Debut or Die

Chapter 540

If you can’t debut, you’ll die from an illness Episode 540

This is an alley in Barcelona, Spain.


It is a foreign landscape full of the sound of children running around and adults walking around busily.

And we got lost

“… … .”

“… … .”

embarrassing? me too.

why… Why did Seon Ah-hyun and I suddenly stand in the middle of Spain?

To tell you this story, I have to tell you about when I just arrived in Spain.

– Ohhh! Barcelona is a really nice city… .

– We have to eat churros!

-… … .

So, under Cha Yoo-jin’s strong insistence, I tried to go to some kind of churros restaurant… .

-… … where did he go

-Cha Yujin!!

Cha Yoo-jin suddenly evaporated from the alley, and we parted ways with the production crew as panicked people ran around.

‘What is all this happening?’

To think that we were also vaporized while trying to find Cha Yu-jin. I ended up messing with my hair.

It was the first missing child situation in decades after growing hair.

Of course, they are two grown adults, so there is no reason not to be calm. I calmly opened my mouth.

“first… take a taxi.”

And I realized

‘I can’t ride.’

I do not have money.

Right now, the budget for the entertainment concept is being held by the production team, and we spend pocket money on busking missions.

And even that allowance was divided into operating funds, Ryu Cheong-woo’s emergency fund, and Bae Se-jin.

That means for us… .

“… You can ride the bus once.”

“… … That’s right.”

There was only so much cash left.

‘I can’t use the smartphone pay service because it’s overseas.’

wait for a sec.

I put my hand in my pocket and realized the fatal fact that I didn’t even have a smartphone in the first place.

This is because I entrusted it to the manager so that I wouldn’t be caught wearing it during filming.

And Seon Ah-hyun didn’t use her smartphone much in the first place and kept it in her bag.

“… … .”

So now… Two foreigners landed without money in a foreign country where they couldn’t communicate.

‘driving me crazy.’

The moment you change buses, you have to contact the embassy because you don’t have a single penny.

Seon Ah-hyun must have realized the situation, and her face turned white, and she jumped up.

“I tell others… Let me tell you… !”

“for a moment.”

What kind of confidence does this guy have when he can only speak English and French?

Of course, if you use English words and make gestures, it will work to some extent, but then it will attract attention… .

‘It’s difficult if there is a communication misunderstanding.’

We must not forget that we are celebrities. I don’t know what kind of controversy will arise after being guided to the wrong place… .

So let’s think of a simpler way than that.

A simple missing child rule.

“Let’s sit down and talk.”

Just waiting for the couple. so as not to be confused.

“Yes… .”

I just sat down on a nearby bench in an alley next to the plaza here. Seon Ah-hyun followed suit and quickly sat down next to him.

So, I felt a little calmer.

‘It’s been a while.’

It seemed like it had been years since I had sat leisurely watching people in a bright daylight in an open space outside.

Even though I’m doing this because I’m lost.

‘Not bad.’

I kept my mouth shut and looked at the plaza.

“I don’t think it’s been a while since I’ve been walking around outdoors like this… .”

Sun Ah-hyun’s face also softened.

However, as if he realized something soon, he quickly added to it in a panic.

“Of course, I am grateful and happy to be able to work hard, but… !”


just… Well, sometimes it’s not a bad thing to enjoy something like this.

When I nodded, Seon Ah-hyun seemed a little relieved, and the atmosphere went back to people-watching.


Come to think of it, there were things that came to mind when the story of the activity came out.

“Seon Ah-hyun.”


“Do you have any desire to do it solo?”

I thought Sun Ah-hyun was jumping off the bench.

“My me… ?!”


Even if he delayed his enlistment as much as possible with the Order of Cultural Merit to manage his heyday, he could not stop enlisting in the military itself.

‘The one who goes must go.’

It is a choice with no other option if you want to maintain public opinion in Korea.

Then, naturally, around that time, it would be efficient to do a solo or unit back and forth.

It was a reality that would come in a few years.

However, looking at Seon Ah-hyun’s reaction, it seemed that this guy had never thought of going solo until now.

The boy seemed to be deep in thought, but then shook his head seriously.

“I still work with the members… better.”

“I see.”


I don’t know if I’m fainting when I know that Kim Rae-bin has already picked out the demo version of Sun Ah-hyun’s solo song.

‘To lower the entry barrier, this guy should start with a unit.’

I smiled and nodded.

“I am also more willing to work in a team.”

“… huh!”

Seon Ah-hyun nodded her head happily.

Even though the last team activity was dressing up as a Christmas tree on the street and selling stamps… .

It was even B-class makeup.

The jingling light bulbs sang a cappella carols, far from sacred, like a gimmick to sell stamps.

It was miserable.

‘… All of a sudden, we all lose in the mini-game.’

7 people… No, 7 sparkling moving trees were so amazing that there were more people watching than ever before.

For reference, the mission given by the production team was ‘to be cheered by more than 3 children’, and after a desperate argument that all minors were children, Testa was treated as a success.

-If you are not an adult, you are all children! for a moment. No way, PD-nim, you say that minors are adults… ?

– No, you drive it like this.

The idea to buy churros was passed without difficulty because of the food money earned.

‘Cha Yoo-jin… .’

I twitched my eyebrows.

I don’t know why he ran out, but anyway, if he gets caught, he’ll live on a healthy, low-salt diet throughout the tour, from the moment the camera turns off.

‘Eat late night snacks only in your dreams.’

And even after we evaporated, I was a bit worried about what the members and production crew would be doing, but when I looked at the list of remaining members, they looked okay.

‘Only the calm ones remain.’

They were the ones to find us.

I straightened my legs and leaned back on the bench.

In fact, the weather in December is cold and lost.

It was a gourmet trip, and at least I didn’t have any snacks in my hand, but I really didn’t feel too bad.

‘Is it because I put on a lot of strange makeup?’

In comparison, this was a fairy.

How long have you been sitting like that?


“… !!”

I heard a familiar Korean.

As I turned my head, In-young came running from far away and waved at me.

“brother… !”

It was Ryu Cheng-wu.

The rare breathless guy jumped this way in one step.

“Are you both okay?”



Staying where you are is the correct answer. It was the end of the situation.

I was willing to get up from the bench and greet him.

however… .

“But what about other people?”


… ‘ah’?

When I looked into his face at the ominous sound, Liu Cheng-wu looked around and smiled shyly.

“I was looking for you… It seems to have fallen.”

“… !!”

“Well then… .”

It was just before the sound of Mia +1 came out of Seon Ah-hyun’s mouth.

I held back a sigh.

‘Still, three would be better than two.’

Even this guy has the most important thing.


“… But thanks to you, I can take a taxi or whatever. If the crew can’t find us.”

“Yeah, that will do. Previously… .”

Liu Qingyu smiled.

“After you eat something. You’ve been in the cold for a long time.”

“ah… .”

Seon Ah-hyun was moved, but at that moment, an idea struck me in my head.

‘Anything to eat?’

wait for a sec.

I wonder if Cha Yujin’s destination is… .

* * *

Next to the square.


Churros restaurant.

Standing in front of a store that smelled like cinnamon, I nodded.

“I think he will come here.”

Unlike us, Yoojin Cha, who is a native of Spanish, will find her way.

So, even if you don’t know what it is, there is a high probability that you will naturally go to your original destination after achieving the purpose that jumped out.

“Good guess. It’s just right for you to eat.”


It’s better to be on the street so that people who will be looking for us can witness us. This is better than the food that goes inside.

I nodded slightly, and Liu Cheng-wu smiled as he approached the store.

Come to think of it, I don’t wear that guy’s coat in this weather.

“Aren’t you cold?”

“are you okay. I also ran a little bit.”

The guy, who responded lightly, took out a bill from a lucky bag that had the word “allowance” written on it that the production team had given him.

and placing an order.

“Esto por favor.”

“… !!”

Surprisingly, Liu Cheng-wu spoke Spanish.


He seemed embarrassed to say that he felt his gaze.

“I’m not good at it, but I remember learning a little bit before.”

“… … .”

It must mean the steer days.

“It helps a lot like this.”

The guy who said that smiled bitterly as if it was new.

It seemed that the strange rejection of ‘Steer’s self’ that he felt before had subsided quite a bit from the guy who seemed to be reminiscing about that time.

He even opened his mouth again while waiting to receive the churros.

“… Come to think of it, there were times when Yujinie would leave without saying a word.”

It seemed to have suddenly come to mind, overlapping with the situation now that the guy had evaporated.

“… … It must have been because it was difficult.”

At that moment, Seon Ah-hyun answered.

“But now Eugene… If it’s difficult, I think I’ll tell you directly.”

“… !”

Liu Qingyu was surprised for a moment, but then smiled.

“that’s right. Right now, I don’t think I will suddenly leave.”

It was a pleasantly stable response.

Sun Ah-hyun also quickly smiled and nodded.

The trust in the group and its members, which have been running well for several years, was felt in the conversation.

I feel embarrassed for giving Cha Yu-jin a low-salt meal.

“Mundae also thinks so… ?”


I leaned against the wall lightly.

what… If you look at it with a slightly generous attitude, you could think that Cha Yu-jin must have had a reason for doing so.

And you can go a little further and think about his future.

“In that sense, I mean. It happened during filming, so the production crew must be filming… .”

Let’s see, if this is filmed and goes out… .

-Cha Yoo-jin is the type I really don’t want to see in a group life.

-Ah, I’m already pissed off


-Yeah Cha Yujin If you’re going to keep doing unexpected things, cancel the contract renewal (Hands together emoticon)

It’s hell.

“Let’s do something that never happened.”


Both Ryu Cheng-wu and Seon Ah-hyeon quickly nodded their heads without objection.

So, on the premise that the filming was discarded, we enjoyed snacking time in the alley, each holding a hot churros.

And around the time I ate half of the churros.



Surprisingly, at the corner of the alley, Cha Yoo-jin appeared as if he had smelled it.

My predicted shot was correct.

‘at las.’

First of all, I have to tell you to stop thinking about eating churros.

However, the moment I focused my gaze, I realized that Cha Yoo-jin’s appearance was different from when we broke up.

The guy, whose head and face were all dirty, was holding even a bunch of reddish-black hair.


Cha Yoo-jin fixed what was in her arms and hugged her.

that… it was a cat

“There’s a fire over there! I rescued that cat.”

“… ?!”

and behind the alley.

Among the production crew and members who were panting and chasing after Cha Yu-jin, Bae Se-jin pointed a finger at him.

“… … He saw the building on fire and ran… … .”

“… … .”

[My baby! Thank you so much!]

… So Yoo-jin Cha received the cat’s owner’s thanks and ate the free churros.

The guy achieved a flagship performance that was published in the local newspaper with titles such as ‘Christmas Tree that Saved Cats’, and all these events were successfully organized into entertainment programs as episodes.

[Testa Tiger rescues a cat on the way to a restaurant… | < Testa's Lonely Gourmet Journey > EP. 4]

Less than an hour after the video was uploaded, the funny part was captured and the summary was circulated on social media and communities.

It is obvious, but it is a dramatic episode that is difficult to construct on purpose, so the degree of attention jumped out.

Taking advantage of that attention, the article about the sneak tour sold out is also the right timing.

[Company Grade (B+) → Company Grade (A-)]

Successful promotion!

Finally, the company’s rating went up.

And what this meant was simple.

[Mission Accomplished!]

Mission: < Star's Orbit Entertainment > A- grade achievement

– ‘■■■ Fragment’ can be retrieved

It’s time to go see Cheongryeol.

To retrieve system fragments.

If only there was a singularity… .

[VTIC Chungryeo JSA self-deployment complete… “Can I see it when I go to Panmunjom?”]

JSA Joint Security Area.

Cheongryeo was assigned to Panmunjom, the northernmost point in Korea.

right in front of the truce line.

“… … .”

Once the dog… I can’t take you

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