Dawning Skye

Chapter 405

405 Triumphed Return

“Samuel! Get yer arse outta the street! Before ye get run over by a noble!” a woman yelled from the side of her yard.

She was hanging damp clothes on a line that ran from a pole to the side of their home as her children played. The boy stood in shock as he looked off into the distance, not hearing his mother’s voice. Frustrated with him seemingly ignoring her; the mother stopped her task, and strode over to her oldest son in a huff.

When she started to scream, he pointed in the direction that he had been staring..

The woman gasped, then yanked her son to the side as she talked in a rushed manner; “Listen to me, laddie! Go straight to the gate house, and tell yer Da to ring the bell! The King will want to know right away!”

“Aye, Ma! Ima off!” the boy yelled before he took off at a sprint.

Two younger children that had been happily playing near the clothes line had moved to the edge of the road, to see what all of the fuss was about. As the figures in the distance came closer, the mother came up behind them, and gently placed her hand on their shoulders as she said; “Keep yer eyes open, laddies.. We’re about to see history..”

They youngest looked up at his mother; “Why would history walk past our house?”

“Shhh! They be here!” the mother replied as she made sure that her sons were standing straight.

The figures in the distance were riding at a steady trot, having them passing the small house within moments of the mother’s words. Astonishment covered their faces as MacArthur and Highlander banners rode side by side. As they watched the stream of soldiers pass, a small pouch landed in front of their feet.


The youngest grabbed it, and handed it to his mother. She shrieked with joy as gold coins fell into her hand, then she started screaming ‘thank you’ as loudly as she could..

“What was that?” Petrie asked as he rode behind Murdoc.

The Highlander King chuckled; “Just buildin’ up a wee bit of good karma before the meetin’ is all. Quite a selfish act, really.”

Petrie chuckled lightly in response before he said; “Aye, it tis when ye put it that way. But I dinna think yer motives matter ta that bonnie mommie back their.”

Murdoc looked at Petrie with surprise, then burst out in laughter. It took him several minutes before he had calmed enough to say; “Haha, What?! ‘Bonnie Mommie’?! The hell did that come from?! Ima stealin’ it!”

Petrie shrugged as he grinned; “Sure, now: like I was tryin ta tell ye-”

“You’ll have ta talk later, laddies! We’re here!” Amara called out as she rode ahead to catch up to Skye and Tidas.

Murdoc and Petrie exchanged a look, shrugged, then took off after Amara. A bell began to ring out as the massive walls surrounding the capital came into view. It was unusual to have such a large group coming in from the north, so everyone knew who it was...Or so they thought.

No one expected such a massive entourage of Highlanders to accompany the Alconian soldiers back. The people knew that Skye and Tidas had diffused the war, and that the Highlanders had accepted a peace treaty proposal. But the King hadn’t announced that the Highlanders would be coming to Alcon.

Magnus didn’t know for sure if Murdoc himself would be showing up for the treaty signing, so he had left out the details of when the signing was actually occurring.

Technically, she wasn’t supposed to come along, but Murdoc had requested her for her negotiation skills. There was a specific subject that he wanted to discuss with Magnus, and Amara was damn-near a guarantee to get his way...


“Open The Gates! The Commander Approaches! Open The Gates!” a man from the top of the wall called out.

As the inner gate locked into place, the stream of soldiers flooded into the northernmost streets of the capital. Tidas, Skye, Amara, Petrie, and Murdoc led the way. Followed closely by Ralph, Arthur, Wallace, and Skye’s three bodyguards.

The thunderous noise from their horses’ hooves drove people from their homes, to see who was coming. The Mage Trials weren’t for a couple more months, so they were surprised to hear such a commotion. When the people realized that it was their loved ones returning home, the streets erupted into random celebrations.

As they neared the heart of the city, Skye and Tidas grinned broadly when they saw Zas with some of the RMC members that had been on other assignments. They were there to keep everyone moving steadily, and to provide extra protection. As the crowds began to spill into the streets, they openly talked about the Highlanders..

Most, including Murdoc, were wearing their clan colors. They only wore their kilts and boots due to the warmth of the south. It being the end of July: the weather was hot and humid, and not something they were used to dealing with.

The day was actually mild, comparatively speaking, but neither Skye or Tidas were about to say anything. August was usually the hottest month, which was nearly the length of time that Murdoc would be staying. The snows started in early October in the Highlands, and the Highlander King couldn’t be away from his people during their winter-prep time.

As Murdoc wondered if Skye would be able to speed their crops along again, the Royal Palace came into view..

“So that’s what it looks like, huh? ...Kinda small if ye ask me,” Murdoc commented as the screams from the spectators grew louder and louder.

Tidas looked over at him with a quirked eyebrow; “Compared to what?”

Murdoc smirked; “Our city, of course!”

“But the capital is bigger than the bunkers, isn’t it?” Skye asked with a confused expression.

As a cocky smile spread across Tidas’ face at the correction, Murdoc cooly replied; “The bunkers are me palace, so I win. Mine’s bigger.”

Tidas scoffed as they neared the gates; “You canna count All of the bunkers as your palace! If anything, it’s just the house that you live in!”

“That’s not how it works fer me,” Murdoc quipped, making Tidas’ anger spike with his nonsense.

Before the two could start to really argue in public, Skye led Thoth over to come between them; “Will ye two Please shut it over who’s what is bigger! Tis not the place fer That kind of discussion!”

Even with Skye yelling at them, it practically sounded like a whisper. The cries from the crowds was loud enough to make a person go deaf, but it eased up when they reached the inner courtyard of the palace. Tidas didn’t even dismount before he was yelling so loud that most of the soldiers up front had heard him..

“Here are your orders! Return to HQ and fill out your reports! After that, sign out for your leave, and go see your families before they storm the palace for you! Report back in two days for detailed debriefings! That Is All!”

Upon hearing their Commander’s final words, the soldiers burst into cheers and laughter as they all rushed to reach the Headquarters building on the other side of the palace. As the Generals dismounted and lined up behind Tidas, including Skye; the doors to the palace flew open..

The first two people that Tidas saw were his niece and nephew charging towards him. He jumped off of his horse, bent down onto his knees, then scooped them up as their over-stressed nanny stumbled after them. As they flung themselves over him, a familiar, reverberating laugh came from the doorway..

Murdoc watched with interest as Magnus MacArthur stepped out into the sunlight-filled courtyard. His features were very similar to Tidas’, as was his laugh.. ‘Must be a family trait..’

After Magnus came out, Lawrence and Shasta followed, and were smiling just as brightly as the king had been. As they took several steps away from the palace entrance, Marie came out with Genie escorting her. Skye and Tidas beamed at them, and they returned the gesture.. But Skye could tell that something was off with Genie.

As she made a mental note about it, the last two came out of the palace: Marco and Karena. Marco’s features never changed, but the look of disgust that covered Karena’s face when she looked at the Highlanders made Skye already want to slap her..

‘Well, that’s a new record for her.. Never wanted ta hit her so quickly before..’

As the thought crossed Skye’s mind, everyone but Murdoc dropped to their knees; even Marco and Karena. Only kings could stand, and the Crowned Prince was still just that: a prince. As the two took measure of each other, Skye glanced over at Marco..

He was stealing glances also, but not at her. It was difficult to tell where he was trying to look, but Skye knew..

The Ethereal Spear was sending out tiny waves of Ether magic. They were so faint that Skye wasn’t exactly sure what she was feeling at first. Not until Marco came closer. The nearer he came, the stronger the pulses seemed to feel.

As the two Kings seemingly exchanged pleasantries, Skye locked eyes with Marco for a split second. No one else was paying attention, so no one saw him glancing at the carts. He caught Skye looking at him, and flashed her a small, evil grin before looking away.

Karena hadn’t noticed him looking at towards the carts, but she had caught the grin that he had flashed Skye. She had instantly glared at her, then turned back to the kings. As Skye cursed Karena’s timing, Murdoc’s voice broke through her thoughts..

“Tis doesna seem like a conversation ta be havin’ now. We should head to yer palace, and discuss things there..”

Magnus nodded in agreement; “Aye. We have much to speak on, as well as some big news to share. Your men can go with Shasta here, and settle in a barracks we’ve set aside for them.”

Wallace, Amara, and Petrie were the only ones to stay behind with their king, which bothered the rest of his bodyguards. The only reason that they followed after Shasta was because Amara was staying by his side. If something happened, all else failed; Amara would do everything within her powers to save their king.

Shasta motioned to the Highlander, then looked at Skye with excitement and happiness reflected as she passed by. They grabbed each other’s hands, and giggled lightly as they said congratulations to each other. Shasta for her impending marriage, and Skye for her victory in the Highlands.

The only one that didn’t seem pleased at the moment was Karena..

‘That commoner bitch thinks that she’ll get all of the attention, but she’s got another thing coming.. I will Not be overshadowed by her this time! By the time Shasta’s wedding actually happens: I’ll make Sure that they hate each other, and Shasta won’t have anyone else to turn to but me..’

As the dark thoughts crossed Karena’s mind, Marco glanced at Tidas with a devilish grin.. ‘Thank you baby brother.. You’ve just brought me Alcon on a platter..’

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