Demon Lord: Erotic Adventure in Another World

Chapter 81: Delinquent vs Princess

Ryuji's hand trembled as the carriage rocked along the dirt road. His mind filled with irritation from Alan's betrayal! Though he didn't actually feel that mad. The thought of facing off with that witch of a princess made him feel uncertain.

"Yumiko, can you go with Erika to the mansion?" He asked with a soft voice, the fox in question currently sleeping peacefully on his lap after their copulation a few moments earlier.

Erika wasn't any different. Her face looked relaxed as she leaned against the glass window. A smile covered her face while she sat with her legs in an unsightly position.

"Mm... I will."

Yumiko's soft voice only sounded for a moment before she started snoring. Ryuji's gentle stroking seemed to make her feel at peace.


Ryuji took advantage of the current state—he knew if normal, she might ask where he was going. Instead, because he exhausted her, she didn't care and only wanted to sleep and eat. So he took a moment to recover, the claw marks on his flesh slowly healing.


The carriage dropped off the two women, and two maids from the mansion came outside to help carry them inside, obviously hearing from Alan about Ryuji's next task.

'Neither of them are awake. Will they make a fuss later when I'm not there?'

He leaned back against the soft red cushion and lifted his legs on the other seat like a scumbag on a bus.

"Well, there's no point worrying now. I have to deal with the witch and her icy guard."

Ryuji closed his eyes. The carriage doors locked with a clack as the horses began to clatter on the ground. They came to a peaceful trot before the snap of the whip gradually increased their speed until they pulled it with a brisk canter.

'I wonder if there's more to it than she said...'

He didn't like the thought of the princess practising magic on the forest creatures. Ryuji, although seeming like a rough and violent man. He loved small animals like squirrels, rabbits and foxes, which made him want to ask if there were rabbit girls in the beastman kingdom...

'Would Yumiko cut off my balls, though?'

Along the journey to the castle, his eyes watched the beautiful flora and trees planted by the castle's gardeners. Seeing dozens of knights patrolling, his thoughts remained on the various beast girls from the beast kingdoms.

'I wonder if Yumiko is changing my taste in women?'

Ryuji began to enjoy pulling and teasing her tail, causing their moments of intense bonding. Not to mention the way her tail and ears gave away her emotions and feelings, it felt easier dealing with her than with a normal human woman who seemed like a mystery full of secrets.

However, before he could delve into this thought anymore, the sound of his carriage slowing to a stop vibrated in his ears, and the vision of the small garden leading to the familiar castle made his throat dry all of a sudden.

"Well, time to face the reaper... It's not like I said anything bad."

He climbed from the carriage and saw the icy face of Kathryn waiting for him with her arms folded. The aura of absolute rejection and hatred.

"Chosen, come this way. The Princess is waiting for you." Kathryn's voice felt nice on the ears, her sharp and heroic tone with the pang of a noble beauty coming through.

'So her hair is silver...'

The first time they met, Kathryn wore a veil and helmet. Whether the orders of the princess or not Ryuji didn't know. However, he felt her beauty could match the princess—with soft cheeks and a well-shaped jaw and felt exotic like those Western models from Scandinavian countries in his former world.

'Like a princess herself.' He thought, her eyes a dark green shade that gazed at him with a hint of confusion.

"What are you waiting for, Chosen?"

"Sorry, you looked so beautiful without the veil I was stunned." Ryuji just answered honestly, but the knight scoffed, turning her head away with a humph.

However, her cheeks were lightly painted pink something Ryuji noticed with a smile.

'She's not as cold as she seems!'

Since he couldn't escape, Ryuji followed her with a smart posture. The elegance and way of walking or standing now seemed second nature to him.

Thanks to his mother's strict training growing up, he always walked with a good posture, but Alan improved that with the noble and royal etiquette, he drilled into Ryuji before leaving for the dungeon.

"What a beautiful garden!" Ryuji couldn't help but mutter because he saw familiar flowers. It was his mother's favourite sakura tree, but unlike the natural ones in his homeland, the ones his mother planted had purple leaves and a far sweeter scent.

'Dad always said he loved my mother, who resembled the Murasaki sakura tree.'

Ryuji shook his head and noticed that they came to a small table filled with various snacks. However, all the animal-type cookies were crushed into bits or missing their heads.

Then he saw the princess, with sapphire eyes similar to his mother's, blood-like crimson hair, and a lovely black dress.

'She really is a beautiful little sexy witch...'

Of all the women Ryuji met, this princess gave him the most strange feelings.

Her atmosphere and looks were so similar to his mother that he couldn't help but listen to her, but aside from that, her alluring body, with her oversized breasts and thighs with a short height, made his lust soar.

"You took your time, Blood Tyrant." Her lips curled into a cheeky yet fearsome smile as her small black boots kicked out the opposite chair. "Sit."

"I didn't realise we had a date planned, Princess. Otherwise, I might have brought you a gift." Ryuji teased, knowing she would have destroyed any gift he got for her.

"What's this? The Tyrant of Blood isn't afraid of me—how amusing." Her sapphire eyes looked at him with a curious expression before she glanced at his chest.

"Afraid of such a beautiful woman? Only a fool would..." Ryuji stopped talking when he felt a sudden chill in his body as she stared into his eyes, not missing the sparkle of magic on her palm.

"Is that right?" Her smirk was the last thing he saw before feeling the edge of Kathryn's sword. "Do not sully the princess with your lustful gaze!"

Ryuji didn't panic.

Instead, his hand had already deflected the sword of Kathryn and his other, ready to grab the princess's leg that tried to kick his shin.

'Magic attacks are going to be difficult.' Ryuji knew if she threw magic at him, it would hurt like hell.

However, the princess seemed shocked as his hand stroked her calf. The soft meat of a spoilt princess was squishy and warm, causing his blood to boil.

"A dog's hands are dirty." The princess pulled her leg back, but she didn't seem scared. Instead, the angry gaze of Kathryn and the sparkle in her sapphire eyes caused him to feel danger. "Since you've defiled my leg, you will have no veto! We are going to the eastern forest, and you will help me develop my magic!"


It was a trap.

The princess used her body to trap him!

"Reward?" The princess' delicate brows rose high on her forehead before she smirked. "How about a kiss on the cheek?"

"A kiss?" Ryuji's brow quirked up at her suggestion. "What if I want a real kiss on the lips?"

He purposely looked at her slightly plump and tender lips, causing Kathryn to hiss like a cat fighting in an alleyway while the princess' cheeks flushed red.

"Hmph, don't get cocky, Tyrant. I will consider it depending on how much you help me in the forest."

"Ha-ha-ha! Alright then, Princess." He leaned back and motioned his hands for them to go.

"That's Good. Kathryn will accompany us. I can watch your every movement and strike you down if you do something dirty."

"If you don't want me to do something dirty, don't be so alluring." Ryuji shrugged as he left his seat. The witch seemed to plan something, but Ryuji wouldn't throw away the chance to kiss a princess.

There was a single question on his mind throughout the entire conversation.

'Where is Alan?'

"My uncle won't be joining us." Liana's answer seemed to read his mind while the witch stood from her seat; with absurdly long hair and a height barely reaching Ryuji's abdomen, she stepped forward with the aura of a queen with Kathryn in tow.

"No Alan? Does he dislike the forest?" Ryuji couldn't help but ask because if Alan disliked forests, it would mean that the Witch's Forest wasn't related to him.

"Kathryn." Liana glanced at her bodyguard before they both scoffed at his words. "As if any noble is afraid of the forest, Blood Tyrant. My uncle has his tasks, and my mother is holding a tea party. He seemed overjoyed to help her, fufu."

"Oh?" Ryuji scratched his head and nodded his head in understanding.

'Alan, you probably hate her mother, or she makes you feel uncomfortable, right? This witch is definitely not a good thing and needs a good spanking to make her see the light!'

"What are you waiting for, Tyrant? Do you want to chase after the carriage?" The princess called out to him from inside the carriage; with Kathryn sitting in the front—Ryuji rushed along the garden path and jumped into the expensive-looking silver carriage. "O-Oi... you sit on the front, not..."

"Shhh!" Ryuji placed his large finger on her lips and closed the door, the inside of the carriage filled with red cushions and pink teddy bears, along with snacks and other things for Liana.

A distorted voice sounded as the two stared at each other.

-Princess, is there any issue? Should I come and help?

Ryuji sat beside the princess, his arm around her shoulder as her eyes sharpened and scowled at him, yet Ryuji just smiled; the demon in him made him fear nothing, neither a huge lich nor this sexy little princess.

"The princess doesn't want me sitting in the front, Kathryn. So I'm going to protect her and make sure no bad men look at her, haha."


"I-I am fine, Kathryn... you, start the journey."

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