Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Interlude- Month 8, June

Interlude- Month 8, June

It was now summer, and Cirrus was working in the fields.

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble~

"Haaa…" Cirrus looks behind himself to see a fully plowed field.

"Man, you adventurers sure are strong." Said Alvin, a farmer handing Cirrus a towel.

"Fuu~ Yeah, I have been a bit lazy, so this is good to stay in shape."

"Not like you need it; you already look like you're sculpted out of marble."

"Heh. Thanks. So who else needs their farm plowed?"

"Uh yeah, Gloria, you know the ‘bountiful’ lady about three farms down that way?"

"Ah, I know her. Very nice, and have you tried her peach cobbler? Oooh, they're fucking divine."

"I have, and they are divine. She once asked me to help her with something, and she paid me with a peach cobbler. The best deal of my life."

"I bet. You know I had this delicious glass of Sangria from a goddess once."

"And? How was it?"

"I literally cannot find another drink to top hers. Just the taste and flavor were just perfect."

"Damn, I wish I could taste even a sip. Oh, speaking of wishing, shouldn’t your wives be expecting soon?"

"Ah yeah, it’s been eight months, so the babies should be coming soon."

"Well, what the fuck are you doing, letting me take you from them? It would have been one thing if it were teaching some craftsmanship and the like, but not plowing."

"Well, you see, I would, but Ai said to me this morning that I was packing on weight, and I said, ‘Fuck you, I look good.’ To which she said, ‘Sure thing.’ And then she pinched my stomach."

"… Your kind of petty."

"You're fucking right, I am."

"Well, what about Art?"

"She said I should get out more, and here I am."

‘Ugh… I was really losing my mind making that tool to hide divinity and disguise the child.’

"Hmm… Well, you really should be there in case anything happens."

"Yeah… Alright, well, I’ll be going now. See ya tomorrow, Alvin."

"See ya Cirrus."

Cirrus walked back home.

The paths to and from the village were now paved, and they installed more fences around the village in case any monsters came to the village—not that they would since Fafnir regularly patrols the outskirts of the village.

"Creak~," Cirrus opens the door. "I’m home! You guys here!" he shouted, entering his home sweaty.

"Oh, right on time!" said Artemis, coming up to him. "Come quick, the baby kicked!"

"Did it!?" Cirrus quickly walked over and placed his ear on her large belly.

He focused, and he could hear the baby move around.


"Ai said she felt something too. She is in the living room, sleeping on the couch again, waiting for dinner to be finished. Speaking of Hecton! How much longer!" she walked towards the kitchen.

Cirrus goes into the living room to find Ai sleeping. Her pregnancy was further along than Artemis's, so he simply sat in the chair near the fireplace.

"Mmm…" Cirrus simply sits there in contemplation. "Vesta, tell me in what ways could Nox return?"


Vesta emerged from cinders.

"From what I know, first-generation spirits tend to either reincarnate as a person close to the contractor. So Nyx could have reincarnated Nox in…" Vesta looked at Ai.

"So… Nox could possibly reincarnate in…" Cirrus looks at Ai’s belly as well, then back at Vesta.

"It is a possibility, but we will not know it. She could reincarnate today, tomorrow, one week from now, in a decade, a year, or the next second. No matter what, when she reincarnates, she will be drawn to you, and—" Vesta then used telepathy to finish her sentence.

‘—Given that Nyx reincarnated you with your memories, she could very much do the same for Nox.’

"So I just have to wait, huh?"


"… Well, I guess if Nox waited for eons to be unsealed, I can wait for her a few years."

‘Should start to organize her memories, should she finally return and come with no memories? The amount that her body kept is remarkable.’ Thought Vesta before returning to White Night.

A few days later.


"I’m coming!" Cirrus shouted. "Creak! Oh, your guys are finally here!"

Cirrus opened the door to see Fels and Circe.

"Hey Cirrus!" said Circe.

"How has it been, Cirrus?" Fels said, using the magic tool he made them.

"Good, good. Come on in!" Cirrus waved them in.

They enter his home and look around.

"You have filled it with so many memories," Fels said happily at the sight of the pictures on the walls.

"It’s very homey! Now, where are the wives? I need to check up on them!" said Circe.

"They are doing fine. Me, Hecton, and Fafnir have been monitoring them."

"Well, let me see!"

"There in the reading room. Down four doors on your left."

Circe walked off towards her patients.

"So… Do you wanna catch up, Fels?"

"Of course, Cirrus. I want to know what you got up to in this lovely little village."

While reading, Circe popped in.

"Hello!! How are favorite sisters-in-law!"

"!?" Both Ai and Artemis jump up in surprise.

"C-Circe!? You’re here!" said Ai, surprised.

"We didn’t think you would come so early." Said Artemis, putting her book down.

"Well, for you two, I decided to come earlier! So let's see how they're coming along!" She walked over to Ai first. "(A myriad vapors obscure the light.) [Atéleio̱tos Voyage]." Her eyes glowed, and she could see right under Ai’s sharp snow-white and ruby soul, the child’s soul, and a red thread connecting them to her. "Hm! Hm! They are looking very healthy! Now for the special child!" she looks at Artemis as she could see the string connected to her, but— "Hm?" Circe tilted her head a bit. She got a bit closer.

"What’s wrong?" Artemis said a bit worried.

"… Your child’s soul… It’s rather interesting. It’s like a shining sapphire and silver soul with a white nugget in the middle."

"What does my child look like?" Ai asked.

"Their soul really looks like yours and Cirrus', with a sharp gold and ruby soul."

"Ooh! Neat!"

"Circe, what was the problem that you saw?" asked Artemis.

"Oh, that it’s nothing much. I thought I saw something familiar, but I guess the child of a god would be a little more special."

"Hey, my child is special too!" Ai said.

"Of course they are, but you're not a god now, are you?"

"… No," Ai said, sulking a bit.

"But Artemis, you shouldn’t worry! The firmness of their souls is bright and healthy!"

"Yes, but you said it looked familiar?" Artemis said.

"Well… I didn’t want to bring it up, but I felt the child’s soul bore a small resemblance to Nox."

Artemis gently touched her abdomen.

"D-do you think she would reincarnate as my child?"

"Well… I’m not really sure. I mean, it could be because of Cirrus. I mean, he’s spiritually related to Ouranos and Astraea. Along with Nox being Nyx’s spirit, it would stand to reason your and Cirrus’s kid would gain some space or more celestial-like qualities."

"Still, though, can you check again?"

"I mean, sure. I will have to have you stand up though."


Circe helps Artemis get up on her feet.

She then used her magic again, using a bit of Cirrus’s magic to further increase its power.

"Hmm…" Circe carefully checked the child, walking around Artemis and looking at the child from different angles.

"So?" asked Ai.

"… Sorry, but it isn’t Nox. Nox’s soul is very, how do I put it? Uh… unique."

"How so?" Artemis asked slowly, sitting back down.

"Well, Nox takes a lot after their creator, as you all know, and over the years that I have known Nox, she is surprisingly stealthy despite her appearance. Her soul is no different. It’s hard to make clear of Nox’s soul from afar, but if you're really close, you can make her out with some difficulty."

"Hmm… Even in heaven, Nyx was one who was difficult to track or find if she didn’t wish to be found." Artemis stated. "Oh. Now that Nyx is brought up, Erebus is back in heaven as well."

"How so? How are Nyx and Erebus connected?" Ai said with some venom.

"Well… Um. How do I put this? He and Nyx were once an item."

"… Hehe-hahaha!!!" Ai laughed out loud. "No way!! Hahaha!! Oh, man! Hey Circe! When Nox comes back, we will have to tease her with that!"

"Fufu." Circe chuckled. "We really should! But why would they be an item? If Nyx is anything like Nox, I couldn’t see it."

"Well, Nyx is the Goddess of the Night, while Erebus is the God of Darkness. You can see the similarities there, right?" Artemis said.

"I guess," Ai said. "But are they still an item? I mean, Erebus has been in Gekai for quite a while, no?"

"Yes. He had walked the land for about a few hundred years before I arrived. I guess it had to do with their breakup."

"Pfft! Hahaha!! He got dumped!" Ai laughed even more.

"What happened?" Circe asked.

"Well, from what I overheard from Apollo, they just split up one day. No buildup or anything; just up and split. Hypnos then asked me to check up on how she was doing. It took me 148 years to find her staying in Hemera’s domain."

"Hemera?" Circe asked.

"She is the Goddess of the Day. The opposite of Nyx. They got along surprisingly well. Nyx was a kind and even-tempered individual who could say the most ridiculous things and have a cool face. Hemera was a very hyperactive person whose temper can change before you know it and pass just as quickly."

"So was Nyx alright?"

"Of course. She simply replied, ‘Oh, that. Yes, me and Erebus are no longer together. There was no reason we simply grew tired of one another and went our own ways. I feel no heartbreak.’ I then asked Nyx a question of my own. I asked her: ‘Are you sure? I have seen Hephaestus’s heartbroken, and knowing you are—’ she then cut me off. ‘Artemis, there will be a time where—’ Ah." Artemis's eyes widen. "Did she see that far? Or was it a guess?" Artemis quickly went into thought.

"What did she say!" Ai said a bit firmly.

"Oh, uh, ahem!" Artemis cleared her throat. "She said that there will be a time when I will learn what love is and what heartbreak is."

"Well, she mustn’t be very good since you're pretty happy, huh?"

"Yes! I am very happy! Also, Circe, have you confirmed Nox is not in my womb?"

"Oh, uh, don’t know!" Circe made a forced smile. "But I know that your child’s soul is 100% not Nox’s. Nox’s soul is purely white, while your child has more prominent colors!"

Seven months back in Heaven.

"It is time, Nox," Nyx said, standing before Nox.

"Hm! I’m ready! I had my fun and kicked Erebus’s ass! Also, find someone better than that dork!" Nox said, disgusted by her mother's taste in men.

"Aren’t you adorable when you're embarrassed!" Nyx pinches Nox’s cheeks.

"Gaah! Stop it!"

"Did you stop for Cirrus?"

"… Fair enough. So! Where am I dropping?" Nox was smiling ear to ear, ready to return.

"Before I reincarnate you, I must give you something. You have reached an odd point in your existence."

"What do you mean?"

"Much like how Cirrus is now a Demigod, albeit a quarter god. The Heavenly Flame burned and filled in the parts of his soul that were burned away. You are no different."

"So what? I’m a Demigod?"

"No, no. You are my aspect."

"… Eh?"

"The flame also burned bits of your soul away and filled it with divinity. So you, being a Grand Spirit, are no more. Now you can call yourself Aspect of the White Night."

"Ooh… OOOOOOOH!!! Really!!" She jumped up in joy.

"Yes." Nyx smiled while nodding her head. "But unlike Vesta and Hestia, I wish to give you this." Nyx held out her hand, and a black veil with stars in them slowly came into existence. "This is a piece of my Divine Weapon, my veil. It is the very same one that I used to hide Cirrus, albeit it was only small enough to hide him enough to pass him off as one of the people of Gekai. The one I am giving to you will hide you from all."

Nox grabs the veil and puts it on.

Immediately the veil changes color to match Nox’s color pallet to a white that blends in perfectly with her hair, with only black stars to identify she is wearing a veil.

"So, does it look good on me?"

"Perfect as the day I made you." Nyx walks up to her and hugs her tightly. "It has been amazing that I could speak with you again, my child. Now." She took a few steps back to meet her eyes. "You have to go and help your niece."

"Niece? He is gonna have a daughter!? Who!?"

"Farewell Nox."

"Don’t you dare not answer—Flash!"

Nox returned to the state of a soul. Her bright, white soul illuminated Nyx’s domain.

"A beautiful ivory soul with a topaz center." Nyx held her soul preciously as it emanated black stars.

She walked to a green cloud-shaped flower and knelt.

"The child will be rather attached to you, Cirrus." She then plants Nox next to the green flower.

A moonflower grew with long silver stamens that curled into a crescent shape with a tinge of blue at the ends. The stem had a white fuzz to it.

"I guess that is what happens when they are so close to Nox for so many years. Hm… That day you reunite with him, will hurt you, my daughter. But it will be for the greater good."

Back in Gekai, around the time as a soul of sapphire, silver, and a nugget of gold slowly grew, Nox’s soul appeared next to it.

The two slowly began to merge before the sapphire soul fended it off. The two souls were equal in strength, in response, Nox’s soul glowed, and the other half of Elpis and the two souls simply remained next to one another.

While one shines brightly in the open, the other remains hidden by the veil given to them by Nyx.

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