Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 400 - 399 - Attack On Abyss(Part 11)

Chapter 400 - 399 - Attack On Abyss(Part 11)

Point-of-View: Sylvar Miirphys


"Hey, not to be that guy, but I'm pretty sure you had an opening to use that beam back there," I remarked, as we waited for Sant to restore himself.

"Actually, it takes a fraction of a second to manifest the horn, that opening wasn't big enough, especially since the beam is most effective at a mid to close range, the effects are weakened if fired from a distance," Explained Kuro, though it kinda sounded like an excuse.

It seemed more like he wants to make Sant suffer a bit before actually taking this seriously...if Kuro really wanted to crush him with no mercy, he wouldn't need our help at all, he could just overwhelm him with Clone Magic and the dozens of other tricks he's got up his sleeve.

"He is taking a long time to restore himself," Frowned Bell uneasily.

"Then let's make use of that...you two, take this time to make up or whatever, your awkwardness could be costly," Kuro remarked bluntly, before swiftly stepped back, grabbing our elbows and pulling us closer together, our shoulders bumping onto each other, right as Sant restored himself, "Just ignore him, I'll keep him busy for a bit."

Before either of us could respond, Kuro rapidly shot towards Sant at top speed, firing out Obliteration Magic blasts, which Sant blocked with his Defense Magic. Kuro responded by blasting out an intense, continuous stream of flames crackling with lightning...and I think he was swirling it with wind to further enhance it too.

Okay, uh...so, should I say something here? Bell was fidgeting nervously, averting her gaze as our eyes met...yeah, this is really awkward. Can't blame Kuro for trying to get us to make up or whatever. Easier said than done though, I have absolutely no idea what to say here!

"S-so, uh...you're looking well," I blurted out.

Ugh, talk about a vague opener.

"O-oh, is that so? And you are...also looking well," She replied, just as awkwardly.

Huh, kind of a relief to see that she's feeling all awkward too, glad it's not just me.

"Come on, that's a lie, I know that I look like crap," I responded in a joking tone...okay, not gonna lie, that felt very forced.

"I...I am sorry. It is my fault, not only did I not stand up for you as I wanted to, but I nearly killed you...," She trailed off with a miserable look on her face.

Aaand the mood just got even worse, great. Come on, think, how do I change things around here? Kuro was right about one thing, that if, during the fight, we're not fully cooperating with each other because of this awkwardness, it could be fatal.

Crap...I just got an idea, but it's a super risky one. Also, if it doesn't work, I'll be so mortified that I'd probably straight up kill myself in horror. Ahh, fuck it, I'm going for it...!

"Hey, Bell..."

"Hm? What is it-...mmfph!" She began, before I pulled her close and kissed her.

"I really missed you," I muttered as we slowly pulled away after a few seconds, averting my gaze as I felt my face heating up, "I know there's a lot we both want to say to each other, but for right now, I think I'll just focus on how happy I am to see you again. As for the rest, well...let's take our time talking about it all, after this battle is over."

Was that too cheesy? As a former literature teacher, it felt really cheesy. But, fortunately, based on her expression, it looked like it was good enough.

"Okay...and I am happy to see you again as well, I...I missed you a lot," She responded bashfully, making my heart skip a beat, right as a loud crash burst out a couple dozen meters ahead of us.

First off, that was cute as hell...and second off, what caused that crash?

As the dust cleared, I got the answer to that question...Sant's mangled body. Wow, it looked like all his bones were severely broken, most of them poking out of his body, with his head twisted all the way around.

"You know, of all the enemies I've fought in this world, he may be one of the most powerful, but he's easily the most incompetent. Oh, and as for my beam, I can hit him with it anytime I want, so if you guys want to take out any pent-up anger towards him before that, now's your chance," Remarked Kuro, swooping down and landing with a sigh.

"You damned, lowly mortals! How dare you!?" Exclaimed Sant, as he restored himself again.

"At this point, I've lost count of how many times you've said 'how dare you', don't you know that the more frequently you use a phrase, the less impact it has? At this point, it's just getting annoying and repetitive," Scoffed Kuro, clearly trying to taunt him.

"You have no right to speak to me in such a manner, you insignificant creature! I...I was personally created by Lord Samsara, and there is no being besides him is superior to me!" He screeched furiously.

Yeah, you know what...I think I do have a fair bit of pent-up anger and frustration to take out on this bastard. I swiftly flew up and swooped down towards him rapidly, swinging my spear down at him as he activated his Defense Magic in alarm...before his eyes widened in shock as my spear slashed through his barrier with ease.

Wow, so even the most powerful defensive spells in this world aren't good enough to stop these literal otherworldly weapons. Good to know. As he sprang back in alarm, I flung my spear straight at him like a javelin, piercing through the middle of his chest before he could react.

As I held out my hand and the spear flew back towards me, Bell suddenly slipped behind him and drove two of her hidden daggers into his back, eliciting a startled yelp as she channeled an immense amount of lightning into his body, frying it from the inside and within seconds, turning it to ash.

"You ungrateful reprobates!" Snapped Sant as he restored himself and flew up, "After all that I did for you, you betray me so easily!? Have you no shame, you-!?"

"Are you fucking kidding me!? You tried to have me killed non-stop for months, for something that I didn't even do!" I exclaimed indignantly.

"How many of my friends and comrades did you send to their deaths!? In the past year-...no, actually, it's been even less than a year...-more of us have died than in the prior five hundred years combined!" Added Bell furiously.

"And what of it!? You simple creatures were created to be ruled over by me, you are at my disposal, it is not your place to defy that natural order!" He argued in rage, as he shot towards me, charging up an Obliteration Magic blast.

"Oh, that's rich, coming from you...news flash, there's nothing natural about your existence!" I countered, as I slashed his blast in half and then swiftly decapitated him.

"Do not be absurd, simply because you cannot comprehend a superior being-!" He began, before a hole burst through his chest as Bell fired out a powerful lightning blast.

Wow, Kuro was right...Sant may be powerful, but he's just so damn incompetent that he's barely even a real threat.

"How did we allow ourselves to submit to such a pathetic being?" Frowned Bell in disgust.

"Why...why is this happening!? I do not understand, this should not be possible! I...I was created by Lord Samsara, this is inconceivable! This cannot be happening, I was created BY LORD SAMSARA, how dare you-...!?" He screamed hysterically, his voice getting more and more shrill by the second, before he abruptly trailed off as something blasted him from behind, a colorful flash erupting as it struck him.

"You should thank me for that...I mean, all you were doing was embarrassing yourself at that point, talk about pitiful," Scoffed Kuro, as he approached Sant from behind.

"N-no, this is-...!" Sant trailed off in horrified dismay, as he began writhing on the ground in agony.

This is it, he finally hit him with the rainbow beam! Now to play my part, I just need to stay sharp...and, now! As I got my cue, I immediately flung my spear forward with all my strength...and killing the reindeer that had just been summoned.

Just as Kuro said, once he hit Sant with that attack of his, Sant's only move would be to summon his reindeer, since that doesn't involve the use of magic. My main role was to take out the reindeer as soon as it appeared. Can't let down my guard just yet, though, he's got another one, so-.

"Relax, that was the last one. The other one died a little while ago," Explained Kuro, before his claws suddenly extended and he plunged them into Sant's neck from behind, "It's over, Sant A.C. Laus...time to die."


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