Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 238 Unfamiliar Feeling

When we got off the plane, I was glad that we didn't go with the old man. We then went to visit Mommy's house which was called an orphanage and I made new friends there.

However, the joy was short-lived. After I woke up a few times in the morning I met the man who looked at Mommy in a different way, and we went to his house.

It must be admitted that the man's house was quite good, it was spacious and had two floors. The old man seemed pretty cool.

However, Daddy is still the coolest! I've never met him, but I'm sure he's cooler than this old man.

I have to protect Mommy from that old man!

Everything then went on as usual, and in fact I started glancing at him with a curious glance secretly to watch him, which was not looking as bad as I thought it would be.

When the old man looked at me, I put on my fierce face again. He can't know I'm watching him!

I still hate that old man for making us leave our house and possibly not being able to see Daddy.

However, suddenly when they were going home from school, it was the old man who picked me up and Riel, not Mommy.

Where's Mommy?

I suddenly remembered the conversation I had with friends at the orphanage, I asked if they were all siblings like me and riel, and my friends said no. I later found out that they were there because their parents left them.

Now, I know what orphanage means.

Then… has Mommy left me too?

I immediately shook my head when I thought of that. I'm sure Mommy just went to work and will be back soon.

The old man also said Mommy would come soon.

So I sat in the room patiently, even though Riel looked happy and looked around the room. I just focused on staring at the door, waiting for Mommy to come pick me up.

I then asked the old man when Mommy didn't come, again the answer was Mommy would be back soon.

Okay! I will wait for Mommy.

However… I'm getting bored and hungry too. Why is Mommy taking so long?

Looks like Riel is also getting hungry because he asked for the candy that was there. The old man then gave it to him, but he only let us take one! I don't think he's stingy for buying us pizza that time! But I'm taking it back, he's stingy! Is it because the candy is so good?

I really want to eat it, but I will wait to eat with Mommy.

I started to feel hungry, but Mommy didn't come. Where's Mommy? Ah, the door is finally open! Mommy is he… Ah… it was the man just now who was talking to the old man.

He came with food.

I looked at the food. I'm hungry, but I want to eat with Mommy! I saw Riel who was already eating the food voraciously! Unknowingly, I swallowed my saliva.

No! I have to restrain myself and eat together with Mommy later!

I then asked the old man where Mommy was again.

""Ah… That… Mommy will be here in a bit! The food is so delicious. Look, Gabriel is eating it voraciously!"

Again the old man gave the same answer, Mommy is coming soon!

"Liar! You said that earlier!" I raised my voice, annoyed that the old man seemed to be lying to me.

Then… Do I think it's right? Mommy left me here? Like friends at the orphanage?

Suddenly, my tears just came out. I promised never to cry again, even when Riel hit me and it hurt, I didn't cry.

But right now I'm really in pain, no one hit me, but something in my chest hurts. I want Mommy!


Michael was really confused when he saw Raphael who suddenly started crying and calling for his Mommy.

What should she do? It was the first time he had seen a crying child!

Michael then decided to call Sarah immediately, telling her to come to his office immediately because Raphael suddenly started crying.

It seems that Sarah who heard her son's cry also immediately panicked and immediately turned off her phone before Michael pressed the loudspeaker button so Sarah could talk to Raphael.

"Raphael, Mommy will be here soon. Don't cry anymore," Michael said softly.

However, it seemed that Raphael didn't hear his voice at all and the boy continued to cry.

Michael then tried to give what he could give, starting from the candy that was there, the food that was there, he even immediately looked for the Batman video on his cellphone to show it to Raphael, but once again Raphael kept crying.

He even threw Michael's cell phone, almost knocking it over.

"Old man, can I watch Batman?" asked Gabriel who had been trying to peek at the video, but because Raphael pushed it, Michael put his cell phone on the table.

Michael looked at the child who was in a completely different world from his brother. His mouth messing with his food made him look a little cute.

He then immediately put back the Batman video and allowed Gabriel to watch it.

After seeing Gabriel already in a comfortable position to watch while eating, Michael looked back at Raphael who was constantly crying for his Mommy.

Seeing the child sobbing and looking very sad, made Michael's heart feel sad too.

He didn't know what made Raphael cry, but he felt that it was because he had picked up the children and brought them here. Michael felt guilty.

Michael then immediately walked up to Raphael and picked up the child and hugged him, Raphael struggled and his cries became stronger when Michael hugged him.

However, Michael still hugged the boy and endured the punches and kicks the boy gave him.

"It's alright… It's alright… Mommy will be here soon," Michael said softly as he patted Raphael's back, trying to calm the boy down.

Gradually, Raphael began to stop struggling and slowly let his head rest on Michael's shoulder, which for some reason, felt comfortable.

Even so, his crying didn't stop at all and he kept calling his Mommy.

Michael flinched slightly when the boy stopped struggling and let his head rest on his chest. His feelings were mixed when Raphael did that.

It was the first time he had hugged his son this tight, and he was leaning against him. It felt unfamiliar, but he liked it. Michael couldn't describe the feeling in words.

Michael's body then began to move slowly right and left instinctively. He thought maybe Raphael was sleepy, so why didn't he try to put the boy to sleep?

However, suddenly the door to his room opened, making Raphael, whose cries began to subside and closed his eyes because he felt comfortable, immediately turned towards the door.

He cried again when he saw the person he had been waiting for, finally came.

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