Commushou no Ore ga, Koushou Skill ni Zenfurishite Tenseishita Kekka

Chapter 5

Story 5: Riot in the town

As a baby, I have raised the skills I have acquired greatly.

When I had a chance to come in contact with the inhabitants of the town but first of all, let me show off my skills.

Though Ill apologize for a moment because when I started on my skill raising, I couldnt stop myself from doing it thoroughly by all means

Its a better or for worse trait of my past self.

When [Charisma] is invoked and [Charm] has been successful, according to the circumstances, I would be allowed to suckle.

I didnt even imagine that in my baby days that I would be this busy.

However, Im the only baby in this house, is what I think

If I didnt acquire the [Charm] skill then the success rate of charming someone would be almost 0%.

If I wasnt a baby then I would most likely rely on my [Good luck].

Though its different from a Succubus or an incubus who specializes in [Charm].

Now that I think about it, I havent seen any monsters what i was thinking about when i suddenly recalled something.

The Dukedom of Junegans western part which was called Miserre, in a place not far from it, there was a dragon living in there is what a legend says.

Even though the Dragon subjugation quest occurred quite early, when the time when I was playing, I didnt get a chance to accept that quest.

(..But in this world, there is no such thing as [not accepting] any quests.

Even a Dragon living here is only a legend but in actual fact, its really here.)

What if the Dragon suddenly appeared in this town..There is no such thing as a quest in this world so maybe that wont occur is what i was thinking.

Hiroto, youve been awfully obedient for a while now.I know youre always quiet but its alright to be a bit energetic you know?

Early afternoon, I who was quietly spending my time inside the cradle, thought that I should slowly be making my real mother happy occasionally.

All I had to say was ah.uh to make it sound like I was talking to her.

But its so embarrassingbut at least Im trying to talk to them.

Even if shes my mother, its still embarrassing to talk to her for the first time.

Oh my, you still cant understand any words huh, there there.

Remillia-san carried me to her arms and pat my back.

Now is the right time is what I thought as I mustered up my courage.

Ma, mama

huR-right now, What did you just say!?


(TL note:)

(TL note 2: Its actually pui but i dun care)

P-please! This will be Mamas lifetime request so please say it again? Here, Ill even give milk right now!

After suckling on Remillia-san, would it be impossible to continue tasting her flavor for a little bit anymore, is what i felt.

But even if its lonely, theres no helping it.

This is what it means to making them happy with my growth.

And I wont be saying Mama again since Im stubborn.

Its embarrassing because shes my mother and she would always be sweet and kind towards me..well, Ill say something again sooner or later.

Isnt my father a former knight, is what I was predicting while trying to ascertain my hypothesis.

Now I am being carried at Remillia-sans back while having our first time of shopping in the market is what Im talking about.


Inside the crowd of people, Remillia-san collided with a man by accident.

It would be terrible if my passive skill would be invoked inside a crowd of people but even though i dared to turn it off, it seems to have backfired on me.

Where the hell are you looking at, ah?

Oi, this ones the nobles daughter who came from the capital city.

The one who is living with Ricardo

Ah, Ricardo huh. The coward who ran away from the capital Ricardo isnt it.

They know something about Ricardo-santhough, their words contained ill will.

Coward.ran way from the capital.

and while i was thinking, Remillia-san made a move.

PAAAN!! (TL note: Slap sound effect)

GuaWh-why you!!

To all of you, You all do not have any reason to insult my husband!

Now apologize!!

Remillia-san slapped the mans cheek and courageously said those words.

The people who were passing by the market became afraid of the men who took out weapons, and some encircled the area with a large distance from us and some with quick feet just passed through.

You were the one who started a while ago okayDont tell us any excuses on what were gonna do to you!

Wa, release me this instant!! If you dare touch this child of mine then i would never forgive the likes of you.

Thank you Remillia-san.

However, I will be protecting you without fail.

If I use my skill here then maybe everyone here will know that Im different.

Then, whether if it is possible to live here or notI didnt imagine that there would be a fight in our tranquil life but this world IS Eternal Magia.

There would be killers and bandits after taking a step outside the town and even in town, there would be burglars inside too.

Though I liked something severe things like that, This and that is a different story.

(Passive skill All Activate..I beg of you..!)

I activated the[Charm] skill and if there was a strong person in the surrounding then i would borrow their power.

I could even use one of those three guys with my [Same sex charm].

Stop right there, you scoundrels!!

.what is it you freaking!!!

A dignified voice has resounded from afar suddenly.

The owner of that voice wore a silvery white armor and had a golden thread like long hair in possession who was a Female knight.

She wore her head armor and a gallant impression is given to her graceful features.

When she gallantly walked in front of those men, she distances herself and drew out a sword.

The crowd surrounding us became larger when they saw what happened.

Who do you think she is? To a person who lives in the Junegan Dukedom, Do you think that you are allowed to touch her with your dirty hands?You should learn of your shameful behavior!!

Ku..Why you little, Youre one of the knights of the dukedom..!

This is bad, S-shes Thunder god Fillianese.!

Fillianesewhen I heard of that name, I had been impressed in no small way.

Of course after my passive skill was invoked, I confirmed all those who were affected by my [Charm].

Even though [Charm] didnt work on the three enemies because their hate was too high, it did work on the how many people i dont know around me.

However, The situation wherein it was necessary to hand down an order to them immediately was avoided.

Fillianese Shureze thanks to Junegan dukedoms strongest female knight, I was able to acquire enough time to give a calm decision.

Fillianese-sama, Why are you in such a place like this..!?

Let us leave this conversation for later..Haaaa! ! (TL note: It was originally written as lightning paralysis piercing but it made me cringe so I renamed it )

Thunder god Fillianese. Among the NPC Knights, she ranks supreme as a Female Knight.

As shown in he nickname, combining lightning magic and sword play to for the skill Double Magic Sword which she is an expert in.


Woah, so fast..but its too fast..

To what has happened, it was not possible to chase her with these eyes of mine which were still a babys.

However inside the log, it was shown in detail on the hits from Fillianeses sword play.


Fillianese used the skillDouble Magic Sword

Fillianese has enchanted her weapon withLightning

Fillianese has enchanted her weapon withParalysis

Fillianese used the skillPiercing

Anton received damageOVERKILL

Going easy on enemy was invokedAnton fainted

Ganof received damageOVERKILL

Going easy on enemy was invokedGanof fainted

Fillianese released her weapons from enchanted state


In a reflexively sort of way, The fighting power of Fillianese was extraordinary.

Even if one says she used [Double Magic Sword] but still, she used [Rapier blade mastery] 20s obtained skill [Piercing] to deal a 4 digit damage.

Overkill happens when one deal a damage to an enemy where its not less than 2 times bigger than the enemys HP.

Of course the other party would normally die in the given circumstances but since shes a very prideful knight with a [Going easy on enemy] skill, the other partys hp would stop decreasing at 1.

The original also had that setting and when it is used, the enemy would take their loss is what some events looked like.

Wh-why you..Even if this woman is like that..GUA!!

The last guy who was restraining Remillia-san was suddenly stabbed in the back with an edged tool..and I was too late to use my hand to hit him.

Before the man could even make a move, he was hit by someone behind him and he collapsed.

Let me take a look at the log to see what had happened.


You have activated the skill Charm

Charm has been invokedAnton succeeded in resisting

Charm has been invokedGanof succeeded in resisting

Charm has been invokedDozar succeeded in resisting


Charm has been invokedValdez failed to resist and has entered in the state of Charmed

One of the 10 people who were affected of my [Charm] was this towns blacksmith Valdez The elderly dwarf who was living in the town of Missere, which has fallen for my [Same sex charm] skill.

I immediately confirmed his status to be high and ordered him to help me without fail.


Valdez used the skillFist

Dozar received damageDozar fainted

D-dammit..All of you, remember this.guhe!!

Sigh..fights like this is bad for an elderly person like me

Valdezs oldness would be roughly 230 years old near dwarfs longevity.

Even though the skill point is lost when aging, his [Physique] is still high with the numerical value of 55.

The skill he used from the [Grappling] skill tree which was the action skill [Fist] was used to deal a 3 digit damage which had the power to defeat those enemies in one blow.

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