first.

Jeremy nodded and placed the gemstone in Jack's hand.

Jack scrutinized the gem intently, turning it over several times before handing it back.

"The quality of this gemstone is indeed exceptional. I am prepared to purchase it at a very high price. However, I have one question: Why do you insist on being paid in energy crystals?" Jack inquired.

At this point, Heber adopted an expression of deep compassion.

"You see, my apprentice's homeland is under threat from the Shadow Dragon. Only energy crystals can provide the powerful magical shields needed to fend off the dragon's attacks.

Previous assaults by the Shadow Dragon have already wreaked havoc on his village. He has accompanied me here to ensure his homeland will not suffer the same fate again."

Heber spun this tale of woe almost without hesitation.

Even Jeremy, standing beside him, was slightly taken aback.

Had he not known the truth, he might have been swayed by Heber's convincing performance.

Jack's expression remained smiling, inscrutable as ever.

Jeremy couldn't discern whether Jack believed Heber's fabricated story. However, Jack's subsequent reaction was precisely what Jeremy had hoped for.

"You are incredibly brave. If it were me in your shoes, I doubt I could have done the same."

Jack remarked with genuine admiration. With that statement, he decisively agreed to the transaction with Jeremy and Heber.

"I can indeed compensate you with energy crystals for the precious gemstones you provide. However, my current supply of energy crystals is somewhat limited, so I will need some time to procure a sufficient quantity." Jack explained.

Jack's response brought immense relief and joy to Jeremy.

He nodded enthusiastically and smiled, "No problem at all. Let's finalize the deal!"

Although Jack maintained his smile, he did not immediately acknowledge Jeremy.

It was then that Jeremy realized his current role was merely that of Heber's apprentice. The finalization of the transaction rested solely with Heber.

Feeling a bit awkward, Heber quickly interjected, "My apprentice is overly eager, but this eagerness only underscores his genuine desire to complete this transaction with you."

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