Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 21: Volcanic Dragon Core Divine Scripture

Lucas sat in his room, the tension in the air almost palpable as he waited for the system's response. His mind raced with possibilities, and his curiosity was overwhelming. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore.

"So, what kind of divine scripture did you make?" Lucas asked, his voice tinged with eagerness and a hint of anxiety. His eyes narrowed slightly as he leaned forward, fully focused on the answer.

[The divine scripture I crafted is none other than the Volcanic Dragon Core Divine Scripture,] the system replied, its tone carrying a subtle hint of pride, as if it expected Lucas to be impressed.

For a moment, Lucas stared at the air, processing the name. "Wait a minute, did you just say Volcanic Dragon Core Divine Scripture?" His voice was laced with surprise, his brows furrowing in confusion. He sat back slightly, trying to reconcile the unexpected name with what he knew.

[Obviously, that's what I said,] the system retorted, the words sharp and slightly biting, as if Lucas's surprise was an affront to its capabilities.

Lucas blinked, momentarily taken aback by the system's tone. "But why did you choose this?" he pressed, his voice growing firmer. "

From what I know, Lucy has the Volcanic Titan's Molten Lava Core Physique. Shouldn't her divine scripture be something like the Molten Lava Core Divine Scripture?" His tone was insistent, his confusion deepening as he tried to understand the system's reasoning.

There was a brief pause, as if the system was taking a moment to gather its thoughts—or perhaps its patience. Then, it responded, its tone dripping with condescension. [Oh, how delightfully naive you are,] the system remarked, the words almost oozing with mockery.

Lucas felt a flash of anger at the system's tone, his hands clenching into fists. "What do you mean by that?" he snapped, his voice rising with frustration. He couldn't help but feel like the system was toying with him, and it infuriated him.

The system, however, took its time, as if savoring the moment. When it finally spoke, its tone was dripping with mockery. [Let me break it down for you, my tragically dense host,] it began, the words slow and deliberately patronizing.

Lucas gritted his teeth, barely containing his anger. The system's voice was like nails on a chalkboard, each word grating against his patience.

[Yes, there is a Molten Lava Core Divine Scripture,] the system continued, [but that's just the basics. It was created by the Volcanic Titan King to help his less fortunate kin cultivate something they weren't naturally blessed with.]

Lucas frowned, trying to keep his thoughts straight. "So, it's not good enough for Lucy because she already has that physique?" he asked, though the system's tone made him feel as though he was missing something obvious.

[Exactly,] the system replied, as if addressing a particularly slow student. [You see, a divine scripture is essentially a guide to cultivate power where none existed before.] The system's voice took on a lecturing tone, almost as if it were explaining a simple concept to a child.

Lucas narrowed his eyes, feeling more and more like he was being talked down to. "So, if I gave Lucy the Molten Lava Core Divine Scripture, it wouldn't do much for her," he summarized, trying to keep his voice steady despite his irritation.

[Precisely,] the system confirmed. [It would do little more than slightly enhance what she already possesses. It would be like giving a king a manual on how to be a slightly better king.]

Lucas's mind began to clear, understanding dawning on him. "But with the Volcanic Dragon Core Divine Scripture…"

[Now you're catching on,] the system interrupted, its tone finally showing a hint of approval. [With the Volcanic Dragon Core Divine Scripture, you're not just enhancing; you're elevating. It's like giving that same king a manual on how to be a master fighter.]

Lucas paused, considering the system's words. The initial anger began to ebb away, replaced by a growing realization. "So, you're saying this scripture will not only strengthen her existing abilities but will also grant her new ones?"

[Exactly,] the system replied, its tone softening as if pleased that Lucas was finally understanding. [By combining the innate power of the Volcanic Titan with the elemental and magical prowess of a dragon, Lucy will gain a balance of physical strength and magical power that far exceeds what the Molten Lava Core Divine Scripture could offer.]

Lucas nodded slowly, his mind racing as he envisioned the potential. The system's logic was starting to make sense. "So, this fusion will make her formidable in both physical might and magical prowess—a true force to be reckoned with."

[Precisely,] the system agreed, its tone now filled with satisfaction. [This combination is something truly worthy of admiration, unlike the average efforts you've been dealing with so far.] The system seemed to revel in its own genius, as if proud of the solution it had crafted.

Lucas couldn't help but feel a bit humbled by the system's explanation. He had been so focused on the problem that he hadn't seen the broader possibilities. But now, with the system's guidance, he could see how this could be a game-changer for Lucy.

He looked down at his hands, contemplating the weight of the decision before him. "I see… If that's the case, then let's go with this one. Let's create the divine mask," Lucas finally said, his voice filled with resolve. He could feel the importance of this moment, knowing it could shape his sister's future.

[Finally, a wise decision,] the system responded, its tone dripping with self-satisfaction. [Let's commence the creation process,] it added, almost as if it had been waiting for this moment of agreement all along.

As Lucas sat there, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions—excitement, anticipation, and a lingering sense of awe at what lay ahead. He had just taken the first step in securing a powerful future for his sister, and he was ready to see it through.

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