Climbing the Tower to Be a God With 10x Gacha System

Chapter 128: New Business

When James passed through the passage that had opened in front of him and reached the white room, he stopped where he was, as if confused.

"Was that it? No boss monster battle? They weren't that tough...I don't get it," James muttered. The fact that he had no idea how narrowly he had dodged the bullet was what made it all the funnier.

[What the hell are you talking about? Thank our daughter, if it wasn't for her you'd be dead already. All of Olympus was on standby, just in case.]

James suddenly read the message sent by Nemesis in front of him and then waited for a few seconds with a frown, tapping the white space he was in and muttering "IS THIS TOWER MOCKING ME?".

He instantly realised the seriousness of the situation, Nemesis' seriousness was enough to tell him.

[There's nothing to do, James. Like I said at the beginning, you've passed the Hell Tutorial, the tower is relentless, it did something that's barely even normally difficult, and it made the already difficult floors even more difficult for you].

When Nyx's message appeared in front of James, James sat down on the floor and then took a deep breath and said, "You're right, he is joking, to tell you the truth, sometimes I wish I hadn't chosen Hell Tutorial, but what's done is done, there's nothing I can do, there's no remedy for the dead and the living."

Then he was back on his feet, stretching his body as much as he could, and then he opened the gacha panel, stunned by what he saw in front of him.

"The heck?" he suddenly shouted.

"WHERE ARE MY GACHA RIGHTS?!" he screamed.

It was written on the panel that he officially had no rights. He had zero rights, he couldn't understand what was going on.

Didn't he kill 536 Weeping Angels?

[You have to kill monsters for your ability to kick in, sir.]

Suddenly there was a text from Emma and James became even more angry.

"Emma, haven't I already killed 536 Weeping Angels?" he questioned.

[Sir, you released the souls sealed inside the Weeping Angels, causing them to be purified. The ability specifically says that you will be granted the right to kill them.]

At Emma's words, James made an enormous grimace, indeed he frowned and pursed his lips.

"So now you're right, but it still doesn't change the fact that I'm upset...There's nothing to be done yet I want them, what the fuck!" James said and then said, "Emma, send us back to the 5th floor, I've got a bit of work to do."

When the portal opened in front of James, he quickly entered with Miracle and then appeared in front of the palace.

Since James appeared in the square near the Olympus guild every time he passed through the portal, he was surprised where he was now.

"Lord Umbra!" one of the guards had said, James' authority and fame were growing, especially as everyone in and around the palace began to worship James himself. In short, even before James became a god, those who began to see him as a god began to spread around.

"Good morning, it is a great day isn't it?" James suddenly said. "Yes sir, it is a great honour!" the guard replied with a quick nod, even if he was surprised by the question.

At that very moment, several nuns appeared in front of James.

James realised that the nuns in front of him were the ones who had brought him to the palace in the carriage when he had returned from climbing the storey, each of them looking at James with bright eyes.

"How good it is to see you all again, I was hoping you could take me to the hopping rabbit cafe," James said suddenly, he had to go to Ronald.

"Do you remember us sir?!" one of the nuns said, each of them surprised.

"Ummm...I'm not supposed to remember?" asked James, and with a nod from the nuns he got into the carriage.

After almost two hours, James had made it to the hopping rabbit cafe at the other end of town. He ordered the nuns to leave him alone for an hour and waited for Ronald inside the café.

Ronald seemed to have given strict orders to the staff because as soon as James appeared outside the coffee shop he was taken to a special place.

After a short while, Ronald came to the table in the corner where James was sitting and said, "It's been a while, James, I hope you're as well as ever."

James smiled as soon as he heard these words and replied, "I see the first friend I made when I entered the tower, how could I not be fine?"

With that, Ronald sat in a chair and waited for James to speak.

"It's something I've wanted to do for a long time and Ronald, I need your help to do it. You know I have a really large amount of gold, enough to start a new guild and create a luxurious guild hall, and then there will be money left over for me." James said, and with these words, he seemed to have Ronald's attention incredibly.

"Go on," Ronald said.

"I've heard some rumours. More precisely, I heard from the goddesses with open mouths when I was in Olympus, I heard that you can gain authority with the help of tower managers, more precisely, domain authority." James said, and he could easily see the growing smile on Ronald's face.

"Please make it clear what you want from me, James," Ronald said.

James chuckled after hearing those words and pulled out a cheque, wrote the number of gold coins in his possession on the cheque and then signed the cheque and handed it to Ronald.

"I want you to buy a place in my name, that mountain, the mountain of ice. I know that money won't be enough, but you know my skill, there is nothing I can't win, and as far as I know, the outside of the empire is full of monsters. You know what I mean, don't you?" James said.

Ronald clenched his hands into fists after these words.

"You're very clever Mr James, I'd forgotten that."

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