Chaos Evolution: Only I Was Granted 3 Wishes

Chapter 237: Gambino Giavelli!

The galaxy was wide and far reaching. What Draco has covered was too little—too little, in fact—that he didn't meet a single True celestial, and those were the true powerhouses.

It was previously mentioned that Draco wasn't the only transmigrator. There were many, not in Portalia, sure, but there surely were many.

In such a wide galaxy, the number of dead souls transmigrating daily was in the dozens.

Dozens! It might sound like a small number, but it was in no way small.

There were billions of galaxies, and who knew how wide this universe was, and if there are others outside of it.

This directly translated to trillions of transmigrators daily. Such a crazy number was obscene but totally logical.

But, the thing is, most of these transmigrators start off as the weakest rank F, then they slowly build up their strength with whatever wish they made.

Some think they are smart enough to wish for a high realm, but to waste a wish without knowing what you're doing is utterly foolish.

Wishes were tricky, and you had to be smarter. If you wish for a realm without specifying, you might even become a World Celestial… filthy.

Or something even worse—no authority at all. You can also straight away try to be smart with the will and end up sent back to Triffiant.

Triffiant was the judgement one went through after they died. Draco didn't, out of the mercy of whoever gave him 3 wishes, but any other soul would be judged and have to spend a good amount of time either in hell… or in paradise.

Then once their sentence/duration ends, they would be sent to the next world they will be in. And if it's under the jurisdiction of the Great Mother, and only if, would they be given a wish.

If they are under the jurisdiction of any other such entity, most of the time, they might not get a wish since things worked differently.

Now these transmigrators can start as weak existences with extreme potential, completely broken powers, or even wish to lay back and enjoy a slow life.

The possibilities are endless. And unlike Draco, most of these dozen daily transmigrators, never even reach EX-rank or its equivalent in whatever world they reach.

Yes, most transmigrators are reckless and do dumb stuff that gets them killed, and even the smart and cautious ones, might not have the privilege of rapid growth.

All in all, many factors were at play. The wish, the world, the person themselves, and their luck.

If any of these decided to play a trick on them… they're fucked.

But what if a transmigrator managed to grow despite all odds? What if they reach the peak of their world and become a celestial? What if they… what if they're evil? What if they're a powerful devourer who goes around doing whatever they want?

Well this wasn't the only option, there were neutral fellas who just lived to live, good fellas who had strict principles and refused to cause unnecessary harm to others, and then… there were the evil ones.

The crazy, mad ones. The unfeeling, nonchalant, filth of the world who go around causing destruction and casualties for the heck of it.

Saving the world? Being the hero and saving the beauty? Using the mind to think of smart ways to get out of a predicament?

Who's so dumb to that? Why should I? What did they do to me? Did they hold me in their belly for 9 months straight? Even if they did, was I the one who asked them to?

Total ungrateful bastards who only care to satisfy the disgusting itch they feel. All of this for that slight explosion of euphoria they feel when they are the cause of a total catastrophe.

Now there are cases like Draco who do it for a greater cause, although not excused for his wrongdoings, but there are case many times worse than him.




"Mommy! Uhhhhhh, please wake up up, Mommy!"



Meet Gambino Giavelli.

"Burn, Burn, BURN!"



The planet and its people, everybody cried as loudly as they could, shouting for everyone to run and find refuge from the monster who had appeared to bring doomsday to their world.

"There is no~ ESCAPE! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Wearing a purple top with a wide smile, was the cause of all of this laughing crazily, as if he were witnessing the funniest thing eyes could see and ears could hear.

Below the purple top of the suit, there was a black shirt, he was also wearing matching purple pants, black gloves, and overall, his outfit seemed completely modern, which didn't suit the setting of the world he was in.

"Mamammia, who do we have here?" Stopping his laughter and appearing inside of a castle, Gambino spread his senses and he could locate the royal family of this capital he was burning to the ground, running away from a hidden passage underneath.

"That is…" His wide smile disappeared and in its place appeared a frown. Veins appeared on his forehead to display his anger and a long cane appeared on his hand.

"PREPOSTEROUS!" He shouted.

"You think you can run away from me? The great merchant? Gambino Giavelli?" He shouted and shouted to himself, throwing a tantrum like a little child with his cane hitting the floor time and time again.


With every strike to the ground, the world shook, the cries of the planet intensified, the castle crumbled, and more lives were swallowed by the cracks of the earth, the falling mountains, and rising seas.

"Very well, you want to run? You think you can run? Let's see. I will make sure every last one of you dies like the cockroaches you are." Gambino Giavelli stated his threats and disappeared.

Whoever the royal family of 5 who were running away were, their ending…

Wouldn't be pretty.


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