Dawning Skye

Chapter 460

460 A Wee Jolt


It didn’t take long for Marie to get the whole of the story from her nephews, but was still having a problem with Tidas’ reaction. She knew that he was a far more intelligent person than what the situation was leading her to believe. So when she looked at Skye and saw disbelief written all over her face, Marie knew that there was something not being said.

As she slowly circled the two men, Marie thought about the bizarre situation.. ‘But they’re collaborating each other’s story! What am I missing here? Wait..’

“How did you not injure Marco when you hit him? I understand you have excellent control over your magic, Tidas, but how did you manage to keep yourself under control when you were supposedly angry enough to forget the consequences of your actions?”

Tidas’ eyes went wide for a split second before he resumed his innocent stare. Marco’s features never moved more than necessary throughout his entire tale, which was par for the course compared to most other times that she had spoken with him. The only thing that she’d caught that surprised her was Marco sneaking peaks at Skye..

Knowing that Tidas had cause to be angry about the painting didn’t help him, or her at the moment.. ‘Magnus needs a reason to ignore this, so I’ll find him one. Based on Skye’s occasional worried looks: he’s probably been riled up too much today already. I need to help him save face with the public, or they’ll start to doubt his capacity to rule..’

An icy jolt ran up Marie’s back as she glanced at her oldest nephew. If Magnus was deemed unable to rule, then the crown would automatically go to Marco. The few rumors that she’d heard on her way to Magnus’ quarters had her gut twisting in knots, and now she understood..

Taking a deep breath, Marie locked eyes with Marco, and asked; “Do you hold romantic affection for Skye?”

Marco left a small pause before he relied; “I do not. Why do you ask?”


“With the rumors and everything else going on: why would you put an oversized painting of your brother’s wife in your office? Especially with obviously smaller pictures of the rest of your family around it for quick comparisons? The only thing I can think of is that you either are in love with Skye, or you simply like to aggravate your brother.”

“Marie!” Magnus yelled, but she continued anyway; “Do you, Marco? Love Skye?”

An eerie smile spread across his face as he replied; “I can honestly say that I do not romantically love Skye, Aunt Marie. I care for her as my sister-in-law, and as an asset to our kingdom. That is all.”

“So then you just like to aggravate your brother then?” she snipped.

“A little, but there was no purpose behind the painting being different, other than I prefer my artist’s style to Father’s personal artist. This isn’t the first time that I have recommissioned an artwork to my liking. My family’s portraits are remakes as well, and the same size as mine.”

Marie spoke again before Magnus could intervene; “So you just don’t care what others think? It’s only about what you like?”

“That’s enough! Marco! If you want to keep the painting, then have all of the others redone in the same fashion. Do Not leave yourself open to the speculations of others! You know better than that! Just like you know that your aunt is making excellent points.”

Marco looked like he wanted to say something, but nodded in agreement instead. He knew that arguing with his father was not only pointless, but time consuming, and he needed to leave for his ‘hunting trip’ soon. As he listened to his father repeat himself for the millionth time, he glanced at Skye again..

‘I won’t see her for a few weeks, then she’ll leave for Sai shortly after.. I better enjoy the view while I can..’

After Magnus and Marie took turns scolding the two, they decided that it would be best to make a public announcement. The two would call it a ‘brother’s scuffle’ together, then shake hands, and call it a day. As soon as Marie started to describe the best time and place to do it, Marco announced his hunting trip..

Magnus flat-out told him no at first, but Marco swore that he would be back days before Lawrence’s wedding..

“I wouldn’t miss my little brother’s wedding! Well, his second wedding, but this one is more...interesting.”

Lawrence gritted his teeth as he replied; “Shasta is that, and so much more. Too bad that you never got to know her before: she’s an amazingly intelligent person. Perfect Queen material..”

The silent jab went unnoticed by Magnus, and not by anyone else. It was an obvious dig at Karena, and had irritated Marco enough to flex his jawline. It was a petty victory, but Lawrence reveled in it until Marco asked; “And how many of your nobles are traveling here to witness the wedding?”

Lawrence smirked; “Shasta suggested holding another ceremony in Ruscovic, so our people don’t have to bear the cost of traveling back and forth. She also wants it to incorporate all of my kingdom’s traditions and people, which will pacify my nobles. You’re welcome to join, but you’ll have to make sure that Karena doesn’t insult my people.”

Marco kept his placid expression as he stood up, and said; “Noted, but I doubt that she would agree to go, anyway. You know how she doesn’t really like the Fae.”

Skye scoffed from her seat near Magnus’ desk; “A Future Queen shouldna hold prejudices against her people..”

Marco smirked as he stared at Skye, then replied; “You are most likely right, but you must keep in mind that they were ‘beastmen’ to us but hardly a year ago. She’s not right, but she’s not wrong, either.”

Skye narrowed her eyes on her brother-in-law; “If you think that, then ya both were way wrong before then.. Fae be no different from humans, and deserve ta be treated the same. And it’s half-assed ‘effort’ like that, that makes me doubt yer rule will be anythin’ less than tyrannical.”

“Skye! Apologize to him right now!” Magnus barked.

Marco shook his head; “No, it’s alright, Father. I want Skye to speak her mind. She’ll make for honest council when my time comes..”

Marco walked over, and stopped directly in front of Skye. She stood her ground with an unflinching demeanor, which made his blood run hot. As he reached down and grabbed her hand, Tidas suddenly popped up at her side.

His body didn’t flinch, but his eyes held murderous intent as Tidas watched his brother bring his wife’s hand to his lips. With a gentle kiss that made Skye’s skin crawl, Marco added; “I hope that she is always honest with me, and tells me whenever I may be nearing a line that I cannot see.”

Magnus smiled sincerely as he watched what he thought was a bonding moment between his the two, but he couldn’t see their faces..

Marco was trying his best to keep a straight face as Skye crushed his fingers in her hand. He didn’t think that she would be so bold in front of the king, but smiled at the challenge she offered. After hearing multiple crunching noises, she released his hand as she replied; “I’ll be sure ta give ya a wee jolt ta remind ya Every time ya even come close ta crossin’ one..”

Marco covered his fingers with his other hand as he turned and bid his father a good night. He told Magnus that he would be dining with Karena alone tonight, but would visit early in the morning before he left. After bidding everyone a good evening, he quickly left with Sheri in tow behind him..

As soon as they were out of the King’s quarters, Marco spoke low; “I’m going to the lab. Find Stein, and send him to me now. I don’t care what he’s doing: send him.”

“Aye sir,” came her mouse-like reply.

Once they had cleared the random servants running about the hallways working, Marco led the way to a random empty hall. Once Sheri had put up a barrier, Marco slipped into the passageway, and headed straight for Doctor Stein’s lab to see if the man was in. He’d been furious at first, but was now grinning like a mad man to himself..

As a cold laugh resounded down the empty, cobweb-infested tunnel, Marco’s thoughts turned darker and darker.. ‘She’s so feisty! I love it! That’s definitely the redhead in her.. They all fight back: that’s what makes them the funnest to break.. I can’t Wait to how strong her will is then..’


Tidas and Marie had both heard the light crunching noises, and grinned broadly at Skye after Marco had left. Genie had heard something, but didn’t know what it had been. When he asked Marie what had happened, she simply grinned at him and replied; “I’ll tell you over a spot of tea before dinner.”

They talked for a bit about the incident, and how they would handle it in Marco’s absence. Tidas argued with his father about allowing Marco to leave, but he backed down when Magnus brought up what the actual punishment was for striking the Crowned Prince. ‘Brotherly scuffle’ or not, prince or not: Tidas should’ve lost his life.

As Lawrence listened to his father and brother arguing, he sighed out of exhaustion. When his father passed away, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do. He had swore to side with Tidas, and was going to throw every ounce of influence he had at his nobles to convince them. But it all came down to his court’s decision..

Lawrence had made laws that limited his own power as King, and had given more rights to his people. He never liked the absolute power of a monarchy, and had seen what happened when positions of power were abused. He couldn’t predict how his future descendants would behave, so he wanted to make sure that his people would be safe..

‘Future family members might not be the biggest threat, though.. Would my nobles side with Marco? No.. Tidas has the people and the Highlanders on his side. Marco would need an army twice that to sway my people...’

As thoughts rushed through his mind, Lawrence asked; “So where did you run off to, Aunt Marie? I thought you wouldn’t be back until right before my wedding?”

Marie smiled, but they didn’t reach her eyes; “I was going to, but what I had heard while out and about was concerning, so I came home.”

“What did you hear?” Tidas asked as he went to stand by his father.

Marie hesitated a moment before she answered; “That Ital and Sync are negotiating with the Fire Nation to join them, and that they’re sending an envoy to the Fae Nation as well. I doubt that they’ll entertain any offer at all, but I think Maevis and Nicolas should be told..”

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