Debut or Die

Chapter 555

If you can’t debut, you’ll get a fatal disease Episode 555

“As expected. That’s how it went.”

I looked at Ju Dan, who nodded seriously.

This is this guy’s studio, and as soon as I got home, I explained to him what had happened so far.

“I never thought I would build such a strange collaboration system with senior Cheongryo… .”

And while this guy pretends to be quite calm, he’s actually very immersed. He forgot to drink the drink he had brought with him and listened with excitement.

“But I can understand Senior Cheongryeo’s position. An informant who can send and receive information without leaving any records. Theoretically, security is perfect, right?”

“… … .”

“Of course, the willingness to offer an officetel must also mean to test it. It’s cooperative for a while, but I think it’s important to keep a good line without being servile.”

Why do you think you analyze harder than me?

I stared blankly at the guy who was relaying my situation almost like a football match, then laughed.

“okay. No stupid choices.”

And he held out his hand.

“Thank you for providing me with a place to sleep. I’m going to pack it up and go out today.”

“You are really fast. All right.”

As expected of a guy who likes to be alone, he nodded his head coldly.

Yes, I’ve been robbing some of my child’s property without conscience.

But just as I thought so, he shook my hand and added a little awkwardly.

“Even if you don’t have a place to stay, we can help. If there is no reason to contact me, there is nothing I can do.”

That’s great. He is a consistent guy to the end.

“What are you talking about.”

I deliberately replied as if I was puzzled.

“You are involved. Isn’t it natural for officials to come to the hideout?”

“… !”

“Come when the time is right when I call.”

“I see.”

Pretend not to be excited.

Even if I don’t have a job, I have money, so I’ll call him from time to time and feed him.

‘Well, it won’t be long.’

I was still well connected to the center of the system attached to Cheongryeo here and was analyzing the strange terminal.

The reason I don’t do it violently and quickly like before is because I’m trying to proceed as stably as possible.

‘There is no answer if I get encroached into the system again.’

It is more stable because I have gained time thanks to the information transaction with Cheongryeo. furthermore… .

[The late-night maestro wishes you peace of mind.]

I don’t know what you’re doing. Thanks to these guys, my physical condition has improved quite a bit.

‘Let’s not fret.’

Instead of needlessly installing it like a character in a disaster movie, you just have to solve it step by step.

Added to this, it’s roughly… I know how to communicate in a weird chat style.

‘It’s real-time, but it’s a bit out of sync, and the expression is subtle, so it needs some interpretation.’

In that sense… .

[The silent list shooter asks you to be patient.]

This obviously means to wait a bit.

Considering that these guys did crazy things to fly me from the US to Seoul… Maybe he found a way to call me real.

‘It’s gotten pretty good.’

Compared to the days when you were penniless, dragging your body like dog trash, and frying donuts illegally, isn’t it quite worth living?

‘There is no law telling me to die.’

I finished preparing to move by packing a few sets of clothes that were nothing to do with a smile.

Even after seeing off, Joo Dan hit another bombardment of questions.

“It’s important to know what kind of performance you show in which film, but how do you evaluate your own acting skills? I understand if you have been active as an actor in the future as well.”

“… … .”

Well, most of the members who are actors are acting instead of me.

[A genius actor who concentrates is watching you.]

Thank you.

“I don’t think there is anything to worry about about acting, and the film has already been decided.”


I’ve already heard this from Cheong Ryeo.

– A good movie is coming out, so I do it.

“A minor supporting role in a holiday movie LeTi has invested in.”

Originally, since the person who was supposed to play this role later broke out in a sexual scandal, it seemed that he was going to stab it to the agency early and put me in his place as an additional filming.

It definitely seems to be doing a ‘push’.

“It is appropriate. indeed.”

Judan nodded, saying, “This is a popular course.”

“Come to think of it, you said that you use a stage name when you debut. How are you going to build it?”

“… … .”

“How about an anagram method?”


I’m sorry, but it’s already been decided.

I looked up.

[A dancer with a noble mind misses you.]

“I will do as Park Moon does.”

That’s right.

* * *

[The dissatisfied idol bestows blessings on you.]

[Attribute: Propulsion]

A set surrounded by cameras.

I slowly turned my head. breath leaks out of mouth

Do you know such a life?

A life in which I am so desperate that I can never be satisfied, and so all my thoughts and actions revolve around that goal.

Big and intense ambition that is more than the universal human desire dominates the body.

It’s okay to feel disconnected from sleeping on the side, being treated unfairly, or practicing unfamiliar things over and over again.

You don’t have to rationalize yourself. Somehow I don’t calculate to understand this pain. My head doesn’t burn with stress.

That’s for those who can afford it.

It doesn’t matter what the crumbs are. If only the goal shines brightly.

And we call it a dream.

“… … .”

This would be the life Lee Se-jin experiences.


With the sound of the director, I came out of the water.

The feeling of wanting to kill this bastard who made the script to drown in the freezing winter weather is easily controlled


“great job. Is today the last shoot?”


I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out of the set in a modest atmosphere.

When I openly shouted that I wanted to focus on the life of this unexpected rookie actor without going crazy as much as possible for three weeks, God’s grace came down… .

The effect was excellent.

Big Sejin’s protection was persistently attached to me for the longest period of time.

[The dissatisfied idol smiles bitterly and is relieved.]

[The dissatisfied idol sponsored you! : Energy +]

And the stamina that comes back like a reward.


I took a deep breath.

Now my physical condition has stabilized to the level right after intense practice.

It means that there is no pain and the lack of stamina can be easily concealed.

‘He’s in good shape.’

I shook my head and nodded my head here and there.

“thank you. thanked.”

Because I don’t have anything to say to an ignorant bastard.

If you want to pull out the information agreed upon with Cheongryeo, you have to pretend to be smart enough to lay the groundwork for it.

‘And so far it’s worked roughly.’

I’ve already pulled out a few.

-Director’s preferred method of publicity.

– Screenwriter’s on-the-spot reputation.

– The habit of the lead actor.

Just looking at the lineup, you could understand it, but these are all microscopic questions. From the point of view of Cheongryeo, there is a high probability that it is useless or already known.

In other words, all of these things are asked as a test, and it is an established theory that the big things he is really aiming for will come separately.

‘There’s no way that Cheongryeo doesn’t have an informant only on the acting board.’

Idols have a strong personality as general entertainers, so they had to appear in variety shows by nature, but the same goes for actors who have to appear in variety shows for publicity.

No matter how VTIC doesn’t act, there are intersections with each other.

At least there is no way that Cheong-ryeo, who had her people spread all over LeTi, would not know the news from this side.

‘There must be something else inside.’

I roughly guessed and brushed my hair on a towel.

The atmosphere on set was not very good. It’s because the original actor flew away due to a sexual scandal and was filming additionally.

The schedule to be released in time for the Lunar New Year holidays was also blown away, so it was visible that the on-site fraud was not good because people were talking about when it would be released.

‘Thanks to that, it was convenient that there were many people who couldn’t cover their words and spilled.’

Added to obscurity, I was almost neglected.

But now, a person who appeared outside the set gave me coffee.

“Oh, it’s going to be cold. Have some.”

“thank you.”

Of course, they are not field staff. How could you treat me so kindly as I don’t even have a name worth it?

“Are you going home?”


This guy is a LeTi guy.

I don’t have an exclusive manager yet, but the rookie management team gave me a person to shoot like this.

And the first thing this employee who came out today did was to pop up a search engine page that came up after searching for my stage name.

The profile cut I took last time was right in the space for the face picture.

“Geonwoo’s profile has been released~”

“… yes.”

“Oh, I should call you by my stage name! It doesn’t stick well to my mouth.”

And seeing the staff laughing haha, I was briefly silent. Then, I turned my gaze back to the search page.


This is my stage name.

… … okay. Park Moon-dae is black, X-legged.

-… Park Moon-dae? Are you serious?

It was dismissed with a short and cold response. They said they couldn’t even put it on the persuasion table because they didn’t have time.

‘I was good at idol activities under that name.’

Still, since I was able to convince myself well, it was okay until the words went up to the top of the line saying, ‘I’ll talk to the boss’… The result is this.

-The boss thought a lot about putting in at least one word… .

… … That’s how my stage name was decided to be Ryumun.

‘No matter how you look at it, he looks like a Vlog Wetuber with secondary illness.’

Is it real?

But I can’t help it. Originally, isn’t it the fate of those who enter the agency to accept it no matter how similar their stage name is to X?

Fortunately, it is Mr. Ryu. Perhaps Ryu Gun-woo, who was selling data here, would think he was a relative of the Poongsan Ryu family.

‘How did he get caught by walking backwards?’

However, as I faithfully continued my acting activities, such phrases began to appear in the pop-up.

[The silent roster shooter is puzzled.]

[Supermassive Black Hole wonders about your dreams!]

Hmm. It seemed that he was curious about my route.

[A genius actor who concentrates gets angry!]

Sometimes it seems like they are fighting among themselves.

‘Calm down.’

Because I have thoughts.

I guess everything I go through is relayed to these guys. Because I didn’t seem to know exactly what kind of situation I was accessing Cheongryeol’s system.

If you know all the specifics… . um no It might have been more upsetting.

‘Anyway, don’t worry.’

I finished filming like that, hoping that they would know that I was working as safely as possible.

and that evening.

I received a call from Cheong-rye in the style of ‘help’.

-Request for information.

-One of the actors who appeared together in the movie you filmed.

I had a conscience up until this point.

And the next word was gone.

– Everything about that person’s weaknesses.

“… … .”

The difficulty suddenly jumped up.

-I’ll give it a little longer, so you’d better bring the right information.

If it became easy just because they appeared in the same movie, all the actors went to the goal.

In the first place, I rarely filmed with him. At least one cut.

‘Besides, usually, if a movie fails, there is no need to watch it again.’

And the atmosphere at the scene was that this movie was almost ruined.

“… Hmm.”

But in fact I know.

That’s why it comes out so boldly.

I rubbed my chin.

this movie.

This film faithfully follows the story of ‘named criminals gathering to steal treasure’, also called the heist movie caper movie.

that it is a huge hit.

And the moment signs of a hit appear, the movie rushes into additional publicity.

– Let’s try.

again in a few weeks.

The film was eventually put into the off-season and released quickly.

* * *

[Park Moon-dae (ㅁ_ㅁ+) : Drawing a big picture.]


“Don’t draw.”

“Ah, Park Moondae please.”

People watching Dot Bakmundae spat.

The reason was simple.

‘Has Moondae Park’s well-being been properly considered by drawing a big picture? !’

I have thoroughly experienced all of his moves, starting with his solo stage with broken ribs and ending with being slapped with a steel frame instead of a member.

I couldn’t figure out why this guy who hated losing, losing money, and doing stupid things and was quick at calculating was so extreme.

I thought there must be circumstances before I started working as an actor, but that’s

why everyone quickly agreed.

“You have to hit the player.”

It is to bring Park Moon-dae before he does anything unreasonable to return to reality.

“I wonder if your physical condition is right now… What about?”

“wait a minute.”

Keundal bit his mouth and looked at Moondae Park’s stamina gauge.

‘It’s almost green.’

His stamina was more than half full, and there was hardly any sign of suffering from fatigue.

‘Lee Se-jin’s support was great.’

Keundal guessed that the amount of energy recovered must have been considerable as the blessing was used for a long time.

So now it was really in sight.

“I think I can try it right away if I give it to Ahyeon!”

“… yes.”

Sun Ah-hyun nodded firmly.

When the timing came, he was ready to move.

And the timing came not too late.

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