Cooking with Wild Game (LN)

Volume 7 - Ch 4

Commotion in the Post Station Town

Translator: Skythewood

Editor: Ratorasepo


Ai Fa, dont be so worked up.

The next day, when we were heading to the Post Station Town, Ludo Wu said that to Ai Fa.

You cant just leave Asuta and play tag with Tay Tsun. If Asuta gets bitten by a Gizu and becomes sick and bedridden, he wont be able to cook. He might even die of the infection, which will be way worse.

Similar to yesterday, there were eight of us, four stall attendants and four escorts, heading to the Post Station Town.

As we traveled down the gentle slope, Ai Fa looked peeved and remained quiet.

Dad and Jiza-nii didnt complain either. They just told me to apprehend Tay Tsun when he shows up. Its useless for him to use the fruits that attract kiba in the Post Station Town, and we can win easily with our numbers.

And of course, we told everything that happened last night to our fellow tribe mates of Forest's Edge. The men from the Dom house even searched the forest in the night, but couldnt find any traces of Tay Tsun.

Anyway, dont worry about it. We will catch him and wont let him harm the women of Forest's Edge or hurt the residents of Post Station Town. He is alone, there is nothing to fear.

Ludo Wu who was leading the way continued in a relaxed tone:

If he tosses his blade aside obediently, we will let him taste Asutas cooking. He shouldnt have any complaints then. I wont care even if he wants to grumble anyway Ai Fa, stop being so depressed.

Im not depressed.

Ai Fa couldnt bear it anymore and pouted.

The next instant, Rau Lei who was on the other end flanking the women reacted:

Whats with your face? So you make such an expression too, you look just like a kid.

Ai Fa immediately showed her cat-like face and looked at Rau Lei with dangerous eyes.

All these expressions suit you just fine. On a closer look, you really are a beauty. If you werent a hunter, I would want to marry you.

Stop that, Rau Lei. You go too wild sometimes.

I interjected frantically, but Rau Lei just tilted his head quizzingly.

But why? The Lei house doesnt have the custom of being too formal with friends. I said that because I really thought about marrying her.


Dont worry, I cant marry a hunter. As the clan head, I have to leave behind many scions. If she wants to marry into my house, she will have to give up hunting.

Ai Fa didnt say she wants to marry you anyway!

Ludo Wu retorted with a smile, and the subject was dropped. Despite the dangerous situation, the men of Forest's Edge still took it easy. Could I put down the load in my heart after seeing their casual attitude? To be honest, I felt uneasy about this since last night.

That man just what kind of person is Tay Tsun?

After losing his family, this branch house member of the Tsun clan moved into the Tsun clan main house.

He was Auras father and Zweis grandfather.

He served under Yamiel Lei, Diga and the others, obeyed their orders, and took care of menial chores.

And he was the aide of the former clan head Zattsu Tsun.

I have reviewed his case file numerous times but still couldnt get a grip on his character.

Only two things helped me analyze his personality. The first, he might have disobeyed Digas orders and saved Ai Fa. The second, he put down his blade without hesitation before Dan Lutim.

He wants someone to destroy him.

Yamiel Leis words echoed in my mind.

Yamiel Lei felt the same way in the past.

Even so, she still chose to live on as a member of the Lei house. If Tay Tsun could ignore Zattsu Tsun, he might have forged a new life as a member of the Dom house.

But he preferred to follow Zattsu Tsun and left. Diga and Doddo fled, but Tay Tsun stayed with Zattsu Tsun. He then assisted Zattsu Tsun in committing his final crime.

Was this part of his plan to seek destruction? Did Tay Tsun choose this path, so he could witness Zattsu Tsuns end and follow him? Was that it?


Rau Lei suddenly raised his hand and stopped the group.

The paths at the edge of the forest were filled with greenery, and these narrow paths were made to link the Post Station Town to the Forest's Edge settlement.

These dirt paths were just two to three meters wide and meandered greatly. Dense and short trees flanked the path. Visibility was poor because of the thick vegetation. But we would be able to hear the noise of the Post Station Town if we proceed a little farther.

Whats the matter? I dont sense any movements.

The woods beside us are quiet But isnt the city noisier than usual?

I couldnt hear anything. Vena Wu and the other women also tilted their head confusedly.

The hunters nodded.

Now that you mention it, this sounds like a large group of people quarreling.

Did Tay Tsun fail to hide himself and get caught?

I will go take a look.

The rear guard Shin Wu ran down the path. He sprinted back less than a minute later.

A large number of Post Station Town residents are gathered at the borders of the city and the forest. Also, I noticed plenty of guards, but they showed no intentions of coming up.

How many are there?

More than ten guards and about a hundred residents.

Just what was happening here?

The most probable situation would be Tay Tsun getting arrested, and the crowd was here just to see the show.

We wont be able to enter the town like this. What should we do, Asuta?

Hmm Why dont Ai Fa and I go take a look? If it is just the two of us, it wont agitate those residents.

Besides, if Tay Tsun really got arrested, we had to talk to him before he gets brought into Genos castle.

Thats true. If things look bad, run back here immediately. We can then just relax and wait for them to disperse.


Ai Fa nodded.

We walked down the path Shin Wu took earlier.

After walking down the meandering road for 30 seconds, we saw the scene described by Shin Wu. As we were on higher ground, we could see the entire place.

A row of wooden houses appeared before us, and there was an empty space behind it. More than a hundred people were gathered there, and they had blockaded the end of this road.

Speaking of which, when Zattsu Tsun was on the run, two guards started standing sentry here. Their numbers had now increased to ten.

And several Post Station Town residents were obviously arguing with the guards.

Looks like they havent caught Tay Tsun.

Yes. Could it be that we are the reason behind this commotion?

That could be possible.

Since this had nothing to do with Tay Tsun, we had to think about it from this angle.

What should we do. Its not a good time for us to enter the town, right?

But we still dont understand the situation, we cant turn back so easily. Whether we enter the town or not, Tay Tsun will be there as promised.

There was a stern light in Ai Fas eyes.

We should speak to the guards. If they want us to go back to the settlement, theres nothing we can do either. No matter what, we have to figure out what is going on before deciding the next step But if that crowd attacks us, we will go back to the settlement right away.


And so, Ai Fa and I watched both sides of the road as we cautiously moved forth.

When the vegetation got less dense and they were able to see us, the chattering turned into angry shouts.

Uwaahhh The noise came like a flood.

Ai Fa stopped for a while, but when she saw the guards armed with spears forming a human wall and that the people from town showed no intention of charging us, she walked forward again.

As we got nearer, I gradually made sense of their shouts.

I could only understand two of their sentences. Some roared:Get lost!, and others shouted:Dont go back!

Listen up, stop that noise! Inciting a disorder in the city is a serious crime! Do you want to be exiled from Genos!

I could finally make out what the guards were shouting.

Stop joking with me! If you think you can exile us, give it a try!

The salary of you, guards, is paid by us too!

If you are guards, arrest the criminals!

Who are the criminals!? The criminals already got caught yesterday!

A large horde tried to squeeze in front of the guards. There were also residents who stayed behind and were pushing against each other.

The pushing ones were mostly westerners and southerners. The westerners with ivory or yellowish-brown skin and the southerners with snow-white skin were all red in the face, and they grabbed onto each others chest and yelled. Those two werent the only ones at odds, some westerners were also glaring at each other.

The tall and slender dark-skinned easterners surrounded them, standing quietly in place. Their numbers were substantial too.

Some of the westerners argued with the easterners, but the easterners didnt raise their voice or get physical with the other party, and just replied in a normal voice.

The denizens of Forest's Edge hate the people of Genos! We cant let those dangerous people enter Genos!

Dont talk nonsense! They didnt commit any crimes!

Thats right! Do the citizens of the west like to slander innocent people!?

Shut up! Outsiders can just shut their trap!

If you have a problem with this, get out of Genos!

Hah! You want to bar us from Genos? Then what is the reason for the existence of this Post Station Town!? If you hate foreigners so much, just build a wall!

We stopped about 7 to 8 meters away from them.

Their emotions were boiling in this cool and refreshing morning.

All the denizens of Forest's Edge are our enemies!

Are you retarded? Are you going to hunt the kiba!?

You are from Genos too, why are you defending them!?

The denizens of Forest's Edge are citizens of Genos too! We are all children of the western god Selva! Those who slander them are the unforgivable traitors!

Stop being so rowdy! Leave right now! Or I will arrest you all!

Go ahead and try!

We didnt need to ask what was going on. The faction supporting Forest's Edge and the faction against Forest's Edge were arguing nonstop.

All the southerners supported Forest's Edge. Most of the westerners were against Forest's Edge. However, there was a group of westerners who opposed this.

And it seemed that the crowd was growing with each passing second. The people who heard this uproar from the streets and buildings started walking over.

I stood there in a daze, and Ai Fa had a sour face.

Should we proclaim our innocence?

Or should we turn back quietly?

No matter what we did, there was a risk that the commotion would intensify.

Asuta and his friends did nothing wrong! Why are you chasing them away!

I heard the familiar voice of a girl between the shouts. That was Yumi. But I couldnt see her.

Enough already, let us eat our breakfast! Im starving!

Pops Balan shouted.

Shumimaru was probably watching this scuffle sadly with his hood pulled up.

What should I do?

Normally, the best option would be to return to the Forest's Edge settlement.

The Genos people were forcing us to continue with our business, but if we did so under such circumstances, the relationship between the Post Station Town and us would fracture. We should retreat for now and then find a good chance to talk to the people in Genos castle in the future.

But if we didnt make any explanation and just fled, the people supporting us would be outraged. What should we do

Enough already! What rights do you have to obstruct other peoples business!?

At this moment we heard this exceptionally loud roar that drowned out the other shouts.

That voice didnt quiet everyone, but the first row of people right in the guards face all piped down and turned back.

What did the denizens of Forest's Edge ever do to you!? Only those who had been harmed have the rights to complain! Everyone else can just shut up!

What are you saying!? Didnt they attack the caravan yesterday?

They are not the assailants! The culprit has been apprehended! What else are you unhappy about!?

Milano Mast was standing up for us.

He came out from the crowd, turned his back towards us, glared at the crowd, and roared even more loudly:

Does the crime of one person mean the sin of an entire country!? You think there are no felons in Genos!? Are you ready to put your heads on the line for the crimes of someone else!?

Traitor! Those trying to shield the denizens of Forest's Edge should get out of Genos!

Im not shielding anyone! Im just lecturing the idiots who are trying to punish innocent people!

Ai Fa, lets go.

I grabbed Ai Fas hand.

We cant let Milano Mast get targeted by the crowd. We will convince them.

I dont plan to convince them.

Then just protect me. Maybe there will be people trying to beat me up.

I will do that then.

Ai Fa smiled fearlessly.


When Ai Fa and I were about to go down the slope, a thunderous voice sliced through the heated air.

The roar was incredibly loud, and the hundred-odd people all held their breaths in surprise.

Donda Wu and Dan Lutim could probably do that. But the one who appeared before us was definitely from the Rock City.

Everyone started chattering again, but the atmosphere was completely different. The gathered crowd also parted like the Red sea in the ten commandments. Roughly ten soldiers walked slowly through this path towards us.

These soldiers were obviously on a different level from the Post Station Town guards. Their leather armor was white and elegant; they had a sheathed blade on their waist and held spears in their hands.

I had never seen anyone dressed so pompously in the Post Station Town before. They were also wearing steel helmets that covered their nose and cheeks. Their light armor had the emblem of the western kingdom on it, a short ceremonial cape and vambrace that covered their entire forearms. Some of them had leather helmets, but the joints were reinforced with steel. Their sword sheaths and boots were also decorated beautifully, and elegant warriors were an apt description for them.

The one in the middle of the group walked slowly to the front of the guards. He was exceptionally tall amongst the white and buff soldiers.

He must be the leader of the group. He had a steel helmet decorated with a plum that was like the crown of a cock. He was the only one wearing a long cape, not holding a spear, and having two swords tied to his waist. The button on his cape had a yellow stone that looked like amber. His white leather armor was adorned with elegant accessories.

Guard captain, what is this commotion about?

The man asked in a cold and stern voice. From the sound of his voice, the one who roared just now was him.

One of the guards blockading the road to the Forest's Edge panicked and hurried over to him.

L-Lord Malfreed Arent you the commander of the castle guards? What brings you here?

Guard captain, I am the one who is asking the questions.

When he heard that, the slightly plump guard captain started shivering.

T-The residents of the Post Station Town became fearful of the denizens of Forest's Edge after that episode yesterday. This commotion happened when they saw that the denizens of Forest's Edge were on their way to enter the town.

While they were conversing, the residents all fell silent.

In this strangely empty space between the bustling city and the untamed forest, this group dressed in white didnt belong to either side. They were most suited for the Rock City.

I didnt know about the existence of the castle guards. But they were probably the true citizens of Rock City the residents living inside the walled castle town of Genos.

An announcement was made two days ago, stating that the denizens of Forest's Edge wont be barred from conducting their business in the Post Station Town. I dont recall this announcement being canceled.

The man known as Malfreed looked at Ai Fa and me.

As he was wearing a large helmet, I couldnt make out his face clearly.

However, it was enough for me to realize one thing.

I glanced at Ai Fa beside me, and she frowned unhappily.

As expected so that was the truth.

I was clenching my fists before I realized it.

Malfreed faced the guard captain again, seemingly losing his interest in us.

So, what crimes have they transgressed?

N-No, they just came from Forest's Edge and had not spoken a word.

In that case, the residents of the Post Station Town who started this riot are the criminals. Arent you in charge of upholding the peace here? Why are you leaving the criminals be?

B-But there are too many

This has nothing to do with numbers, a crime is a crime.

The next instant, the man in white armor brandished one of his swords.

The residents from the Post Station Town screamed and backed away.

You criminals who disturb the peace in Genos, do not resist arrest. Those who do will be executed in the name of the castle guard commander Malfreed.

How reckless.

I grabbed Ai Fas arm and covered the 7 to 8 meters distance in one shot.

Please wait! Did they commit such serious crimes? From what I could see, no one had resorted violence, right!?

Y-You denizens of the Forest's Edge, watch your tongue! This is the firstborn of Marquis Marstein Genos, commander of the castle guards Lord Malfreed!

The guard captain yammered with a green face.

Marquis Marstein Genos firstborn So he was the eldest son of the Genos Landlord?

Even so, I didnt want to just submit to this humiliation. Milano Mast was standing beside the man with his sword drawn, and there was a rebellious fire in his eyes, as if he was about to lash out.

This commotion only happened because we appeared before them suddenly! We should have entered the town when everyone has cooled down! Thats why they were so agitated, so please spare them!

No matter what reasons there are, a crime is a crime. Besides, we didnt prohibit you from entering the Post Station Town.

Malfreed said quietly without even looking at me.

I looked at his cold profile as I desperately continued:

I can understand it is a crime to incite a commotion in the Post Station Town. But in that case, we should bring the subject who caused this situation to arise in the first place.

The subject who caused this situation?

Yes, its a merchant named Zashuma, the leader of a caravan. He paraded the fearsome criminal through the Post Station Town arrogantly. Because he let the residents see that criminal who was on the verge of mental collapse, the residents felt that their peaceful lives were at risk.

This might sound like I was grasping at straws to others.

But I didnt care. I just wanted the subject himself to hear what I had to say. This commotion is because you neglected to care for the citizens that was what I was implying.

What a cunning man.

Malfreed sheathed his sword.

The guard captain looked surprised, but he still roared at the residents of the Post Station Town in a panic:

Disperse right now! If you dont, I will arrest you all!

They might have looked unhappy, but everyone still walked slowly back to the Post Station Town.

Malfreed turned his entire body to face us.

Denizens of Forest's Edge, a crime is a crime, and a criminal is a criminal. In Genos, be it the denizens of Forest's Edge or the residents of the Post Station Town, everyone needs to abide by the law of Genos.

I think you are absolutely right.

Malfreed looked younger than I thought and was 25 years old at most. As expected of a noble, he had a strong chin, high bridge nose, and good looks.

He had ivory skin and light-brown fringe that could be seen from his helmet

There was an icy gleam in his eyes, like that of a reptile.


Our opening hours had been delayed greatly, but we still decided to open for business.

If not for the matter related to Tay Tsun, we would have definitely turned back. We should allow some time for the residents of Genos to cool down after all.

Hence, we had to apprehend Tay Tsun quickly. This was for the peace of mind of the people in Forest's Edge and the Post Station Town Other than that, we also wanted to calm Tay Tsun down.

Tay Tsun was probably looking forward to his destruction. But I didnt wish for him to do so. If he managed to avoid the death sentence, he might get another chance at life.

If he continued to run, his grave wounds won't heal and he would die in the forest. No matter how minute the chance, as long as there was hope, I didnt want him to give up. This might sound hypocritical, but I really meant it.

The westerners are cowards! I really hate them so much! Even a newborn Kimyusu is braver than them!

Pops Balan chewed on his Myam-roasted meat angrily.

Dont be like that, Pops.

It was rare seeing Arudas eat a Kiba burger, and his voice sounded meek.

Starting a commotion will only trouble Asuta. You can clearly see that from that incident earlier. Now that I think about it, I should have ignored those noisy westerners.

What are you talking about!? Who will take responsibility if I cant eat a delicious lunch!? Arudas, you were shouting louder than me today too.

Thats why Im reflecting on my actions. Why are we so easily angered?

Arudas looked dejected, unlike his usual self.

In the end, we still got to eat delicious dishes, so there wasnt any need to quarrel in the first place. If the people from Rock City were there from the start, it wouldnt have gotten out of hand.

Thats right! Normally, the people from Rock City are more timid and lazy than the Post Station Town residents, but I could give them some praises for today.

That was how forthright the southerners thinking was.

However, doing things this way was similar to how the Genos castle protected the Tsun clan. I didnt know why the people in Rock City agreed to us doing business, but the people in the Post Station Town probably viewed it as the denizens of Forest's Edge receive special treatment.

Hey, you will be providing dinner at the inn tonight, right?

Pops stared at me.

Yes, Naudiz hopes that I can continue, I answered.

Alright then, I have no complaints Asuta, no matter what troubles lie ahead, you can always count on the people from the south.

Yes, thank you.

Of course, I couldnt ask them for favors so easily, but I was still happy to hear such kind words.

When Pops entourage just left, the members of the Silver Vase came over.

Asuta, happy, see you safe.

Shumimaru seemed to be deep in thought.

I asked Shela Wu to prepare the Myam-roasted meat and accepted the copper plates.

Thank you, Shumimaru. Were you there just now too?

Yes, but helpless, we.

No, this is a problem between Forest's Edge and Genos, we have to resolve this ourselves.

Asuta, I think, denizens of Forest's Edge, east kingdom, suit.


West kingdom, no appreciate, denizens of Forest's Edge. Strange, not appreciate, brethren.

The denizens of Forest's Edge dont think of the people of Genos as brethrens too. I dont think this is a one-sided issue.

After my reply, Shumimaru drooped his eyes weakly.

I, incomplete, thinking. Shameful.

N-No, not at all! Im very glad that you are worried about us. I really mean it.

However, we cant migrate to the eastern kingdom so easily. Like what Kaslan Lutim explained, if we gave up hunting kiba and left the western kingdom, we might really become their enemies. Even someone from another world like me understood how dangerous that would be.

Malefic star, gone. No telling, peace or downfall, future. I worry.

Thats right. We will do everything we can to steer our fate towards a better outcome.

If peace, please, innkeeper Cryptic Venerable Inn, discuss.

After Shumimaru, there were only a few other customers.

There was less than an hour before noon. The crowd was getting denser, but everyone was avoiding us. The westerners who supported Forest's Edge also cautiously kept their distance. Maybe they were afraid that they would trigger a commotion similar to this morning.

Asuta, sorry to keep you waiting.

At this moment, Rii Sudora arrived.

It would be bad if she came at the same time as Tay Tsun, so I asked her to come earlier and will pay her an extra red copper plate for today.

The head of the Sudora house accompanied his wife over as usual, his gloomy eyes staring at the road.

Somehow, the air feels really chaotic today, and the gazes from the town residents irk me too.

Zattsu Tsun just got caught yesterday. It will be wise not to agitate them.

Hmmp, you dont need to tell me that, I dont care about them. They are just cowards.

I was a little saddened by his words. Some of the houses were friendly towards us and concurred with the Fa houses business in the Post Station Town, but they had very shallow understanding of the residents of Genos.

If they could peddle kiba meat in the future, they could live a more prosperous life. That was why they concurred with me doing everything I could. However, they didnt realize that they and the residents of Genos needed to understand each other first.

The members of the Wu clan probably didnt realize that either. The denizens of Forest's Edge still maintained their attitude of Its fine whether you like or hate us.

As they lived with honor, they didnt fear the eyes of others and didnt care how others viewed them. They would just head down the path they believed in That was the most prominent characteristic of the denizens of Forest's Edge. It was their greatest strength, as well as their biggest flaw.

I thought the simple and righteous attitude that the denizens of Forest's Edge held towards life was precious. However, when they saw something different from themselves, they didnt interact with them actively and rejected them like something filthy. This might be the reason that led to the Tsun clans downfall and the souring of relations between the Forest's Edge and Genos.

That was why I felt surprised when Donda Wu proposed that everyone should redeem the crimes of the Tsun clan, instead of cutting them off. I thought that was a gospel that heralded the dawn of a new era.

To think that another commotion happened right after the Tsun clan fell into ruin. If Zattsu Tsun didnt run away Forget it, its useless to think about that.

As I was troubling over that, the Sudora house had sorted out their deployment. Rii Sudora and the youngest man stayed at the stall, while the other three hid into the woods. Their actions were similar to the past two days, but they had already discussed how they should encircle Tay Tsun were he to appear.

All the preparations were done now. No matter when Tay Tsun appeared, we would be able to react immediately.

I was worried about the residents of the Post Station Town. The crowd was sparse, but it was still much denser than the morning. Furthermore, compared to the 5 or 6 guards on duty, there were only two sentries here at the northern end of the town today.

It would be better for us if there were fewer guards, but what about the pedestrians? When Tay Tsun, the felon of Forest's Edge, would approach us disguised as a patron and get apprehended by his fellow denizens of the Forest's Edge, what would the passersby who witnessed this scene think?

Would they assume that the denizens of Forest's Edge were stirring up more trouble and feel more animosity? Would the violent action of the hunters frighten them?

Was doing this the right thing? I couldnt tell if that was true.


At this moment, Ai Fa called out to me softly.

I turned, and Ai Fa who was standing between the two stalls looked to the north.

I followed her gaze and held my breath in surprise. The group in white we saw this morning was coming our way from the north.

The north where the Genos castle was located.

Whats going on, didnt they return to the castle?

It was a squad of about ten men dressed in white, just like this morning. The commander Malfreed stood at their fore as usual. They walked solemnly on the stone-paved road and entered the Post Station Town once again.

After acknowledging the salute from the guards at the northern end of the city, they didnt even look at us and headed to the bustling south. Malfreeds grey eyes looked straight ahead and didnt glance towards us.

Are they on guard against Tay Tsun?

Ai Fa let a young member of the Sudora house take her post and then whispered to me.

It is rare seeing the people from Rock City loitering in the Post Station Town. Looks like things are going to get troublesome.

Thats right, it would be bad if they run into Tay Tsun.

If that man with reptile-like eyes encountered Tay Tsun, he would cut him down even though they were inside the Post Station Town. Because he failed to cut that criminal down yesterday.

That man feels similar to the eldest son of the Wu clan.

Hmm? Do you think he is similar to Jiza Wu?

Dont you think so? I could see his steel-like conviction that the rules are everything.

Hmm, in comparison, Jiza Wu is more approachable.

If Jiza Wu opened his slit-like eyes wide, there might be cold eyes hidden there too Just the thought of that made me shiver.

The firstborn of the Genos landlord and the commander of the castle guards, Malfreed

He was known as Double Fangs, Han of Dabag.

The noble of nobles disguised himself as a Guardian by covering his face with a dirty cloth. It was not funny as a joke at all.

I was probably right. His buff body, two swords, and ivory skin Ai Fa and I also heard Han of Dabag saying criminal scum to Zattsu Tsun.

There were also those cold, grey, reptile-like eyes of his. I didnt know what others thought, but in this Post Station Town, there couldnt be another pair of eyes like that.

To think that even the son of the landlord is working with Kamyua No, is it the opposite? Maybe its Malfreed who came up with the plan, and Kamyua is helping him No matter which it is, this is unexpected.

Anyway, this proved that Kamyua Yost didnt set the caravan trap alone and the people of Rock City were involved.

Where was that willful conman Kamyua Yost, and what was he doing right now?

The denizens of Forest's Edge are in a perilous situation, one false move and our relationship with Genos would fall out beyond repair. Is that Kamyua Yosts true goal? Or he didnt expect for the situation to turn out like this?

Would I have the chance to speak with that man who was always pretending to be retarded?

I didnt hate him, I just wasnt able to trust him, so I could only keep my distance away from him.

However, if Kamyua Yost was lying about his admiration for the denizens of Forest's Edge, there was no other way then being enemies.

But If not for the trap set by Kamyua and the others, Milano Mast and Leito wont get their justice

I felt my head getting heavier as I thought about it more and more.

I hoped that Kamyua Yost sided with the Post Station Town and not with Rock City. Even if we were on opposing sides, I hoped that I wouldnt need to hate him.

Asuta, there are just three Kiba burgers left, what should we do?

Vena Wu asked in her usual tone.

Three left, huh, thats unexpectedly fast. Its almost noon, lets make another batch.

I asked Shela Wu and Rii Sudora to tend to the Myam-roasted meat stall and then walked to the Kiba burger stall.

At the same time, Ludo Wu came out from the woods behind me.

Huh? Ludo Wu, why

Hes here.

To everyone else, this was the only cue they needed.

Vena Wu and Lala Wu left the stall quietly and linked up with Shela Wus group. The four Sudora men quickly encircled the Myam-roasted meat stall and the women.

Ai Fa walked to the front of the Kiba burger stall and Ludo Wu stayed at my left. Rau Lei and Shin Wu walked even further to our left.

There were still tens of minutes before high noon.

But Tay Tsun was here.

Is that him?

A well-built man in a brown hooded cloak approached us with a precise pacing like a robot. I couldnt see his face as he wore his hood low like a Semu. However, I could see his dark-brown chin that was visible under his hood.

His strides were steady, showing no signs of injuries. That was why he could come in through the bustling southern road without arousing any suspicion and stand before the Kiba burger stall.

He was less than two meters from Ai Fa. Rau Lei stood on the opposite end of Ai Fa, which was to Tay Tsuns right, while Shin Wu had flanked to Tay Tsuns back. I took two steps back, and Ludo Wu squeezed into the opening there.

Including Ludo Wu who was standing behind the stall, they surrounded Tay Tsun from all directions. All of them held knives in their hands and could stab him by taking another step forward.

Tay Tsun raised his head and looked at me through Ludo Wus shoulder.

His eyes were murky like a dead fish.

Im a little early. There are fewer guards on sentry than I expected.

There are fewer guards, but the soldiers from Rock City are patrolling the town. They might come back any time soon.

I see I dont have any copper plates, can I try your cooking?

On one condition.

Ludo Wu answered.

Hand me your blades. If you do that, I will let you try Asutas cooking. I swear on the name of Ludo Wu, youngest son of the Wu clan main house.

At this moment, a hysterical voice came from the north.

Hey! What are you all doing since just now!? Dont do anything suspicious!

It was one of the guards standing sentry in the north.

Ai Fa kept her eyes on Tay Tsun and answered loudly:

This is the criminal wanted by you, a member of the Tsun clan! We will hand him over to you soon, so get ready!

H-He is the criminal!? Dont joke with me, that criminal got slashed in the chest, even if he lived, he wont be able to move!

I dont know either! But he is standing there right now! We want to take him alive and hand him over to Genos!

I-I will get reinforcements! Dont run away!?

One of the guards sprinted down the southern road, the other guard stood in place, showing no intention of coming nearer.

The passersby all stopped in their tracks with fear and suspicion on their faces.

What are you going to do? A large group of men will be coming soon. Choose your actions with the time you have left.

After Ludo Wu said that, Tay Tsun slowly raised his arms.

Ai Fa, Rau Lei and Shin Wu watched him with hunters eyes.

Tay Tsun undid the button at his neck, and the cloak fell onto the ground.

At this instant I held my breath in surprise.

Tay Tsun was wearing the garments of Forests Edge with beautiful swirly patterns. But there was a terrible cut from the right shoulder down to left side of his abdomen. He used Fuibaha vines to stitch up his large wound messily.

Your body is in a terrible state. How are you still standing?

I cant die yet.

After saying that emotionlessly, he reached for the knife on his waist.

The gazes on Tay Tsun grew sharper. Tay Tsun tossed the sheathed knife near Ai Fas feet, and Ai Fa swiftly kicked it to a man from the Sudora house.

Tay Tsun was unarmed now.

Ai Fa, Rau Lei, and Shin Wu took a step closer to Tay Tsun.

They didnt need to get any closer, they were in stabbing range.

Can I try your food now?


I confirmed with Ludo Wu and then moved in front of the stall.

I was just a meter away from Tay Tsun, with a pot between us. If Tay Tsun were to make any moves, the four hunters would draw their knives and attack him.

With a prayer in my heart that violence wouldnt be involved, I grabbed a piece of grilled poitan.

I piled the chopped tino and aria on top of that poitan, scooped up a meat patty and stacked it higher, poured a generous serving of tarapa sauce on it, and topped it off with another grilled poitan.

It wasnt much.

The Kiba burger was passed to Ludo Wu, who then handed it to Tay Tsun.

Tay Tsun didnt show any emotions and took a bite.

Did he understand what we were trying to do after he eats that burger?

Tay Tsun moved his mouth robotically and finished the Kiba burger quickly. During this time, the crowd gawking at us got bigger, but I still didnt see any signs of the town or castle guards.

Are you satisfied now? Ludo Wu asked. Tay Tsun replied with his eyes closed:

Im very satisfied. It is delicious. I finally understand why Mida Tsun is so obsessed with your cooking and why the citizens of the west are willing to pay copper plates for this.

If you are done, put your arms behind your back. I will tie you up and hand you over to the guards.

I understand. But I have to apologize to Asuta of the Fa house. I told you last time that I wanted to try your dish in order to ascertain your prowess. That is a lie.


My heart started pumping quickly.

However, Tay Tsuns serious face broke into a gentle smile, with his eyes still closed.

Actually, I just wanted to try your cooking one more time before I die. The dinner you prepared for the house head conference was very savory I want to apologize for deceiving you and making you worried.

No, this isnt much

I wanted to reply.

But I couldnt do so.

As I was feeling a sigh of relief, the world suddenly changed.

I didnt know what was happening.

I heard Ai Fa shouting angrily:You felon!, the sound of something breaking, a wail, a clash of metal, and other sorts of sound. All these noises happened simultaneously, things were happening and when I realized it, I lost my freedom.

My vision went dark for a second, and when I recovered my vision, the scenery before me was completely different.

The one standing before me was no longer Tay Tsun with a calm and satisfied smile, but Ai Fa who was holding a knife. There were also Ludo Wu, Rau Lei, and Shin Wu. Everyones eyes were filled with unrestrained rage.

An iron pot, which was probably mine, had fallen beside Ludo Wus feet. The tarapa sauce was spilled all over the ground.

Behind the hunters were the residents of Post Station Town whose faces were twisted from fear.

Not just the westerners, there were also southerners and easterners. I even saw some of my regular patrons there. A tearful Tara was somewhere to the left of field of vision, and Uncle Dora was holding her small shoulders with a pale face.

I wanted to look at them, but I couldnt even turn my head. Someone was gripping my throat from behind.

The powerful fingers could snap my neck in an instant. The strength was controlled just right that I wouldnt suffocate.

And then The voice of a man mad with rage exploded beside my ear.

Unforgivable traitors! You brought ruin to the Tsun clan, I will give you my final vengeance!

The hoarse voice was completely different from before, but this was definitely Tay Tsuns voice.


How can this be, why arent you dead!?

Rau Lei roared in rage.

My knife stabbed deep into your body! Are you really human?

Hmmp, I just ate some taboo leaves. You lot dont care about the fruits and vegetables of the forest at all, so you wont understand what is happening.

His hoarse voice was filled with mad glee.

Although he sounded like a completely different person, I could still tell that it was Tay Tsun.

He played us like a damn fiddle He was a man prepared to die No, the obsession of Tay Tsun who was dying had tricked us.

A stronger blood stench than yesterday entered my nasal cavity. I turned my eyes down and saw a nerve-wrecking pool of blood by my feet. There were four hunters here, they couldnt have failed. Tay Tsun had definitely suffered a mortal wound.

However, Tay Tsuns obsession exceeded common sense. He was leaning against a tree behind the stall, facing off against the four hunters. And he was clutching my throat from behind.

I didnt know what sort of fight happened or what was happening.

I was conscious the entire time, and things somehow turned out like this. Tay Tsun must have leaped over the stall and grabbed me like a beast At the same time, the three hunters slashed his back.

Ludo Wu was in front of me earlier, just how did Tay Tsun get by him? I could only imagine. Seeing that Ludo Wus knife lay broken in half on the ground and he was wielding a machete instead, I could guess what method Tay Tsun employed. When Tay Tsun jumped at me, he also flipped the pot in the stall to block Ludo Wus attack. Now that I thought about it, there was a loud sound of metal clashing just now. That explained why Ludo Wus knife was broken.

As I pondered with my half-numbed mind, Tay Tsuns voice that was filled with the madness of hatred rang out:

How dare you vermins defy the tribal chief Tsun clan, I will not die before I have my revenge! This brat ruined the Tsun clan, I will take him with me to hell!

Stop your nonsense! Your people are the ones who violated the taboo of Forest's Edge and have no rights to call yourself the tribal chief clan! Unhand Asuta this instance, villain!

Ludo Wu shouted back, he was as furious as Rau Lei.

Tay Tsun laughed demonically when he heard that, and it reminded me of Zattsu Tsun yesterday.

This has nothing to do with the rules of Forest's Edge or the laws of Rock City! The great Zattsu Tsun was going to bring us a new world order! You fools couldnt understand his ambition! You can only swoon over the people of Rock City, the epitome of weakness! You made us lose the only means of making the people in Rock City submit to the Forest's Edge!.

I have had enough of your pointless ramblings! What new world order!? Your people are just a bunch of thieves!

Our goal is to seize back the wealth that was taken from us through unscrupulous means! We risked our lives to protect the farms of Genos, so we just want to take our fair share of the reward! The people of Genos imprisoned us in Forest's Edge and enjoyed all the benefits, they are the ones who are shameless!

Was this really the voice of a man with a mortal wound? His imposing aura was on par with Donda Wu.

Furthermore, I could feel his enormous strength on my throat through his fingers. Tay Tsun didnt use his right arm and only grabbed my throat with his left hand. If I tried to resist, he would squeeze down on my windpipe in punishment. I was too useless to do anything and could just stand there dumbly and listen to their conversation.

Shut up! Is this the reason why you are stealing? I would rather die than do something so shameless!

Then die! Get rammed to death by the kiba in the woods! If the meager copper plates you get by trading in the tusks and horns are enough to move you, then waste away in the forest! This is the fate that Genos had bestowed to the denizens of Forest's Edge!

Why you!

Ludo Wus eyes were burning.

When I realized it, there were three other people surrounding us.

The three hunters were holding knives stained in blood. Rau Lei was enraged, Shin Wu remained expressionless, but their eyes were both burning fiercely. As for Ai Fa

Amongst everyone present, Ai Fas blue eyes were burning the brightest, and her expression was filled with sorrow.

That face of hers broke through my head and pulled me back to reality.

P-Please wait, Tay Tsun You really think Zattsu Tsuns thinking is correct?

He applied more force to my throat.

What? Hearth caretaker of the Fa house, you dont want me to kill you? No matter what you say, I wont forgive your crimes! Because you and the Wu clan colluded to destroy the Tsun clan!


Genos forced us to obey their unreasonable rules for eight decades! Do you know how many people starved to death in these eighty years!? Even so, we were still forbidden from eating the fruits of the forest and just kept on hunting kiba! Be it newborn babies, elderlies living out their lives in pain, or hunters wounded in their battle with the kiba, they are all the same Even though no one was watching, we still followed this rule and starved to death! Genos is a murderer! I wont accept this as the fate that Forest's Edge deserves!

I think thats wrong too! Thats why I started my business so that I could bring a prosperous life to Forest's Edge!

I squeezed out a replied despite the pressure on my throat.

Tay Tsun laughed out loud.

That is too stupid! There is plenty of food in the forest, so why do we need to go about it in a roundabout way!? If we harvest the resources of the forest, we wont even need copper plates! As the tribe that worships the forest as our god, this is the right way to live!

That will make the kiba destroy the farms of the west! Forest's Edge is also a part of the kingdom of the west, we have to support each other, that is the right path!

That's exactly why we need more strength! If no one starves to death, Forest's Edge will get stronger! If the 500 denizens of Forest's Edge increases to a 1,000, we can hunt more kiba. Then the kiba wont attack the farms of the west no matter how much resources we forage from the forest!

My guess was right I realized this once again.

The fundamentals of Zattsu Tsuns intention were the same as Ai Fas, Kaslan Lutims and mine.

He wanted the denizens of Forest's Edge to live a prosperous life.

If that is so Then why didnt you hunt kiba properly for the last decade? I cant accept you attacking travelers and stealing crops, but if the Tsun clan did their duties as hunters properly and explained to everyone in Forest's Edge the importance of gathering strength and accumulating wealth and shared why it is necessary to forage from the forest, the tribe might agree with you all. After that, you can just communicate this to the Genos castle properly, and if we obtained the permission to harvest the resources of the forest, everyone will praise the greatness of the tribal chief Tsun clan!

Fools! Doing so will be submitting to Genos! We have to destroy the hypocritical life given to us by Genos!

Hey, shameless criminal, you have not answered Asutas question. Why didnt the Tsun clan do their job as hunters properly?

On hearing Rau Leis query, Tay Tsun replied:

Kin of the Wu clan, its all because of your meddling. Two decades ago, your clan showed animosity towards the Tsun clan, so the Tsun clan needed a power that exceeds the Wu clan! Otherwise, the houses that fear the Wu clan wont submit to the Tsun clan. In order to protect the people and our wealth, we had to accumulate our power quietly!

Nonsense. Your people didnt hunt properly, kept on committing theft, and spent the last decade leisurely. What did you get out of that? You only earned a few more lousy copper plates, but became lazy and lost your power and pride as hunters!

Thats because of Zuro Tsuns incompetence, so he couldnt inherit the ambition of Zattsu Tsun! If Zattsu Tsun hadnt fallen ill, we would already be living correctly and getting the honor of doing so!

Your former clan head fell ill before realizing his ambition, and your current clan head is incompetent, so blame them. In the end, all this talk of ambition is just to do whatever you wish and live a life of depravity, correct?

Rau Leis ferocious face which was like that of a hunting dog looked a little surprised.

Besides, you sound like you are making excuses for yourself. Other than you and Zattsu Tsun, no one else mentioned such lofty ambitions. So Zattsu Tsun had been keeping this to yourself, which must have been stifling.

You are right, in the past decade, everyone who knew about this ambition had died! Zuro Tsun, the only other person who knew about this, had also fallen from grace! The Tsun clan is doomed!

In that case, you shouldnt bear a grudge towards the Fa house and Wu clan

Wails and shouts came from the crowd when Rau Lei was speaking in surprise midway.

A group of soldiers in white, the castle guard of Genos had arrived.

Vicious criminal, so you still live. How dare you drag your filthy body into Genos, you deserve nothing short of death.

The guard commander Malfreed stood at their fore, leading ten soldiers towards us with brisk strides.

Ai Fa blocked their path.

Hold it! What are you trying to do!

Isnt that obvious? Im going to execute the felon.

Fool! Cant you see that Asuta my family has been captured by him!? If you approach him recklessly, he will harm Asuta!

Of course I can see that, denizen of Forest's Edge. Dont worry, I will cut off his head before the felon commits his crime.

How can you achieve that!? You underestimate the prowess of a hunter from Forest's Edge!

Ai Fa raised her knife once again, with her back towards us.

An even colder gleam came out of Malfreeds reptile-like eyes.

Denizen of Forest's Edge, do you intend to raise your blade against me? Thats a serious transgression.

Stop kidding me! That man got slashed numerous times, and he is still laughing right there as if those are just scratches! What if he crushes Asutas windpipe the very moment you lop off his head!?

Ludo Wu turned towards Malfreed too.

At this moment, Tay Tsun let loose a demonic laughter.

Very good! Kill each other! Thats the way it should be! Forest's Edge and Genos are fated to hate each other until one side is destroyed!

Tay Tsun, dont get too cocky. What you are saying doesnt make sense. You are only making a scene to hide your fear because you cant accept the downfall of the Tsun clan, correct?

Shin Wu warned him with a relatively calm voice.

Tay Tsun continued laughing.

I have no fear in my heart! The fate of the Tsun clan is already sealed! I just want to bring this unforgivable traitor with me to my grave!

Even if you do that, your soul wont rest in peace. Let go of Asuta.

I will let him go! But only after he is dead!

Malfreed pulled out his blade as he listened to Tay Tsuns laughter.

He didnt just draw one sword. He had a silvery white sword in each hand as he looked at Ai Fa coldly.

Make way, or I will cut you down too.

I dont wish to brandish my blade against anyone from the Genos castle. Please back off.

Ai Fas voice was shaking from emotions.

The two soldiers behind Malfreed gripped their spears tightly.

As the air was boiling

A lackluster voice shattered the tense atmosphere.

Dont do that, you two dont need to be at odds.

It was a slender figure wearing a long cloak.

The man who suddenly appeared scratched his messy blonde hair.

This isnt the time for you to interfere, Kamyua Yost. Please leave.

Malfreed answered while he stared at Ai Fa and Ludo Wu.

Kamyua Yost walked towards us and said in a calm voice:

Thats not true, Malfreed. You and Ai Fa are both my important friends. How can I stand by idly when you are brandishing blades against each other? Dont say something so sad.

Then take care of this denizen of the Forest's Edge. She has the obligation to obey the law.

Thats true. But I owe a favor to the denizens of Forest's Edge. I lied to them, so I have to pay back this debt.

After saying that, Kamyua Yost stood between Ai Fa and Malfreed.

From this position, he couldnt dodge no matter who slashed at him.

Kamyua Yost didnt move his hands out of his cloak. He turned his back towards Ai Fa and us and faced Malfreed.

I followed your request last time, right? Then listen to my request this time I think this issue should be resolved by the denizens of Forest's Edge.

After several seconds of silence Malfreed sheathed the sword in his left hand.

Kamyua Yost thanked him, then looked at Ai Fa behind him.

Ai Fa, the rest is up to you. Save Asuta.

Ai Fa turned silently and walked towards us.

Tay Tsun, I know your heart is filled with regrets, but why are you taking Asuta down with you? It doesnt help you even if you did that No, it will just make your family sad if you continue with your crimes.

Ai Fa said quietly.

Tay Tsun said viciously:

What family!? They had the Tsun family name, but they prostrated themselves to the Wu clan, so they are no kins of mine! Only Zattsu Tsun who died with regrets can call himself my brethren!

Is that how you really feel? Do you think your ambition is more important than your family?

As she was saying that, Ai Fa did something strange. She opened her arms wide apart and gestured for Rau Lei and Shin Wu to back away.

After hesitating for half a second, they slowly retreated.

Ai Fa sheathed her knife, then took a few steps towards us.

What are you doing? If you come any closer, I will crush your family members throat I am on my last legs, no matter what you do, it wont change the ending.

Do you hate Asuta that much? Asuta only wishes for the prosperity of Forest's Edge. In order to keep the denizens of Forest's Edge from starving to death, he is doing everything he can. Since the Tsun clan harbors the same ambition, then Asuta, the Fa house, and the Wu clan are just inheriting your will. Why dont you think about it from this perspective?

You are just wagging your tail at Genos! No matter how prosperous Forest's Edge becomes, we cant take back our former glory!

Thats not true! I no, we are not swooning over Genos, we just want to coexist with them! We are not trampling over any rules or laws, we just want to renew our bonds with our brethrens who honor the same laws!

I looked into Ai Fas eyes and interjected.

I couldnt help explaining myself when I saw the sadness on Ai Fas face.

You call them your brethrens? Genos oppresses us with unreasonable means and you call them your brethrens!? What a joke! Genos is the enemy! We have to make them submit to Forest's Edge!

I dont think so! Ai Fa and the members of the Wu clan dont think so either! The denizens of Forest's Edge follow the rules on their own volition. Even if they are treated unfairly, they wont think they are being oppressed! If the Tsun clan harbored such a grudge, it must have been stirred by the Genos castle.

Even though the people form Genos castle were listening in on us, I couldnt avoid talking about this.

The Wu clan, Zaza house, and Sauti clan will inherit your will. They took on the roles of tribal chiefs in the stead of the Tsun clan and will continue liaising with the Genos castle. All the denizens of Forest's Edge will shoulder the frustration of the Tsun clan together. But we wont yield and will do everything within our powers to form a proper bond with the citizens of Genos Could you entrust the future of Forest's Edge to us?

Are you stupid?

With intense hatred overflowing within him, Tay Tsun spat out these words:

Who cares about the future of Forest's Edge!? Im going to die! Zattsu Tsun is dead! With the Tsun clan in ruins, the world might as well be filled with destruction and despair! Be it Forest's Edge, this town or Rock City, just destroy them all!

Its useless I grit my teeth.

My words failed to ease Tay Tsuns hate.

In that case, then take my life too.

Ai Fa suddenly said in a weak and frail voice.

While I was still astonished by that, Ai Fa took another step closer.

Dont come any closer, head of the Fa house. Are you trying to create an opportunity with your frivial words?

Im not trying to do that. If my family gets murdered in front of my eyes, I wont hang on to life shamelessly If you want to kill Asuta, then kill me too.

What are you saying, Ai Fa!

Ai Fa wasnt suited for such depressing words.

No matter how much hardship she had to endure she would never choose death this wasnt something that the Ai Fa I knew would do.

Ai Fa tossed the saber at her waist aside dejectedly.

She then held the knife with her left hand and handed it over hilt first.

End my life with this knife. If possible, kill me first I dont want to see Asuta die.

Hold it! Dont come near me! I wont let you pull off your scheme! You are not trying to give me the knife, but are handing it to this brat, correct!?

What are you saying? Asuta is only as strong as a woman. Even with your grave wounds, you will get the knife faster than him.

Ai Fa wanted to come nearer, but Tay shouted again:

Dont move! I cant move my right arm! The nerves in my right shoulder got severed by you people. I can only take one person with me. If you want to die, then cut your own throat after I strangle this brat!

I see

Ai Fa mumbled.

So you cant move your right arm, Tay Tsun.

The next instant, the fingers strangling my throat lost their strength.

At the same time, Ai Fa charged in and pulled me forcefully away from Tay Tsun.

After that I heard a scream from afar. It was probably from the Post Station Town residents who had gathered in the streets.

Ai Fa fell to the ground with me in her arms.

After pressing me down, she propped up her upper body, raising the knife she had switched into her other hand without me noticing behind her.

But she could let down her guard now. Tay Tsun leaned against the tree and collapsed with blood spraying out from his throat and left elbow.

What just?

I muttered almost on reflex and slowly pushed my upper body up.

Ludo Wus group, Kamyua Yost, and Malfreed didnt move at all. Despite that, Tay Tsun was still lying in a pool of blood.

Was everything just a bad dream? As such a retarded thought flashed across my mind, a small figure suddenly came out from the shade of the tree that Tay Tsun was leaning against.

Shameless fool who has lost your honor While you were living comfortably in the Tsun clan, how could you know the pain of watching your own children starve to death?

It was the head of the Sudora house.

He was gloomy and smaller than anyone present. He flicked away the blood on his knife and sheathed it. He then turned to the castle guard commander dressed in white:

I killed the felon of Forest's Edge. Is this a breach of Rock Citys laws?

We have already issued a notice that he is wanted by the law, dead or alive. You wont be charged for any crimes.

I see, thats good.

The head of the Sudora house muttered to himself. He seemed depressed and didnt look proud or happy at all.

When Ai Fa drew Tay Tsuns attention, he probably sneaked away from the Myam-roasted meat stall, hid his presence, and carefully went around the woods behind Tay Tsun.

He then hacked Tay Tsuns left elbow, and, after Ai Fa pulled me away, stabbed Tay Tsuns throat with his knife.

Head of the Fa house, I only got the chance to act because of your quick improvisation. So he really couldnt move his right arm.

Thank you for saving my family. Im very grateful.

Ai Fa answered formally, then gripped my right hand with her left.

To me, her body warmth and strength was very precious. I stood up slowly as I felt this very fact.

I then walked towards Tay Tsun together with Ai Fa.

So there was so much blood in a persons body Tay Tsun laid in a shockingly large pool of blood and stared at space with a blank expression.

He didnt show any emotions, and his eyes were murky like a dead fish.

Just what kind of face did he show when he hailed those curses dripping with hatred? I couldnt imagine as I couldnt see him just then.

Tay Tsun

I knelt beside Tay Tsun, with no regards for the blood dirtying my feet.

His murky eyes were slowly losing their light. He looked at me weakly.

Was it you who saved Ai Fa during the house head conference?

Tay Tsun closed his eyes and refused to answer.

The moment before his weakly heaving chest stopped moving, he opened his eyes slowly just like that moment when he tasted the Kiba burger. He had a warm smile on his bloodstained face.

I have finally finished my last job

These were the last words of Tay Tsun, the man born to the branch house of the tribal chief clan, and toyed for 51 years by the powerful and evil tribal chief.

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