Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata ~Senjou wo Kakeru Kaifuku Youin~

435 Chapter 384

It was the monster that attacked me, but my help came to an end.

The prospectus of making a human appeal has completely failed... well, if you ask me which of these people's safety and my impressions is important, I don't have to think about the former.

Therefore, as always, I decided to give up on being seen by monsters, and at this time I decided to reopen and work as hard as I could.


A log about the size of a human torso is pushed forcefully into a hole dug into the ground.

Zhun, the log standing vertically with the sound I put up the sole, which is the skeleton of the outer wall, I lightly breathe out and relax my shoulders.

"Rabbit!? Please help me!!"

"Oh, heavy!?"

Hilk and Aige rushed to do the same work nearby without taking a moment to breathe and lifted the leaning logs.

It was a log one size smaller than me, but it wasn't the weight that the two demons could lift.

"Thank goodness, thank goodness"

"Be careful, it's not something you can lift up in a mess."

"You don't have to be chaotic to lift it up. What are you..."

I'm working on it.

"No, I'm scared."

I didn't mean to do the same work as these two, but I was just going to help with my labor, so I just happened to be together... and somehow, I got it all figured out.

"Aren't you both simply lacking muscles?" I can ask Koga to recommend you to re-enlist in the corps..... "

Yeah, I won't!

I hate it... I hate training...

It's not like I'm training.

Hmm, the people here are pretty well trained because they were former Demon King soldiers, but these two are pretty much the same as the average demon race.

Well... you don't have to work hard to train your body, do you?

It's a demon race that's been looking for the strength to fight, but from now on, it's going to be necessary to learn something else.

In that sense, I can tell you the same thing when I decide to live in this world.

"Hey, hey, what are you laughing at...?"

"Thinking of something that's going to drive us to hell...?"

"No, why would that happen?"

You think I'm thinking about that just because I'm laughing...? Isn't that the most irrational thing to do?

In the meantime, while clearing the misunderstanding, the three of them pierced the ground with the lifted log, and then left the two of them.

It's break time, so let's sit down and rest a bit.


You're not hiding anymore.

Nea, who was wearing my regimental clothes, says something like that.

In time......? Instead of shadowing the sun?

I don't have to hide it anymore.

"... I'm sure of it. I don't think I can fix it anymore."

Three days after I started helping.

I was helping as I switched between different parts of the city. [M]

It's all hard work like I'm doing now, but I don't have to think about human appeals anymore, so I'm doing it with all my heart.

"Sure enough, the sun's shining well, and it's getting really hot."

Maybe it's because the power of the Demon King has been removed.

It was because it was covered with thick clouds that the rays of the sun did not shine into the Demon King's realm.

If that was due to the power of the demon king buried in this place, the change in this environment would be despised as well.

"Good day, Mr. Usato!"


It was Uluru who came with the same vigor.

I took the hand wipes and the water bottle from her and finally took a breath.

"You're good at hard work!"

"That's the only way this guy can do it."

"That's not true, is it?" Ussat-kun is also a healing wizard. "

Uluru said it as she stared at Nea, staring at her.

Uluru-san, who specializes in healing, is here, so I can do my work on site, so there is no mistake about Nea.

"Wow, why are you wearing Rabbit's regimental clothes?" I'm coming with you, too. "

"Hey, don't come in here because it's too hot!" You have your own!? "

Uriuu smiled bitterly at Uluru-san, who was entangled with Nea.

It really is a great way to pack the distance.

This imposition is none of my business. [M]

"I'm so glad that Uluru-san is here."

I was the only one who could heal the wizard.

Thanks to Uluru's dedication to healing magic, I was able to train my team, and I really appreciate it.

"Usuat-kun, that's my line."


"Thank you for bringing me here."

Uluru continued to utter his words, smiling strangely at me.

"I've been working in the clinic as a healing wizard, so I barely knew anything about the outside world. So I was satisfied, and oniichan didn't even think about leaving the clinic because he was worried."

Is that so?

You were so worried about Olga that you were overprotective.

"But now, oniichan has met someone who seems to be able to build a good relationship." Knack-kun had grown up to be able to help me in the clinic before I even saw him a little..... "

Huh, Knuck is also working hard every day.

She's growing up more mentally and physically than she did when she was a Lukvis.

I feel that my height has grown a little recently.

"That's why I was secretly hardening my resolve to come here, too, to try to change."

"Is it going to change?"

I don't know, but life here is fun.

That's good.

To the best of my ability, Uluru was smiling all the time.

It's also fun to see how Mr. Ushato is becoming more and more like Mr. Rose.

"Eh, are you kidding me...?"

"I'm not lying. It looks just like Mr. Rose when he was training."

Uluru spoke to Nea in astonishment.

I'm not unhappy to be told that I resemble a master, but I still think I am.

"... nh?"

When I talked to Uluru, I noticed a shadow approaching me from the sky.

... Keira?

Wearing a dark magic cape, she came to me with tremendous vigor as she descended to the ground.

"Kii, Keira!? What's wrong!?"

"Uuu, Mr. Usato!!"

Taking her in and checking her expression, something went wrong.

Keira's so upset... what's going on?

"Ah, um! Mr. Usato!! Rum... rum!"

Calm down first. I'll listen to you."

To calm the troubled Keira, I put my hand on her shoulder, casting healing magic.

Keira, who had regained some calm with the wave of healing, raised her voice to me in tears.

"Lam... was captured with the girl she was playing with!!"

The ram has been seized.

As soon as I heard the words, I held Keira and wore a cloak of dark magic.

We'll have to ask for more details later.

First, it jumped and soared into the sky, stopping at a position where it could look down on the entire city.

"Ussato-san, I've been looking for you from the sky, but..."

Keira, close your ears.

Keira took a big inhale after confirming that she had blocked her ears with both hands.

Having no more air in my lungs, I spit out my voice all at once---crying out my partner's name.


My voice echoes through the city, followed by a moment of silence.

But immediately after that---,


We descend to the ground, confirming the return of a reliable eulogy from the dormitory.

As soon as I get back to where I came from, Nea sees the situation and speaks to me.

"Keira, she said that Ram was captured, but where was he captured?"

By the exterior wall.

Side by side?

"No, that's the inside." It seems that there was a hole in the outer wall at some point...... maybe from there..... "

Is it planned...?

At least it's not about momentum.

It seems like you've taken action after learning where the kids can play.

They said they were people with black cloths wrapped around their faces. It seems that only Ros was saved by hiding in the shadows... but the children who were with Ram were taken away..."

Keira grips the remaining shoes with a strong grip.

Maybe it belonged to the rams that were left there.

"How's Ros doing?"

I'm with Graefe. I already told the guards, and the search party will be out soon....."

"Are you already moving..."

But I can't rest assured.

"Rabbit, maybe the opponent..."


Planned offense.

Aimed at an easy-to-seize demon child.

The fact that he was hiding his face.

We can't tell yet, but it's highly likely that the slave dealer or the one you handed over to is the opponent.

You've been trying to figure out when the Demon King's power is weakened? If you seize a few children at once, there might be quite a few of them.

"Good manners."

I was prepared.

When such a guy comes out.

In fact, I've not been in this world long, and I've encountered bandits... but this time, I'm thinking about it too.

"The demons and humans are getting closer." We can't ruin it in this way. "


Bullins snorted, motivated by the smoke from behind me.

I stroked Bullin's head, which ran so far in response to my voice, and burned quietly in anger.

"... don't think you can escape."

I'm sure this is what you think of your children now.

The relationship between the demons and humans was still obscure, so it would be safe to leave the Demon King's Realm.

If even the child is handed over, it is ours.

"It doesn't matter if the other person is a human." I'll chase you to the end of hell. "

Even if I managed to escape from the Demon King Realm, I would chase it beyond my country.

If necessary, rely on people you've met on your journey so far to catch up.

Keep searching day and night---I 'll let you know what's going on with your angry existence (...).

"Burling, can you follow the smell of rum?"


"Alright... Uluru-san, please tell the Demon King that I will move and track down my magic power."

Got it!!

He will be able to do just that.

Actually, I'd like to call Amako and Nagi-san, but I don't have much time right now.

After seeing Mr. Uluru off the scene, I spread the cloak.

Keira, let's go help your family.

"! Yes!!"

Keira and the owl jumped into the cloak forcefully, checking the nea stuck on my shoulder, and I ran out with Bullin.

Seizing a child is supposed to be a systematic crime.

Well, let's see where they have their base first.

"I'll tell you why I'm afraid of the devil..."

"You're going to say it yourself..." But now I feel the same as you...!! "


I stare forward as I nod to the motivated Nea.

I'll definitely get you out.

So please don't give up until then...!!

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