Dungeons and Dalliances

4.48 – Challenge Complete

4.48 – Challenge Complete

Natalie lay in a sweaty mess, panting, reeling, and shaking. Ana gasped to her side, equally out of breath, her hand resting against her forehead, red hair damp and sticking to her skin.

Six times. Ana had coaxed out six mind-blowing orgasms from her, and now, just in time, they were done. Which was good. Because Natalie couldn't take any more. She was spent, a used, sweat-soaked mess, her thighs sticky with her own juices.

It was a haze. She remembered the white-hot pleasure, and her own mindless need, but it had all melted into a sludge. She could barely remember what she'd said and done, beyond her pathetic begging, and the overwhelming need for Ana to finish inside. To be bred.

The reality of that was starting to crash down. Both the words given in her moments of pleasure, but also the real reality. Pregnancy. Would the potion work? Natalie had drank a dose, of course, earlier, but with them having swapped bodies, who knew how the potion would interact? And if something did happen, was it Ana's body that had been impregnated? It was her body that had a womb full of cum, not Natalie's.

What a mess.

"We did it," Ana groaned. "Look." She gestured limply to the side, where the six faded gemstones had turned bright pink. Filled with orgasmic energy—or however the hell this challenge worked. Natalie's tattoo glowed softly, a similar color. Fading as time passed. It had been brightest when she'd been cumming.

"It better have been worth it," Natalie panted back.

Yeah. Right. As if she hadn't been thrusting herself up and down because she had needed to filled, and rather, they'd simply been finishing the challenge. After the eagerness she'd begged Ana to degrade her with, she really ought not to be clinging to that excuse anymore. Then again, maybe it was because of that submission that Natalie needed to reclaim what shreds of dignity she could.

Ana groaned, then pushed herself into a sitting position. Natalie envied her resolve. She tried to do the same, then fell back into the bed, head spinning. She was as exhausted as back during that first session with Jordan—except receiving that monster took a lot more than giving it. Again, she had a newfound respect for Jordan. She was one tough girl.

Ana held a hand out, and she helped tug Natalie so she was sitting cross-legged. Slowly, her physical faculties returned.

The two of them shared a look.

Ana leaned forward and kissed Natalie's cheek. "You did great," she murmured. "You were amazing. But did I go too far?"

Of anything Ana could have done or said at that moment, nothing would have mortified Natalie more. She might have blushed less furiously if Ana had deliberately kept degrading her, even after the moment had passed.

Natalie hastily climbed off the bed, face scarlet. Ana watched her, her look of concern only deepening Natalie's—Natalie's what? Her mortification? Whatever the squirming mess of emotions inside her was. She had said some things, and been spoken to, in a way that she hadn't fully come to terms with. Had Ana gone too far? Natalie had hardly asked her to stop—and the words had been very effective. And Natalie herself liked to get a little rude during the act, even carried away at times, so she didn't blame Ana for that, either.

But 'fertile breeding cow'? That was … a lot. To be called. Especially when Natalie preferred being in control.

"I'm good," Natalie said, preempting Ana's next words. "I promise." Whatever was going on with her, it was firmly her own issue—something she needed to think about. "We should, uh, get cleaned up, right?"

Ana gave her a doubtful look, but decided not to press. She stood, and at the mess of cum and sticky juices covering her lap, thighs, and cock, Natalie glanced away. It was a bit of a comically bashful reaction, considering what they'd just done.

Since when was Natalie such a disaster around girls? It wasn't fair how Ana could do this to her. Cluelessness, shamelessness, and the persistent embarrassment of a bodyswap—that was what it took, apparently.

Natalie forcefully—if wobbly-legged—strode over to their belongings, then pulled out two vials of cleaning liquid. She tossed one to Ana, and the two of them popped their respective containers open. A quick freshening-up later, the filth of their encounter was mostly scrubbed away. The bedsheets, though, were ruined: a dark stain surrounded the entire center, their copious sweat, juices, and cum drenching it. Even by her standards, the stark imprint of their wild session was enough to make her face turn red.

"I need to apologize," Ana started—but Natalie cut her off.

"No, seriously. Don't."

Ana paused. "Not for calling you a fertile breeding cow," she said smoothly, some amusement in her voice. "For something else."


"Finishing inside."

"I didn't say no to that, either," Natalie mumbled. They were really having this discussion? "And maybe you should have thought about that during? It's a bit late."

"I did think of it in the moment," Ana said. "But your pussy felt too good. It compromised my judgment."

How could she say things like that with a straight face?

"Specifically, I mean that we need to end this challenge early," Ana continued. "I got carried away and disregarded the consequences, and so I apologize for that. But we can't actually risk pregnancy, low as the odds are."


That was what she meant?

And it was a valid concern. Or, somewhat of one. The potion was probably still active. But who knew?

End the challenge early, though? Even if not for the concern Ana had brought up, Natalie wasn't all that against the idea.

"That's fine with me," Natalie said. "I'm worried about the next combat, anyway. I'm feeling a bit … wobbly-legged, and the second fight was closer than I'd like. So maybe it's for the best if we call it."

She was also worried about the next sex challenge, too. The dungeon was offering progressively more difficult rooms, and if it had gone from blowjob to six-orgasm fuck marathon, Natalie was a bit terrified to see what the third would be—if there was indeed a third.

And, truthfully, her head was a bit jumbled. She didn't think going farther with Ana—if there even was 'going farther' compared to what they'd done—was smart. They were already going way too fast, even if they were aiming for a casual relationship.

And Natalie didn't know what the two of them were. Was it a casual relationship? Teammates with benefits? The two of them were still a huge question mark. They hardly knew each other. That was, again, one of the reasons Natalie had been so out-of-sorts.

So, in short, Natalie was more than okay with leaving, even if not for the pregnancy issue.

"So," Ana said. "Raid the three reward rooms as fast as we can, then leave? I'm not sure if there's a grace period on the potion, but it's better we get to it as soon as possible."

"It's probably not an issue," Natalie said. "I took it, and I doubt swapping bodies cleared potion effects from both of us. At worst, it swapped the potion. So one of us has it active, whether it's you or me, which means we're both safe." Never mind how willingly she'd believed otherwise while begging for Ana to fill her up. And, to be fair, she wasn't completely certain it worked like that. It was the dungeon. Anything could happen. Maybe it had revoked the effect entirely. "But better safe than sorry," she amended. "So that sounds like a plan."

Ana nodded. "This whole thing was a lot of work," she said musingly. "I almost thought we wouldn't make it. There were only seconds left before we got you to your sixth. Something that took that much effort, I'm expecting our best reward yet."

"I don't even want to guess." This had been the most intense challenge they'd gotten, including Liz's ride, so did that mean they'd get something even more insane than usual? The odds seemed high, but Natalie's heart couldn't take much more. The last item had been a spellcasting mana-boosting buttplug. What was 'up' from there?

But they didn't have any time to dawdle. Natalie—Ana's body—had four hot loads stuffed inside her womb, and they ought to solve that as quickly as possible. Even if it likely didn't need solving.

So, scooping up her items, Natalie set off for the first of the loot doors.

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