Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata ~Senjou wo Kakeru Kaifuku Youin~

Chapter 6

Its been one month since Ive entered the Rescue Squad . In that short amount of time, my body has greatly changed .

First of all, my physical ability has been elevated exceptionally . I know why, this is definitely the results from the hell training .

All the parts of my body have been thoroughly tempered from sprinting, push-ups, sit-ups, and running up the stairs . After finishing this course, for the first time, I felt like Ive obtained the qualifications to join the Rescue Squad .

According to Rose, the reason for completely tempering the body was to quickly escape from enemies on the battlefield . That doesnt mean that I will just simply run away, its for the sake of being able to carry the wounded back with full speed .

The faster you can help them, the more lives that could potentially be saved, that was how Rose phrased it during training .

Well, thats true is what most people would think, but executing it was considerably difficult . The wounded that are left on the battlefield have to be directly transported and carried back . Itd be meaningless unless you had the courage and corresponding ability .

Being able to understand that after being here for one month, I enthusiastically said to myself, Ill do my best in todays training .

Were going out .

Yep, it doesnt look like its going to be training today . Give back my enthusiasm, please .

If I think about it, ever since I was summoned to this world, the sad reality is that the only places I know are the castle and Rescue Squad .

After all, I was abducted the very day I was summoned here . Although I dont know her intentions, for the time being, I should accompany Rose .

The other group members will be doing their individual menus and wont be coming with us .

Good grief, they are such pitiful creatures, but inside I was sneering at them in ridicule .

Hold on to this .

Rose passed me a large rucksack, similar to me in height .

What is this? I asked, but Rose didnt say anything and headed for the door that was towards town .

Nn? What is it, Tong? Your face looks like a soldier whos about to face death . If its nothing, then it doesnt particularly matter .

Whats wrong? Come quickly .

Rose was waiting for me at the entrance . Somehow, I have an unpleasant hunch . A tremendously unpleasant hunch . Itd be bothersome to oppose her; I have no choice but to obediently accompany her .

Visiting a town for the first time was fresh for me . There werent an abundance of appliances here like in my former world, instead, there were markets lined with shops I often saw as a kid .

Lyngle Kingdom is a country with prospering commerce . There are a lot of people who come to work here from other countries .

Is that so Ah

In a shop that was selling fruits was a girl with fox-like ears . She acted a bit suspiciously for someone who was tending a shop .

Thats one of the beast folk, isnt it?

Ive heard about them before but seeing one right in front of me, somehow Im deeply moved .

Dont stare at the beast folk so much idiot . I know its probably unusual for you, however, its very unpleasant for them . It would be even possible for you to be apprehended and taken to their country .

Ah, Im sorry .

Certainly, its not an exhibition or anything . Itd be impolite to be looked at like that .

As I was about to turn my eyes away from the beast girl, our eyes unexpectedly met . The girls eyes opened wide and her gaze was fixed on my face This is

Cuteness is justice .

Wa? What did you say? Dont utter incomprehensible things .

Ah, dehh!?

Please dont suddenly poke my forehead .

Nn? But I havent seen any other beast folk for a while now aside from that girl

Youre probably thinking that there ought to be more demi-humans or beast folk in this country since theres a lot of people working away from home . However, its the journey thats the problem . Bandits, kidnappers, hired killers, you have to be watchful of trash like that . While they target demi-humans, the beast folk are especially targeted since, among them, some of them have very valuable abilities . In addition, their appearances coupled with being a slave, they can be sold for a high price .


Of course, this country doesnt have a slavery system but there are places that allow it . You understand?

Well, more or less .

I understand but I cant give my consent . Something like slavery for an ordinary person like me, there was no way I could understand it you know!

Which reminds me, just some time ago I had a look at the world map . Relative to Lyngle Kingdom, the beast folks country is quite far .

For those that come here, isnt it hell for them?

Thats right . Were heading to the next place .

As usual, I dont know what Rose is up to .

Suddenly I sensed something and looked back to the beast girl . She was still looking at me without averting her gaze at all, only single-mindedly looking my way .

Its a little eerie, lets hurry up and go .

After that, I didnt turn my head back even once and followed Rose .

After leaving the marketplace, we arrived in front of a large gate .

Are? Could it be that the towns nowadays have that? Thats amazing, its double structured, the town has an inner layer

Theres no way that could be! No matter how you look at it, this is the exit that leads outside to the kingdom!!

Rose called out to the guards standing watch by the gate . In this one month, Ive noticed something . No matter who Rose talks to, they will always have a change in their expression . After all, I can clearly see the door guards are feeling frightened right now .

Ou, its been awhile, Thomas .

Ro-rose-san, good afternoon! What sort of business do you have here today!

Good afternoon, I was just thinking of showing my subordinate the outside .

If I translated this, it would literally be Open the gate now .

As expected of Rose, just by being here the gate guards got cold feet .

Were opening it right now!

Ou .

Rose-san, you talk exactly like a hoodlum . Ah, erm its nothing, forget what I said .

Being together with her for one month, naturally, I know how far I can take it before she snaps .

The gate guards opened the passage, I also saw a drop of something glittering near their eyes . As I passed through the gate, I bowed my head in sympathy to the gatekeeper-san .

Rose-san, where are we headed right now?

To a forest with monsters .


From this place, it will be approximately 2 hours until we reach there .

Im sorry . I dont comprehend your words .

Eh, dont tell me what Im carrying right now is a campground set!?

Youre making me spend the night in this forest roaming with monsters!? Are you a kichiku1 ogre!?

Completely ignoring my strange behaviour, Rose steadily walked on the mountain trail .

No, wait a moment . She didnt say it was going to be a survival situation! I shouldnt throw away all hope!!

Weve arrived .

Spreading before me was a somewhat gloomy forest .

Viewing the forest from the top of a cliff, I saw Rose behind me who was folding her arms .

This forest is also known as Dark Lyngle . Dont return until you hunt a Grand Grizzly and bring it back . Theres no time limit .

It seems like the theme Im being given is a survival situation . Grand Grizzly, thats a blue grizzly bear thats lived for a hundred years Isnt that a dangerous monster bear!? It was written in the book as an extremely dangerous creature!! You really hate me right!?

Nope, theres no way I would hate you dont you agree?


Ahh, so troublesome . Ill just tell you the main point, dont come back until you bring back a bear . Right now for you, something like a Grand Grizzly is something you can easily bring down . Leave your valuables and food supplies here with me, understood?

Nou!? Nooo, dont lift me up!

I turned my head vigorously, however, Rose was unconcerned and easily elevated me along with my rucksack .

This woman, just how much strength does she have!? Ahh no, stop that baseball-like pose



Gururu . I was thrown away while rotating in the sky .

Moreover, because Roses arm strength was too strong, the force wasnt coming to a stop at all . If this continues, will I die just like this?

Cause of death: thrown away by the Rescue Squads leader .

Thats not funny even as a joke

As the force weakened, I started descending down into the mountains . Below me were all kinds of trees in an overgrown forest .

Theres no way Id let myself die just like this

I turned myself around, facing towards the sky and regained my balance . On my back was the large rucksack . With this I can soften the impact . While protecting my face with my hands and preparing for the crash, I was literally thrown into The Beasts Den prowling with monsters .

The impact of the landing was less than what I thought . While theres the fact that the forests trees acted as a cushion, its also thanks to this pointlessly large rucksack .

However, I will never thank that woman . I dare say that unless I bring a Grand Grizzly back, that woman will throw me back here .

Its annoying but I guess have no choice but to do as Rose says and bring down a Grand Grizzly .

Its only a bear around the size of 2 metres .

Ive lived through the hell training, compared to some bear itll be easy



Somewhere from the forest, I heard a great beasts roar . Afterwards, there were footsteps that started approaching me .

From there, I escaped with a momentum of a startled rabbit . Even if Im an Usato, this is!2

Humans cant win against a beasts physical strength after all!! In any event, I will have to use my head and strategize to bring them down!!


Its chasing after me!?

Looking behind me, there was a white bear about 3 metres in size . It was a Grand Grizzly running with all its power and heading towards me .

I encountered my target just as I entered the forest, its scarier than I imagined .

Ive never seen such a big bear with claws and fangs like these even at the zoo!

What should I do what should I do what should I do!?

What method should I use against encountering a bear?

Playing dead Its an urban legend with some credibility but somehow I have a feeling Ill be eaten if I actually do it . Hold a bell and drive it away I dont have one . Run away I have some confidence in my legs .

The strategy is decided . I can only escape!!

I ran . A bear like you, you actually think you can be an opponent for my speed!?


Youre keeping up!? Hieeeh!

Turning behind, I could tell it caught up .

Its a bit late at this point but I recall from a TV program that a wild bears running speed can go anywhere from 40 km/h to 60 km/h .

That is to say, applying it to this bear here, I should assume it should be posses an even higher speed Isnt this dangerous?

Thats fine with me, Ill have a one-on-one match with you bear!! If you want to eat me, just try and follow me!! Ill pull apart from you!! Come he




Increasing your numbers is cowardly!

Thats unfair!

Looking behind again, adding onto the bear with white fur were several more blue bears . They seemed to be on good terms with each other and started chasing after me in a line . Before I noticed it, they multiplied!

Are you a matryoksha!?3

Shit! This rucksack is a hindrance!

However I cant drop this . There should be necessary survival tools inside .

The weight should be around 100 kg . Im slightly worried about whats crammed in there since its this heavy, but its Rose after all . Surely theres something, Ill believe in it .


How long am I going to be running for


Or perhaps I should say, I wonder if I can live and make it out of this forest .


1 . Kichiku means brutal or demon-like . 2 . His surname Usato also has a character which means rabbit . 3 . Russian nesting doll . >>>Matryoshka doll Wikipedia

Shiru: Classes recently started for me but Ill still translate when I can afford to . This chapter has only been a rough edit by me . For those still asking, yes you are free to use my English translations and translate them to another language . Happy translating .

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