Climbing the Tower to Be a God With 10x Gacha System

Chapter 134: 19th Floor (4)

"The time elemt!" thought James suddly, in that split second of space, if he could use the time elemt, he could find a way to escape from where he was.

James waited cautiously, perhaps the pressure and pain in his body was at a high level, but evtually, he would escape.







One after another, the screams and impacts from the sound waves started again, and th silce descded on the area.

James took advantage of that momt.

He suddly used his time elemt and simultaneously used his dark step ability to move forward. He quickly passed the vines in front of him, the thorny plants a him and everything in front of him, and moved forward without ev looking back.

The gap ahead was visible, James could get out of it.

The one-second gap was over, the one-second from the time elemt was gone, the birds started screaming again wh they realised James had disappeared, and they quickly followed him:



James was running, not ev looking back, wh he suddly remembered how to avoid danger altogether.

He had already used this item against the gorilla before, he couldn't believe he had be so stupid as to forget that he had three per day.

"Void Ring!" he thought furiously as the parrots behind him stopped calling and wh they looked a to see where James had disappeared to, they didn't realise that he was already out of the jungle.

James suddly let himself drop to the g, releasing the mana puddle he had be holding in his head and the aura that had veloped his body.

He was breathing heavily, his whole body drched in sweat.

[It was incredible, you've come a long way in using the time elemt, James, well done.]

James smiled as he looked at the message Chronos had suddly st him, "Thank you my master." he said as he breathed in and out deeply.

After a few minutes of rest, he remembered that he only had two exams left and th stood up. He took out a piece of bread from his invtory and after eating it, he started on his way.

"To tell you the truth, I want to get Star Magic back to its best as soon as possible, the hunger, thirst and sleep have to go, it'll make me less human but I don't care, look at me." James suddly said, and he was right, of them could remember James being this messed up since he tered the tower, except for the part where he almost died in the ara.

With that, he tsed his body and took one last deep breath before tering the forest again.

"Puff...Let's go."

After uttering these words, he stepped into the forest.

As soon as he started moving through the forest, he came across an owl, the owl was staring at him and James was trying to understand what this test was.

"Welcome," the owl with feathers suddly said.

James shook his head wh he heard this and th said in surprise, 'Well, thank you.'

He couldn't understand what was going on, but he still had to pass the exam somehow.

"I am here to represt the intelligce test, as you can see, you have passed the first tests and you must pass the test I will give you before you reach my master." said the owl, and James said, "Well... I apologise for killing your frids."

The owl stood still for a few seconds after these words and looked into James' eyes, th said, "You are truly sorry...Hmph, interesting.".

Th the owl, which had flapped its wings, spoke again.

"I, Mr Owl, the represtative of intelligce, will prest you with three riddles, if you give the wrong answer to the riddle you will die, you will get one answer per riddle."

James was trapped in a transpart barrier before he could respond, he could have tried to escape but it would not have be a wise thing to try.

"All right, ask right away," James said the fact that he considered himself intelligt made everything easier.

"Cough-cough. So here's the first riddle. I am not alive, yet I grow. I do not have lungs, yet I need air. I have no mouth, yet I can drown. What am I?"

James shook his head as he heard the question, the riddle was incredibly easy.

"Fire. It was quite easy, are we going from easy to hard? You know, I am good with riddles, my mum would make me go crazy with them all the time." James said, the owl waited where it was as if surprised wh it heard these words and th coughed and moved on to the next question.

"Cough...Well that was pretty easy, I DID IT ON PURPOSE!" he said and continued:

"The person who makes it sells it. The person who buys it never uses it. The person who uses it, never knows they're using it. What is it?"

James sat down on the floor wh he heard the question, it seemed that he had countered a riddle that was not easy.

"Hmm...He makes it and sells it, the one who buys it never uses it and the one who uses it never knows they're using it?" James suddly said he was thinking deeply.

Seeing that James was deep in thought, the owl puffed out its chest and th tried to say, "I told you I was asking you an easy riddle as a joke, and I---" but his words were interrupted by James:

"A coffin. It is a coffin."

Wh James asked the owl this answer, the owl's nerves seemed to jump, as if it wanted to kill James.

"OK, this time I'm going to ask one so difficult that you won't be able to answer it ev if you think about it for a hundred years." the owl said and th asked the question:

"You can see me in water, but I never get wet. I can follow you everywhere, but I'm not alive. I vanish wh light leaves, but I always return. What am I?"

James started to laugh wh the owl asked this question. Those watching him from Olympus, those watching him from Asgard, and ev Nemesis herself could not understand why he began to laugh, and at that very momt James' voice was heard:

"It's funny that you're asking me one of the riddles my mum used to ask me!" James said and th answered:

"A reflection. Are you sure you are the [riddler] or intelligce?"

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