Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 223- War Game

[Vol.3] Quest 223- War Game

Babel tower on the day of the War Game.

“So Ai’s busy with stuff on her own Art, apparently she’s looking into the entertainment district for the second entrance to the dungeon.” Said Cirrus as he and Artemis are going up an elevator along with Rethusa.

“I wish we could help but well were not accustomed to that area,” Rethusa said.

“It’s fine. Ai served as Aphrodite’s bodyguard while she ran the red-light district. I’m sure she has a handle on the place.” Artemis said. “Speaking of handling, how was Bell’s training?”

“Good, the kid has the spirit, that’s for sure. He has the potential to really grow.”

“Oh, so Hestia has a promising child, huh?”

“Will he be as strong as you, Cirrus?” asked Rethusa.

“Who knows, maybe in time he will, but I can assure you he won’t pass me.”


The elevator opens to the room the gods used to negotiate War Games. In it, he could see several gods with their children.

Artemis’s arrival drew some eyes. They could see her captain Rethusa and Cirrus by her side.

“Hestia, how are you doing?” she said, walking over to her.

“Hm… just a bit nervous is all.”

“You should be!” Apollo said with a smug. “When I win this War Game, he will be mine! Then I’m going to have you leave Orario no… Gekai.”

“Quiet Apollo,” Artemis said. “Your voice grates our ears.” She said, taking a seat.

“It should be time for the War Games to begin, isn’t it?” asked Rethusa.

“Lord Hermes…” said Asfi.

“On it.” Hermes turns. “Ouranos!! Give me permission to use my power!”

His voice boomed in the room.

“Permission granted.”

Hermes snapped his fingers, and a divine window opened up, showing a castle.

“Heh… so this is what it looks like,” Cirrus said.

As the War Games began, a silence filled the castle.

The guards on the wall have a relaxed attitude as the War Game will last 3 days, with the 3rd being the last and when they will be at their weakest.

But one guard, he looks out to see a cloaked figure on the cliff-side.

The guards are wide-eyed as they see the cloaked figure fall to the ground.

The wind from the fall blows away their cloak to reveal their light green hair and a green mask covering the lower part of their face.

‘Ryuu… heh, so they brought you along, huh? I feel a bit sorry for them.’ thought Cirrus grinning.

He could see her armed to the teeth with Kaguya’s short swords and the staff Cirrus made for her, as well as two magic swords in her arms.

She lands and the guards ready their bows, but Ryuu quickly swings the magic sword in her left arm, causing a torrent of wind and thunder to crash into the castle walls.

“Such power… Hephaestus.” Cirrus said, leaning back and looking at Hephaestus. “Are those his swords?”

Ryuu quickly runs ahead, and a volley of arrows comes raining down on her.

She swings the red magic sword to her right, turning the volley of arrows to ash before they could even hit. The swing was strong enough to have hit the wall a takeout a few archers.

“Yup… those are his magic swords.” Hephaestus smiling. “Do you feel threatened?” She said glancing back at Cirrus.

“That remains to be seen how durable those swords are.” Cirrus looked back to the Divine Window.

Ryuu ran along the walls, blasting them all with her magic swords. She then made one large hole in their wall.

The movement of the Apollo Familia was far too quick. Many noticed they were moving far too fast as well, almost as if they have insider knowledge.

Whatever that may be, many of the Apollo Familia went out through the hole and Ryuu blasted them with her magic swords until her fire sword ran out and shattered.

“10 swings…” Cirrus said.

Ryuu dropped the broken sword and swung the other, knocking out several more Familia members. Then that magic sword also shattered.

“5 swings. So much power for swords that can barely be a swing in the double digits. He will have to work a lot harder to impress me.”

“I feel the same way,” Hephaestus said.

As the smoke of the battle dies down, they see it was an elven woman.

Ryuu then draws Alf's Lumina, and the sight of the weapon quickly made everyone hesitant.

“What are you all!? A bunch of cowards hiding behind a petty elf!” Ryuu antagonized them.

“You are one to talk!! How dare you use a magic sword!!” Lissos shouted. "The weapons that culled our kin!!"

“Easy I swing them.”

“!!!” Lissos’s eyes grew bloodshot in anger. “Attack!!!”

As they attack Ryuu, from behind Mikoto snuck in through the commotion.

“An intruder!!!” shouted Luan a pallum. “They're heading for the captain!! Stop her!!”

Mikoto sliced down the raining arrows and kept moving.

As she was, Cirrus noticed she was mumbling something.

“Concurrent chanting…”

She evaded attack after attack until, finally; they had her surrounded.


A purple sword drops and forms a magic circle. A light falls down, causing everyone to fall to their knees.

“Gravity magic… how impressive, but she needs more strength and endurance to hold out.”

As the battle goes on, Luan opens the gate, letting Bell and Welf in.

“Hmm… hmm hahahahaha!!!” Cirrus laughed out loud. He knew from Artemis who they rescued, and she was putting in work. “What a twist! This is!”

Bell and Welf run through the fairly empty castle, and they reached the bridge. There they had archers and mages.

Welf held out his hand.

“(Burn out, illegal work) [Will-o-Wisp]!!”

An odd air comes out of his hand into the mage's staves, then an explosion.

‘Ignis Fatuus… he can cause that!?’ thought Ai as she watches from the entertainment district.

Bell rushes past one commander of the Familia, leaving Welf to fight her.

As Bell fought his way through, he reached the bottom of the throne room of the castle. There he stood still and breathed.

His right hand glowed in white particles, and he holds his hand up.



An overwhelming pillar of fire shot from his hand and blew up the throne room.

“Hoh…” Said Cirrus looking at the power he had. ‘Interesting…’

Bell then jumped from the dust and came at Hyakinthos with a flurry of quick attacks, of which struck.

Hyakinthos evaded and blocked some of his attacks, but Bell didn’t relent. He kept moving and attacking.

“Guh!! How are you this fast!!” Hyakinthos shouted.

“When one's pride has been crushed, the only way to regain it is to build it yourself from the ground up again! Better and stronger than the last!! Haaaa!!!”

They both exchanged strikes with one another, but Bell quickly got back into his inner space, making it harder for Hyakinthos to use his sword until.


A girl with long dark hair had jumped in, grabbing Bell.

“W-what!! Let go please!”

“Noo!!!” she said, grabbing tightly as Hyakinthos gained some distance and started to chant.

Bell aims his hand at Hyakinthos.


The attack had hit his right shoulder enough to sway his arm and enough for Bell to pry the girl from him when.

“Get away from Lord Bell!!” shouted Lili as she tackled the girl away from him and Bell immediately covered the distance.



Bell clenched his fists and, with all of his body weight, leaned into an uppercut and struck Hyakinthos on his chin.


“It’s not over!!” Bell opened his fist and forcibly placed his palm on Hyakinthos between his chest and stomach. “[Firebolt]!!!”


The blast knocked both Bell and Hyakinthos away from one another with Bell having a slightly burnt hand and Hyakinthos a slightly burnt torso with the air knocked out of him.

“And that’s game!!!!!!!” shouted the announcer. "They have thoroughly taken Hyakinthos down!!”

The city erupted in cheer and groaning as many lost their bets.

“That move… did he copy you Cirrus?” said Ai in the entertainment district. “It is a little incompatible with you since it’s a fireball but… still a good attack, regardless of the damage you take in return.”

“N-no… That can’t be!!!!” Apollo said with sweat dripping off him.

“Apo~llo!” Hestia said with the biggest grin on her face. “Are you ready for what comes next, right?”

“W-wait! I-I didn’t really--"

“Recorder, what did he say?” said Artemis.

“Uhh… he said, “I will take Bell Cranel…” and “I’m going to send you back to heaven.”.”


“So… you promised to give me anything if I won, right? Well, I won so.” Hestia pointed at him. “I’m taking all of your property and wealth!! Your Familia is disbanded, and you are banished from Orario for eternity!”

Apollo’s face turned pale; it was a sight to see a sun god lose its color.


The day after the War Games.

“So what do you think, Hermes?” said Freya. “You're still in need of funds, correct?”

“I am, but why is Ganesha here?” he asked as Ganesha poses.

“He’s part of the plan.”

“Umm, I think I'm a bit out of out of the loop here?”

“We're holding a tournament, Hermes!” Ganesha said excitedly. “Currently Cirrus and many of the Goibniu Familia are working on reinforcing the Colosseum!!”

“A-are you going to do what happened 12 years ago? Is Ottar going to join?” Hermes said grinning a it.

“He is, but it’s more of an exhibition match,” Freya said, taking a seat. “So we need an announcer, and Apollo is out... So." She glanced at the god of messengers who's face could barley contain his excitement.

“Of course, I’ll do it!! Ahh!!! Who else is taking part? Cirrus is obviously going to join, right?”

“He will in the last match, if anyone wishes to partake in it as well as his wife who will face Ottar.”

Hermes’s face is grinning from ear to ear.

“When will it be?”

“Originally in a week, but things have come up, so we had to postpone it for now.”

“So you want me to do the logistics to get it done?”

“Yes, you are clever in taking opportunities, aren’t you, Hermes?” Freya gave him a slight smile.

“Y-yes! I will see what I can do!”

One day later in the afternoon, The Guild put out an announcement.

It read:

Orario’s First Tournament! Level 2 is required! Sign up today or tomorrow at the Colosseum! The 1st match will be an exhibition between the King, Ottar, and a special guest! The higher you go, the more prize money you get!

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