Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 244- Denatus 2: Electric Boogaloo

[Vol.3] Quest 244- Denatus 2: Electric Boogaloo

Some time went by, and Bell and his Familia got a quest from the Guild and took Wiene back to the rest of her kind.

“We’ll be back to visit now and again, alright!” said Bell.

“So be careful and listen to your seniors.” Said Haruhime.

“Hm! I will get strong like Kalion!” Wiene said.

As Bell waved her goodbye, Ray came up to him.

 “Say, before you leave, do you mind if you help me with something?”

“U-um… sure, I guess?” Bell said, unsure of what she wanted.

“I’m looking for anything on an adventure who sang to me?”

“Sang to you?”

“Yes, many years ago when I was on the 26th floor, an adventure sang to me a beautiful song. Unfortunately, I hid myself and I couldn’t see what he looked like. By now, if he is still alive, I would like to meet him.”

“Sorry, but that’s not much to go on,” Lili said.

“Well, how about this song Ahem!

Around the same time, the Denatus began.

“Hey Hestia, I heard your house got blown up!” said a god.

“Hahaha!! You can’t seem to get out of the limelight, can you Hestia hahaha!!” laughed another.

“First Hephaestus and now Artemis! You really are leeching off them!” said Loki.

“Quiet! My child was simply testing a magic sword, alright! And given some… recent stuff, Artemis offered to help at no cost! So no, I’m not ‘Leeching’ off her! And I already apologized to Hephaestus, okay?”

“Yeah! yeah, call it what you want. It’s all the same!”

“Like you would know what it’s like to have actual friends!”

“Ooooooh!!!!” all the gods said.

“You damn shrimp!! I have plenty of actual friends! Isn’t that right, Freya!”

All the gods look at Freya as she watches everyone quietly.

“… Pass.” She said, smiling.


“Say I heard Rakia now have their eyes on Atrytone! I wonder how long and much it’s gonna take Ares to win against Athena!”

“Probably a decade or two knowing him!”

“Alright! Alright!” said Quetzalcoatl. “I may be new, but that is enough gossip for now! As the Denatus’ chairman shall we get to the best part!”


They cheered as they were given a stack of adventures that leveled up.

“Now let’s get started!”

One by one, they named the children.

Battle Fire!!”

Red True Fighter!”

Black Alice!”

Twinkle Twinkle!”

Doki Doki Reader!”

13th Day!”

Icy Hot!”

And one by one, their gods cried blood.


“I’m sorry!!!”

“My child noooo!!!!”


“Now onto the last two! First up! Hestia’s child!” said Quetzalcoatl.

Murmurs spread around the table.

“Level 4 in 2 months…” said Loki. “Honestly, it’s like looking at a younger and more weak Cirrus with how fast he levels up. I say we call him Second Cloud, no wait maybe something like Clown Cloud!"

“Second Cloud!? Clown Cloud!? Come on! He doesn’t even look like him!” Hestia protested.

Pyonkichi True! He looks like a rabbit, and he uses fire magic!” said a god.

“I think Vanadis Odr suits him quite well, no?” said Freya. “He is rather cute.”

“No!!” Hestia quickly rejected that name.

“Why not call him White Rabbit?” said Artemis. “He looks very much like a rabbit, and he is like Cirrus in his younger years with his rise to prominence with the former name of White Beast.”

“It suits him very well!” said Demeter.

“Yes, it suits his cuteness very well.” Said Freya.

“It’s an okay name… Rather bland if you ask me,” said Loki.

“Then are were all in agreement then!” Quetzalcoatl said.

All the gods rose their hands.


“Great! Now onto the last and best! Ai Zephyr! A new level 7!”

“Zephyr… Is she really married to Uncrowned?” said a god.

“Looks like she sealed the deal when they eloped.” Said a goddess.

“Lucky! Hey! Hey! Artemis, do you engage in 3-ways with—"

“I propose the name of Red Comet!” said Artemis, interrupting a goddess.

“For her Beastification correct?” said Freya.

“A good name for one who moves so quickly only a trail of red follows in her wake.” Said Dionysus.

“Shouldn’t her name be more extravagant?” said Loki. “I mean that the show she and Ottar put on left me on the edge of my seat! Something like Sword Saint or even Red Queen?”

“She is married to the Uncrowned, and I have heard that he is a lord in the Far East?” said a god.

“Then wouldn’t her name would be something like the Crimson Empress?” said a goddess.

“I think it would be better if we go with another name. I think that would make it weird given the name Empress.” Said Artemis.


An uneasy feeling filled the meeting.

“W-well how about Red Crown!” said Hestia. “It has all the things that fit her, and it doesn’t feel too… Oedipus-like!”

“That’s a fitting name!” said Artemis.

“Then all in favor say ay!” Quetzalcoatl said.


Deep South of the continent, in a heavily monster infested jungle.

“Lady Wu, the egg is developing well!” said an Evilus member.

“Good. There are plenty of monsters here and a shipment of magic stones are coming soon! And with Gu—I mean Neze’s revival, we can really get things rolling!” she glances at the pit of magic stones with a black egg with red lines pulsating with a Fetus Jewel next to it. “Soon… you will be born… Xuanlong!”

Far to the Northeast of the continent in the Elsos Ruins.



“Go and find the seal!” said Ein.


The Evilus members quickly went all throughout the temple.

“So, do we simply just break it and leave?” asked Revis.

“Yes, from what Lord Enyo has said, the monster Antares can create its own monsters, like the Udaeus.”

“How handy. Do they have magic stones?”

“I do. But I would like to be as far away as possible when that army is made.”

“Then we shall break the seal and leave as quickly as we can to Wu in the south.”

“Wu… Revis, how many magic stones has she eaten to grow that big?”

“Several. All from the deepest floors. In power, I would say… She is at least a level 6 if compared to Ais.”

“And you? How would you rate yourself?”

“… I would say a high-level 5.”

“And Arbuda? Last I saw her, she was rather fragile looking?”

“A result of her magic. For such a powerful defense, it requires a vast amount of magic.”

“Can she not just take it from the air like the Corrupted Spirits?”

“A major demerit for us. Since for us our bodies are not fully Spirit as such, we lack the physical unbalance of the Corrupted Spirits, which are not fully monster and not fully spirit as well.”

“And since you, Wu, Thetis, Arbuda, and Neze are in harmony with your respected bodies, you can’t take mana from the air?”

“Correct. As of the last raid on the Knossos, Arbuda has been rebuilding her strength zealously. Before she—now in comparison at least a level 8 when she fought Cirrus.”

“And now?”

“Level 6.”

“How is that not a major issue!? We don’t have anyone who can go up against Cirrus!!”

“Just because she is weaker doesn’t mean she can’t regain that strength back. Last I saw her, she was eating magic stone after magic stone. Reaching back to level 7 far quicker than before.”

“… That is of some relief, but Cirrus still worries me. That night when Arbuda froze him for a few seconds is something that I keep running in my mind.”

“Do not worry. When she fights Cirrus again, it will be on grounds that are in our favor."

“We still do not know the extent of Cirrus’s stats. The city hasn’t seen a level 8 in years. There is no telling how powerful he—"

“We found it, Lady Ein!!” one member shouted.

“Better ready the horses,” Revis said as she walks to destroy the seal. “And do not worry! When they come next time, the Knossos will be their grave!”

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