Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata ~Senjou wo Kakeru Kaifuku Youin~

436 Chapter 385

Our father and mother are gone.

To protect us, we were helped by a monster... when the two of us were walking in the dark forest.

Keira-san was with my uncle.

Unlike our bright sister today, we eventually became a family when we lived together with our dark-faced sister.

Then we stopped traveling in the kingdom of the devil and settled in the city.

We all came to live in the house, and we made friends.

There was happiness there that I thought I would never come again.

However, I didn't realize that people who would break such a happy day approached us...

Let's see the outside wall of the city.

It was Kal, one of the children who had been playing since he came to live here.

It's okay because I don't go outside the exterior wall and just look at it.

There aren't many people, and even if you play a lot, you won't get angry.

With that in mind, Ros and I and our friends Kal and Mi started playing near the outer wall.

Let's play as usual today, after the same days several times.

So, when we all headed to the usual playground we were captured by someone who hid our faces.

When I woke up, I, Kal, and Mi were caught in a small cage of iron, and there were people who looked at us.

Humans other than Osato's brother.

The people who were completely different from the demons were different from oniichan, and they had cloudy eyes and a slightly gloomy face.

"I never thought I'd be able to catch a demon child with such ease!!"

A blonde with a piercing haircut laughs in front of me.

Kal and Mi are awake, but they're as scared as I am and can't even speak out.

... Ros isn't caught out here... right?

"Are you alive?"

"Do you want to check? Ooh!"

"" "" "" ""

He was kicked hard and the cage was shaken.

The men of man laugh again at us, screaming in silence, and leaning against each other.

"It was worth the risk."

"Oh, my client will be satisfied." No way. There are three demonic kids. "

All you have to do is get out of here.


Could it be that these people roared to enslave us...?

When I arrived at that idea, the chill that froze my body from my core came to me.

"That's an easy victory, isn't it? I didn't leave any traces, and if you weren't the one with the nose, you wouldn't be able to come after me."

I'm sure the pursuer will come, but is that okay?

"Don't worry, but..." Well, I'll take care of it when you get here. "

Among the men, one of the larger ones held his left arm covered in gacha and dull silver iron.

A large body, a scary face and long hair that you can see from just looking at it.

A man with such a look drops his gaze on us as if he were mocking us.

"There's Jeffrey the Flaming Iron." Whether the Woodside Demon Clan comes, it's a twist. "

Jeffrey and the person who spoke to him grab the fruit on the nearby desk.

What do you think you're doing...? When you think about it, he grabbed the fruit and squashed it with his strength.

The fruit pulp splashed and the fruit juice dirtyed the floor, so Jeffrey threw the fruit on his hand into his mouth and smiled proudly.

"The monsters on this steel arm are too shapeless!!"

"I'm counting on you!"

"I paid you a lot of money!!"

The men who make a scene again.

We can only stand up to each other.

I'm scared... I wonder if you're here to help me.

"If I'm taken away like this..."

"If I'm enslaved..."

I have bad imagination all over my head.

"Speaking of which, the client said something." Someone was sent to the demon kingdom. "

"What's wrong with him?"

"He's a healing wizard who has done a terrific job in the war against the Demon King's army, so you told him to be careful."

The man who said so became quiet for a moment, but after a while, everyone started laughing out loud again.

"A healing wizard! Nah, it's decided to lie anyway!!"

"Wow, you're lying!"

"What do you mean, be careful with the healing magic!? Is that it!? Do you want me to heal you while beating you?!" That's what I mean!! "

"Yes, that's true." I'm really curious because I'm going to give you some advice. "

... you're talking about Ussato's brother?

They're being ridiculous, but I wonder if these people know anything about your brother.

"Even if such a healing wizard emerges, he's not my opponent." It's not worth being scared of. "

The voice of an iron-armed man named Jeffrey seemed to finish the conversation.

"There's still time to go, so why don't we have a drink?"

Oh, that's great. Celebrate the success of our operation!

Then the men opened the door and went somewhere.

When the last one tried to get out one of the people who tried to get out first pushed him back into the room.

"!? What the hell..."

"There will be guards." I'll take turns later, so let's do it first. "

Damn, I can't help it.

A blonde guy with prickly hair who came back to the room with a stubborn tongue.

"Shit, the room with the demon kid is creepy."

Keep your gaze out as much as possible while trembling and shivering at the evil.

I want to escape... but I can't get out of an iron cage like this.

"What shall I do..."


"Mi, what's wrong?"

Did you notice anything? Mi looks at the window.

It's already dark outside at night, and I don't know what the view is like from under the cage.

But there's something at the window like a bird.

Fu, wow?

As I mumbled, I approached the cage and tried to look closely The shadow that I thought was the owl turned into a cat at some point.

Huh? I thought it was the owl... maybe it was my imagination?

... oh, I'm trying to open the window dexterously.


"What is this, a cat?"

The man approaches the black cat who is scratching the window to open it.

"Hey, you're cute... you're not going to tell me anything else, are you?"

The man opens the window and invites the cat into the room with a gentle smile.

"Hey, do you want to eat this?"

The dried meat that I was trying to eat as a knob was about to be offered and I stopped moving unnaturally.

And we shall tilt our necks toward the man that made his body swing a little, and made his eyes blind.

Strangely, when I looked at Mr. Cat, I saw that Mr. Cat's red eyes were glowing.

"--- Get out of the room."

"I see..."

The vain-looking sentinel man leaves the room in a daze of footsteps.

Sure enough, the black cat who spoke the language sighed lightly, and came down in front of the cage where we were locked up.

"It's an iron cage." It seems difficult to open with me. "

"Eh, who...?"


"I'm talking..."

We are surprised at the talking cat, who gives us a happy look.

"Ahh, you don't know what a black cat looks like." Is it easier for the lamb to understand what I look like? "

After that, the cat is only enveloped in light for a moment, and turns into a familiar owl.

"Eh, you're oniichan's..."

"Oh, I didn't have a chance to reveal my identity, but I'm Nea, the rabbit demon." I'm here to help you guys. "

...... Ehhh!? Mr. Owl, you talked!?

I normally thought it was such a monster... "

"But using a demon means..."

"Yes, the rabbit is here." I came to check on your safety first.... "

Owl-san -- Nea removed the little cloth that was wrapped around her neck and took out something that looked like a green ball from inside.

Although the size is different, I realize that it is the same magic bullet that we received from Brother Usato three days ago.

"I need you to crush this with your hands."

"Why, why...?"

"By crushing that magic bullet, you send a signal to Wasato." --- "We have secured the safety of the captured children. You can do everything you want."...... "

Yes, when I saw the magic bullet caged by Uthat's healing magic, I saw Kal and Mi in the same cage and nodded I smashed the magic bullet with both hands.

At that moment, the beautiful green magic enveloped us with a small sound.

An abandoned village hidden in the mountains.

We had a base in that place that no one could stop looking at.

Although it is all-you-can-eat, there are also solid houses, so the rainstorms will outweigh the people's eyes. I was glad that it wasn't too far from the city where there were many demons.

There will be no better place to do this "work".

"I'm glad it worked out."

"Oh, and a child?" It's more than worth it. "

It was a difficult request, but I'm in a good mood if it goes so far.

There's at least as much difference between the heavens and the earth in the rewards compared to when you snatched up a kid you didn't have close to you.

However, you've often prepared the way to the Demon King Realm. That merchant.

I nodded at the voice of one of the people sitting opposite me.

"I heard that the Demon King's army had lost, so they built a bridge over the tree." They hid it in the woods in an assembled way so they wouldn't find it. "

If we weren't good, we'd be upside down on the river, too.

"It can't be helped how dangerous that is." The river is being watched. "

The river that passes between the Demon King Realm and the human realm is dazzled by Meerark and Lingle.

You can't find them.

Thanks to you, I can stay here.

So, what would you do if you were rewarded?

"You've decided to drink alcohol and do whatever you want. You think you're going to do anything else?"

I see.

It's easy enough to make a serious living right now.

Besides, we're introducing a job to an unfamiliar person.

On the contrary, I want you to be grateful.

The same was true of the demons.

"In any case, the opponent is a demon tribe." I don't care what the warlords look like. I'm giving them a chance to make amends for those who died in the war. "

You're not in the war, are you?

I laughed in line with the voice.

When I heard about the war with the Demon King's army, I fled to a country where there was no damage.

"For us, war is... nnh?"

I suddenly noticed that someone other than us was standing outside the mouth where the torch flame was illuminating.

A figure with the sun completely sinking and shining red in the dark.

The hood that covered her head and the black cloak that covered her body swayed like melting into the darkness.

Wrapped in an unnaturally shimmering black coat, he stood there without moving, looking through the hood at our house.

"... hey"

The other people who noticed my strong voice also looked out the window and took out their swords.

"The pursuer?"

"No, it's too soon to know."

"I came here to help my child with a sense of justice. I'm a fool or something."

That's creepy.

I know it's just shadowy and barely human, but I don't know anything else.

Somewhere in her heart, Jeffrey stood up with a belligerent smile as she slammed the liquor in her hand against the table.

"I thought you weren't enough for the kid."

Jeffrey smiled abusively as he rang the steel cage on his left arm.

Oh, the most troublesome thing has motivated me.

I don't think he's gonna make it.

"He's a reckless bastard. I'll take care of it. After you mess with me."

I turned my attention to the outside of the window from Jeffrey, who was flying out.

Jeffrey walked out of the house in front of the figure in his spare time.

If you look closely, there is a difference in height, and Jeffrey is more than one minute taller.

Well, it's over.

Did you seem a little jumpy?

"How many shots do I have to gamble on?"

Bye-bye, I don't know what to bet on.

Jeffrey sticks out his left arm.

The iron arm that crushes the fruit with only a grip and crushes even the rocks is approaching the figure.

Everyone, including me, was expecting him to be blown up like rubbish.


It wasn't the sound of a person being beaten.

The iron arm that Jeffrey was about to slap was picked up with a mysterious shadow sticking out of his palm.

"Hey, hey, Jeffrey, don't take it easy!"

"Are you going to play?"

Haha, laughing back to me as my companion Noji returns to me.

Oh, yeah, he hired me for his armpit.

Not even monsters could beat them, not just humans.

... even though it's supposed to be like that, is it because of your imagination that Jeffrey's face, illuminated by the torch, looks distorted...?


Jeffrey tried to withdraw his hand in surprise.

No matter how much he tries to jerk off, the thrusting fist will not move from where it was grabbed.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey."

"Isn't there something wrong...?"

The sunset was completely hidden in the mountains and surrounded by darkness Jeffrey screamed so much that he could hear us, blowing a flame from his uncaught right hand.


In an instant, a dazzling light of fire and something like a green flash spread into our sight.

As a result, the torch light that was illuminating the outside disappeared and the outside was completely darkened.

"Oh, Jeffrey!? What are you doing!?"

"What's going on out there!? Turn on the lights!!"

I don't know what's going on outside!?

We panicked and turned on the lights in the room something broke through the window and blew the magic tool out.

"What is it this time!?"

What the hell is that bastard doing?!

Illuminating my feet with another magic tool, I could see the sole breaking through the window.


"I-It's Jeffrey's..."

"You're kidding..."

This is why Jeffrey was called Flame Iron, a steel handkerchief that was scattered and boasted.

It was the only thing that was rolling on the ground without making any sense.


The cage hand made of steel is distorted without any shadows, and the marks of the hand (...) are clearly engraved as if it had been gripped.

Did the Demons do this to you...?

No! Experience has shown that even demons can't just crush steel with one hand!!

"You're not talking like that!! I didn't hear such a thing!!"

"Oh, calm down, don't shout!! ---aah!"

There's something behind the noisy guy (...).

However, something black stretched out from the sole that only the shadows could recognize wrapped around his companion's legs and pulled his body in vigorously.

"Ah, ahhhhh!? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!?"

While scratching the ground, the companions dragged somewhere and disappeared into the darkness.

Immediately thereafter, the screaming stopped and a disgusting silence flowed.

No one here could move.

The situation in front of me could not be determined normally and it had to be solidified.

In a moment, the green light flashed for only a moment.

"Beat it!?"

"What the hell!?"

Something slammed against the wall, and then the sound of it falling to the ground resounded.

Immediately after that, something lurking in the dark attacked my people.

"No, noooo!?"

As soon as the green light was emitted, allies disappeared.

Without knowing what they might look like or what they might do, the skilled companions they gathered can only shout.

"Hey, what's going on!?"

"What are you dealing with!? A monster!? A demon race!?"

I can't see anything in the dark!

Moreover, if you want to wield your sword indoors like this, you'll hit an ally!?

Why are you rambling in the dark in the first place!?

When you are in confusion while hitting each other's bodies, something green crosses your sight at high speed and hits the companion who was right next to you.

Hee?! What are you doing!? Stuck to something...!?

What's that suspiciously glowing green that's sticking to you?

He cast a light and his face was illuminated, and as he crooked his face in fear, it burst in front of him.

"... eh?"

He was stunned by the light blowing in front of him and disappearing into a pitch-dark sight.

And he's dead?

Is it going to explode when you touch it?

I couldn't hear him anymore to make sure he was alive or dead.

"I can't see, help---"

Damn it!!

"No, no, no, no!!!"


Something rampaged through the room, and the companions screamed and sobbed.

Unbelievable situation where the head refuses to understand.

I was put in such a place---,

"Ah, ahhhhhh..."

Lamentably, I had no choice but to put my hand on my ear near the wall and round my body like a child.


I couldn't stand the screams of my fellows, the sound of something going wrong, and the despair that came into my ears while I was holding it down.

"I wonder if I can stay here...!!"

I don't care about demon kids or money anymore!!

If I were here, I would definitely be the second act of my people!!

It's a monster that doesn't even know if it's a creature. You should be able to fight properly!!

No, I don't want to die.

He crawled down the floor and walked out into the hallway.

The Nemesis are still attacking our people.

Then, get out while you're making love to me...!

"Hey, what is this!?"

There was a companion whose eyes were white and fixed to the wall.

Something green translucent is stuck to the mouth, and something green is stuck between the back and the wall.

HI, hiiii!?

The first thing that came to my mind was the worst imagination of them being tied up as bait alive.

"Ah, ah, ahhh..."

The green light that stands out in the dark looks like nothing more.

He falls backwards, and something hits my back.


There is no wall behind us.

I couldn't hear the screams of my friends who were echoing so much.

In the corridor dominated by silence, only my frightened voice and some kind of demonic breath that could be heard from behind me.

"Ah, ahhh... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Don't look behind you.

It's over when you see it.

But I turned my body back against my will---


Another scream echoes through the house.

I was shaking my shoulders, but I didn't think I was scared.

Brother Usat is fighting.

I heard that from Nea beforehand.

You're doing it flashily, aren't you?

Nea Onee-chan spoke cheerfully as her legs lit up the magic device to brighten the room.

"She's very angry this time, so she'll be fine."

"You mean Brother Rabbit?"

Yes, I heard you were captured.

... after all, oniichan hasn't changed at all since we first met.

Even when he saved my uncle, he saved me without showing me anything strange.

Actually, I'm not really mad at Rasat, but at times like this, I'm scared enough to sympathize with the other person.

"Oh, I see..."

"When the rabbit burst in Samaritan..."

U, ahhhhhh!?

The screams that blocked Nea's voice were approaching, and a stabbing blonde man rushed in as she opened the door.

"... ahh, the hypnosis was relieved by fear." If you look at that person now, you can see it. "

"Hey, what the hell is that thing!! Shit, shit, shit!! I'm not listening to you!!"

No, the man who was convinced that Nea was holding the door to her back somewhere else spewed out a dirty word.

Immediately, looking around, he saw us trapped in a cage and smiled.

"Oh, yes, if you take these kids as a gift...!!"

He turns to us with his bloodied eyes, and his body is stung.

Nea stepped down in front of the grate in the shape of an owl and tried to protect her---and suddenly Nea lowered her wings as they spread out.

Immediately after I wondered, my arm broke through the door that the man had stopped on his back.


The arm protruding from the elbow to the top grabbed the man's chest without hesitation and lifted him up with tremendous force.

We are also dumbfounded by its appearance.

"Who are you going to take hostage?"



Ignoring the man who was floating in the air and moving his legs, the voice of the Lord... dragged the man into the corridor while destroying the door, and disappeared from our sight.


The green light flashes from the tip of the broken door.

And the screams I heard so many times are gone this time.

The footsteps of the shoes echoed as the voices of the men were lost, and Brother Wasato, wearing a black cape, came.

Phew... have you finished?

Brother Usat came to us with a heartfelt relief.

... but it's still a lot of blindfolds.

"I'm glad you're safe. Well done, Nea."

"Rabbit, my face hasn't returned."

"Oh, no."

As soon as I broke my hair, I returned to the sweet oniichan we all knew.

I'm not scared right now, but oniichan looks like this...

Keira, can we go now?


I was dumbfounded by your voice, but immediately after that, oneechan jumped out of the black cloak and appeared in front of us.

"Ram!! He's safe!? He's not hurt!?"


My sister, who is checking to see if I am injured by the momentum of jumping into a cage, is about to cry unexpectedly.

Rasat, I'm going to look for the key to the cage---


Oniichan grabbed the part of the iron cage door lightly, Ban Kin! It is taken off with a light sound.

"Oh, yeah. You didn't have to." I knew it... haa "

"It's okay now..."

When the cage that held us broke, I finally realized that we had been helped. I was so relieved that tears were seeping in front of me.


"Good... I'm so glad..."

Onee-chan hugged me and let me cry out loud.

When I realized it, Kal and Ru jumped at Brother Usato and cried just like me... but I was really scared.

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