Debut or Die

Chapter 518

Episode 518 Bae Se

-jin did not intentionally not tell the members what role he was cast in.

just… The timing just didn’t come.

‘I can’t suddenly bring up the story of my drama when I’m talking about having memories!’

He even finished filming without any problems. When he thought about it, no matter how much he thought about it, he was at the bottom of the conversation priority list.

So he made up his mind even now.

‘I have to tell you before I go to bed tonight.’

But that night.

Happy birthday bro!

Ryu Cheng-wu’s surprise birthday party was held!


All in all, October 28th. That day was Ryu Cheng-wu’s birthday.

… … .

Why didn’t he know… .

Ai hyung was busy too.

This was because it was a surprise party secretly prepared by three members of Testa’s middle line, aka ‘same age’.

The members, who had a hard time with memory and identity issues, said let’s just have fun, and the three of them willingly put their heads together and shared their roles to airlift the party materials.

Just enjoy~

Bae Se-jin screamed inwardly at the remarks of Se-jin Lee, who has been talking quite a bit.

‘I don’t need this care… !’

However, he was not lacking in social skills to the extent that he would make a meaningless rash here.

‘… Still, the consideration is right.’

Anyway, the atmosphere was warm and good.

It seemed that Ryu Cheng-wu was unexpectedly moved beyond joy to the point of feeling a little dazed, and the faces of the people who had prepared accordingly brightened.

Seon Ah-hyun blushed and held out the cake. On the huge chocolate cake, phrases such as ‘Testa’s eldest brother is handsome’ were written with excitement.

You can blow out the candle… !

… haha ok Would you like to make a wish?

Oh oh

… … .

Of course, there’s no way I can suddenly bring out a psychopathic sound in this atmosphere… .

‘Ande had a hard time!’

Shouldn’t he at least be able to comfortably receive his birthday celebration as the main character?

So, Bae Se-jin made the same choice as an insider who had never done it in his life, ‘shut up and get in the mood’… … .

The result was the warmth that only he suffered.


What did you wish for?

hmm… Will our team be active for a long time in good health?

What a nice wish… !

… … I know.

Bae Se-jin agreed and accepted the cake Moon-dae Park was cutting neatly like a knife.


Still, the cake was delicious.

And after drinking a glass of champagne (which was non-alcoholic), Bae Se-jin tried to talk about the drama again… .

I didn’t expect this atmosphere… I think it’s a very fun and harmonious team.

… … .

I can’t wait to get my memory back so I can contribute more to this team… .

What makes this such a meaningful day?

Bae Se-jin almost closed his eyes at Steer Kim Rae-bin’s cautious words.

… okay.

let’s give up

Bae Se-jin decided to aim for the next day.

And the very next day was a new filming day for < Jinseong Match >.

Filming right before the break to announce the winner of this contest, film the content during the break, and adjust the tempo once in the middle of the season.

Testa made a save by finishing second.

thank you!

Everyone was able to finish filming in a good mood with the highly anticipated report card.

For your reference, the new member of Wonder Hall’s Ether received a low-ranking grade of 5th.

Their stage was full of energy like a rookie, and the effect was splendid.

The 5th place must have been a disappointing place because it was a stage with excellent planning ability, meticulously organized by experts.


Bae Se-jin managed his facial expressions with his years of experience, but he thought bluntly on the inside.

‘Honestly, I don’t feel bad.’

I thought it was a cause and effect retribution.

Of course, on the sidelines, Park Moon-dae was thinking, ‘It would have been better for us to have them win first place and face the opposite wind’.

In any case, Iter’s naive and ignorant attitude gave Testa a strange impression and awkwardness, but the filming itself was well finished.

Then see you in 2 weeks. Seniors!

Your testers are welcome too!

It was time to say goodbye to Soft Sweet, who won first place in tears, and then go into the waiting room and pack their belongings.

The atmosphere was loose. At this rate, the atmosphere seemed like it would be possible to bring up small talk and have a good laugh together.

‘at las… Is it time to speak?’


uh uh

However, Liu Qingyu spoke first.

Is it too late to say this? … thank you. I heard Sejin cared about you a lot so I could come to my senses.

… … Not much.

no that’s great

Liu Qingyu’s eyes were warm.

You must have been very embarrassed by my attitude. It would have been more difficult for you to take care of others in a difficult situation.

… … .

but you took care of me

Bae Se-jin was a little worried, but soon threw a word.

… As a friend, it’s natural

As Bae Se-jin, Ryu Cheong-woo was almost the same age as his first acquaintance.

Moreover, since I received a lot of one-sided help, it was actually strange to be thanked this much.

Liu Qingyu smiled.

Thank you though.

… okay.

The sincere words came and went softly to the point where they seemed clumsy and ended warmly.

There was a nice silence.

And Bae Se-jin thought.

… … .

In this atmosphere, the story of the psychopath cast suddenly… .

‘Can I… … .’

In the end, Sejin Bae gave up his remarks, wanting to shed tears.

… That’s how the day of the broadcast came.

October 31 Halloween midnight.

Thanks to the unconventional choice of not scheduling the next morning, Testa gathered on the sofa in high spirits.

brother! let’s start! Sit down now! Hurry!

… … .

Bae Se-jin sat down on the sofa.

And in order to hide his nervousness, he grabbed Cha Yoo-jin’s popcorn at random and put it in his mouth and chewed it combatively.

… ?? What the… .


Cha Yoo-jin was taken aback for a moment, but soon he heard Moon-dae Park’s voice and fixed his eyes on the TV.


[This must be a dream.]

[It had to be.]

The first episode of the new Netflix series < Doll Hunter >, which was released a few seconds ago, started airing.

* * *

The contents of < Doll Hunter > were close to modern mystery survival stories.

One day, the main character wakes up to the sound of an alarm and realizes that even though it is morning, there is not a single light coming through the window.

And as you get closer to the window, you notice something creepy.

Outside the window was full of damp dirt.

As if the whole building had been buried alive.


The plot of this mystery drama is to keep going upstairs to escape from such a bizarrely twisted dark building and encounter neighbors who have turned into monsters.

Of course, not all neighbors turned into monsters. Most of the residents were buried with the building.

The main character continued to go up and met various human groups and friendly enemies. Among them, he became a colleague and accompanied the people he had a relationship with.

A firefighter who retired due to an injury, a junior high school baseball member, a company motive, and… .

[…] Hello.]

Oh Sejin hyung!

Bae Se-jin’s role was medical student ‘Jeong Yi-sol’, who also joined in the early and mid-mid years.

A man in his mid-20s with black hair and wearing rimless glasses.

He is intelligent, has good judgment, and even has first aid skills. If it was a game, he would have been the number one recruiter.


[…] !!]

In particular, the scene of chasing a monster with a fire hose holding a fire hose in front of the group of main characters who were in danger at the time of their first appearance even provided catharsis in conjunction with the engine BGM.

Even Ryu Cheng-wu, who was not interested in surrealistic images, was lightly impressed.

Sejin-ah, you’re really cool

… uh uh thank you.

A capable helper who blocks the development of so-called carcinogenesis while also taking care of the morality of the team!

The role that anyone would covet was shining even more when meeting Bae Se-jin, who was excellent in both mask and acting skills.

[This way.]

[Ah… !]

Even the parts where he didn’t talk were attractive.

In addition, this medical student invited the main character’s party to his hideout and even treated the injured.

Where was the hiding place?

[Convenience store!]


It was a convenience store full of supplies!

Seeing the greasy and salty canned ham and hot instant rice, the main character and his friends hurriedly ate it, knowing that it was PPL, but made the ham and rice pull.

Hey~ hyung takes care of the PPL too? It’s really an important role in many ways~

It’s really cool. cool!

… … uh.

An important role in many ways… Right.

Bae Se-jin couldn’t stop the members from watching the second episode non-stop with excitement.

The drama progressed at an incredible speed, as is usually the case with works with a long and solid original work, and thanks to this, the members continued to immerse themselves in the story with sweat in their hands.

There was no time to be bored.

I even analyzed the strategies of the main characters and gave them lessons.

Ah, now I’m going to move to that convenience store as my base.

Iknow, right.

Hmm~ I think it would be better to go a little higher. Ayy, but it would be hard to think like this in that situation again, right?

The structure of the 31-story residential-commercial complex was twisted upside down, so the officetels on the top floor where people stayed became the bottom floor.

And on the 28th floor, there was a convenience store targeting residents.

If you leave this officetel floor and go up a little further, you will find a shopping area, so that is better. Opinions were divided even among the members.

Even Seon Ah-hyun asked Park Moon-dae.

What do you think of that doormat?

And Park Moon-dae answered calmly.

well… Either way, I think it will come out at a convenience store.

… ?

Because it’s good to be attacked.

the moment the words end.

Just then, the image of a convenience store appeared on the screen again.

With the lights off and a dark appearance.

… … !!

[…] uh? Huh?]

The main character went downstairs to check the rescue signal sent by middle school students trapped in a small room in the officetel, and the party split into two.

Those who were not injured moved.

Injured people were left at the convenience store.

And now, I returned to the convenience store where only the injured people were left… All the LED lights are off, creating a gloomy atmosphere.


that’s right It’s natural for convenience stores to have something to eat, so anyone can target them.

Hmmm~ After all, going to the floor with the shops would be a bit of a distraction… .

Even as he said that, both Ryu Cheng-wu and Lee Se-jin could not take their eyes off the screen.

And in their words, they realized themselves.

-Convenience stores are prone to raids.

Then, how did the medical student use it as a hiding place without being attacked until now… ?

The moment that question crossed the heads of some members.

[…] … .]

On the screen, the main character and several others finally entered the convenience store.

Inside a dark convenience store where the shadow of the main character is cast.

[Hey there?]

Fortunately, the shelves and counters that were illuminated by the dim light still looked fine.

But no reply came. Only suffocating white noise filled the screen.

‘Have you evacuated beforehand?’

By the time that hopeful speculation passed by. The main character’s flashlight was directed at the convenience store warehouse door.


[…] !!]

Shoes and legs began to be seen through the crack in the open door.

A heterogeneous figure lying horizontally instead of standing vertically.

thud. thud.

A beating heart-like sound effect dominates the screen.

And the camera from the protagonist’s point of view slowly raises its head and catches In-young, the only one standing inside the warehouse door.

[Are you here?]

And everyone realizes.

The medical student was not attacked at the convenience store, but he was the one who was attacked.

Behind the medical student, who was calmly wiping the blood off his hands with a wet tissue, the corpses with their eyes wide open were caught by the shaking camera.

And the things stacked on top were close-up.

These are the co-workers of the main character who stayed at the convenience store because of an injury.

Especially the first members the main character met in episode 1.

Among them, there was a heroine, or a woman who was forming a love line with the main character.

There was also a supporting actor, Licorice, who was a co-worker at the same company as the main character and seemed to be going with him until the end.

however… Yes.

In 2 episodes… The starting members are all dead.

by the hands of medical students.

… … .

… … .

Bae Se-jin desperately started avoiding the members’ eyes!

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