Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 351 Unknown Problems


CHAPTER 351 – Unknown Problems

Seated in a conference room, ten men of different ages all conversed about the issue they needed to deal with.

"So far how do we take the billing proposal project from Liu Corporation?" One of the men seated spoke up, earning the attention of everyone.

"We know that with how they have risen these past few years and with Liu Xueyi's approach to handling things, it would spell a big loss to our companies. How do we ensure we drop them?"

For the next few minutes, they all kept quiet while stealing side glances at one another as they sought out a way to move their companies that would benefit all.

"Steal and the bidding plan and ruin him?" Another man asked suggestively.

"I mean, when he does not have money for the project, he would result in taking several loans which we can use against him in the state's committee board and have them withdraw this project."

"Mr Mu, I love your idea, however, I do not see what stealing the business plan has to do with this whole matter. I am sure they would have copies of such."

"It has not yet been implemented, Mr. Xiao. I am sure even if they do have a backup, it can be crashed."

"I know you feel this way, but I suggest if we are to take them down and have this project to ourselves for a corporation, then we should do something more drastic. Even if we plan on ruining them, how?"

"Thank you for your thoughts, Chairman Gu, but I think I know a better way," another one of the ten spoke.

Immediately all of their eyes widened as hope flashed before their eyes.

"They rule more in the entertainment industry amongst their other businesses. And we all know, in every entertainment industry, there are bound to be scandals. How about we crumple their stronghold and make them beg."

"I support Chairman Gu," one of the men said, raising his hand.

"I concur."

"I like the idea."

"Then we can touch his family too and make him lose face. Also, it would deter his thoughts from the bidding project due to the mess happening and then we can strike hard and fast," the first man voiced.

"Yes," they chorused as their once gloomy expression was replaced with smiles on their faces.

All but one man did not say anything and listened on. No matter what they planned, he believed it would not work out.

That was how strong and good the Liu Corporation was under the leadership of Chairman Liu Jinchen and his son CEO Liu Xueyi.


Even as the days went by, Andromeda went out more, taking pictures and getting inspired by nature.

Before long it was already time for Halloween.

To her surprise, Liu Corporation's Starlight Apparel organized a Halloween fashion show a day to the main Halloween day.

Thanks to that, she got her hands even busier than before and when it finally came, it was the talk of the city.

Heads were sworn, eyes dancing with utmost joy as they got to feed their eyes with Andromeda's classific clothing lines.

Bringing the signature of her inner beast nature to light, she made the best costumes to be used and showcased.

By the time the fashion show ended, Liu Xueyi took her to his place where they were to spend the night before their travel to Star City for the main event.

More than anything, having her by his side, he wished to spend more time making love to her than just holding her in his arms but recalling his promise, he once more restrained himself.

Unknown to Liu Xueyi with the way he had been acting recently, Andromeda took note of everything.

As much as she could not guess what exactly what wrong with him, she knew he was avoiding her.

He rarely visited her office as much as he did before, nor did he call her to his.

When she visited of her own will, he was reportedly busy, except on a few occasions he met and saw her.

Even then, he would be in a meeting with Xu Fang or any other person.

In the end, she felt ignored, and abandoned, thus she remained to herself.

Now, however, they were home alone, with no disturbance, still, he picked up a newspaper and got himself immersed in it.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, one of the many she had released that evening since their return home, Andromeda rose from the couch and went inside her bedroom.

Speaking of which, he let her put her things in her room without saying anything about sleeping together in bed.

At this point, she knew he may be angry with her but did not say it.

Staring at her reflection in the mirror her brows snapped together as her lips tugged downward.

"I did not know what I did wrong, but I wonder if he would still ignore me after this."

She lowered her gaze to the table in front of the mirror and the beautiful lingerie set she picked out for him.

"Since he wants to ignore him, I would play the bad girl role and tempt him till he has no choice but to speak to me. Hmph! Do not blame me, Xueyi, you made me."

On the other hand, as soon as Andromeda left the living room, Liu Xueyi exhaled sharply. One thing she did not was his attempt to keep his word while he suffered inside.

Ever since that dream, he found it hard to stop thinking about her and the danger that may arise.

However, what he did not take into consideration is that with his thoughts of her, his longing would get the best of him. And each time he saw her, he was tempted to ravish her.

Closing the newspaper, Liu Xueyi tilted his head against the chair headrest while thrashing his thoughts about Andromeda.

A couple of minutes later, he felt a presence close by.

Accompanying her sudden appearance was the sweet perfume she adorned when she wanted to be mischievous.

Without doubting it, Liu Xueyi opened his eyes and sent his gaze in her direction. However, what he saw was something his eyes were not prepared to see.

Standing with her arms shyly crossed over her half-exposed body, Andromeda sent him a shy and sexy look before masking it with a mischievous smirk.


"It's the sexy wicked witch to you, hon. You've been naughty. Time for your trick, don't you think?"

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