Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1075: The Logic-Defying Clash Across Null Remnants! (16)

Chapter 1075: The Logic-Defying Clash Across Null Remnants! (16)

The glow of the flames in the distance was suspiciously familiar to the amalgam. Through its luminance he saw the figure of the Null Devil King attacking the Herald, and the latter actually looked to be pinned down by the fire which worked more like a drill in this instance, spinning and digging down against the efforts of his Incarnation to stop it.

The Bringer of All could not understand the Null Devil King's behaviour at all.

He was rather lax. He paused from time to time to just watch the battle even though it seemed like he was quite determined to kill the dragon.

Besides his sudden activeness now, the only time he had shown a strong reaction to anything at all, was when Yuyui took away Stylla.

Why was he keeping her around?

Amid the calm air of questions in his head, a note of caution arose in the amalgam's head.

A surge of energy was bustling from the masked man. Under his soft light which warded away the dark, he touched the corpse in the sarcophagus and it suddenly trembled as though electrocuted. Its shape rapidly changed, becoming less of a humanoid mummy and that of a... whip?

The amalgam was taken back.

The whip had the same color as the mummy, and was littered with sharp spines along its length. At its end, it featured what looked like a long, black, erect blade.

'What is that?' Vohnvolt thought.

The body in the sarcophagus was similar to the one the masked man had used to create Eobald-Minobu. It was one of the corpses of Fulgardt's Chosen from the Second Grand War. This wasn't common knowledge, but the bodies of the Chosen were strengthened by Fulgardt somehow. Back in those harrowing times, one of them had been captured, but the captors hadn't been able to do a single lick of damage on his body. This fact was even more tragic in battles. No attacks left significant damage on the four unless they were delivered by vessels of the Deities.

Their bodies were nigh impossible to break.

That was why, the only way that could have possibly ended all of them, except Quilforg, was by using a Transcendent artefact, the Otherworldly Synchrony Spear, which wove the souls of the Chosen together with those of a few volunteers from the resistance.

(A\N: Refer to Ch.610).

The toughness of the Chosen's bodies remained after their deaths, and the masked man had been especially interested in it.

No one could have known, but just now, he infused a part of his soul into the mummy and forcibly changed its shape. After all, the soul learned from the body, and the body learned from the soul.

Actuass then continued on his course: learning from the dragon.

A vibrant, blackish green Incarnation appeared above him, made from both Perfect Aura and Divine energy.

It first assumed a form similar to his before it was rapidly absorbed into him, leaving obscure marks on the masked man's skin as the only evidence that it was still in play.

To achieve the 1,000% boost in overall strength, Masters had to reach the peak of the Master Stage, where they would be able to merge with their Incarnations.

This was what the necromancer had done.

Soon, he bolted through the cold darkness, the light he had conjured following after him, but barely visible because of his tremendous speed.

'Damn it!' Vohnvolt cursed.

His body was yet to thaw out and all efforts to manoeuvre through space were hampered by the cold. Yet, he had to go after the masked man.

The only option left was...

Vohnvolt once again drew the large cloth which was formerly Red Rage's cape.

He sent it flying ahead to wrap around a building and then he had it pull him along.

Of course, moving about wasn't going to be easy.

The dragon's summons were everywhere. Some even attempted to cut off his cloth.

Because of the burning shadows decking them to ward off the atrocious cold, the creatures were pretty much impossible to kill through normal means. Even approaching them was dangerous, but thankfully, because of [Neutral Maximum], the amalgam was safe.

He immediately activated [Brilliant King's Adoring Stars].

His body started regenerating, and just when one of his dark arms fully formed, the porous sphere of Maximum Catalyst appeared in his hand.

An impossibly quick flash erupted from it, targeting all the shadows around the summons. In less than the most fragmented fragment of time, the creatures were left defenceless and the creeping cold immediately devoured them whole, freezing them!

'Damn. Using Reversion and Neutral at once just chugged down a massive amount of mana. I really only have one mana core left aside from the Malleable Form...' the amalgam grunted in displeasure. Save for his Null core, most of his mana cores were gone because of the exposure from the cold before. This curiously enlightened him on why his [Nullmancer's Royal Raiment of Acclimation] hadn't frozen along with his body before also.

The skill that multiplied his mana before, couldn't be spammed, unfortunately.

When his legs had fully regenerated, Vohnvolt started bolted at top speed after the masked man who cut through his own swarm of summoned creatures.

His method of getting through them and their defence... was terrifying.

He swiped with his whip, which was barely visible. It moved even faster than he did, creating vague, dark curves around him before it bolted in a straight line toward a target.

The amalgam watched it head straight for a large, gecko-like creature and pierce straight into its head.

The blade at the end of the whip ignored the shadows!

...Well, no it didn't.

As the amalgam watched closely, the blade didn't really reach the shadows or the gecko at all. It stopped inches away. However, the creature it was targeting... died instantly.


The masked man leaped over hundreds of the summons and landed in the middle of a dozen of them. He swung his whip chaotically. The spines on its long body protruded out, but again, Vohnvolt was sure they never so much as grazed their victims, but... they died anyway.

The amalgam jumped towards the masked man. He had to understand what was happening


As he approached, the masked man dashed ahead, leaving him in the dust.

As Vohnvolt closely followed, he saw a figure rushing past the masked man and going ahead of them both towards the dragon!

It was Eobald-Minobu!

He seemed relatively fine despite being cast in the cold all this while. The masked man didn't seem to have needed to use a Rule to protect him at all!


Soon the three were before the catastrophic clash going on between the dragon and the Null

Devil King.

The latter was decked in a storm of the same flame that the dragon's Genuine Incarnation was trying to ward away as it simply continued to grow, whirling and bellowing in the cold. Evidently, the fire was resistant to the chill, and that was why the Null Devil King had yet to


The Null Lifeform looked at the approach of the three hostiles. This prompted him to make a more meaningful assault.

He swiped with one hand and a streak of the reddish-purple flame exploded on the ground just before Eobald-Minobu who led the charge, forcing him to slow down. The fire then spread, towering upwards and sidewards to wall off any channel that could lead to dragon for

the three!


The amalgam was stunned.

This flame. It really was familiar!

He had used it before!

It was the Ungodly Flame of Debauchery, a flame that usually caused its target to be smitten

with lustful passion!

However, this version he saw was way scarier.

It was hotter.

It was fiercer.

The amalgam stopped for a slowed down a bit as many thoughts echoed in his mind.

However, unlike him and Eobald Minobu, the masked man didn't stop.

He leapt into the flames while increasing the output of his Undeath, Aura and Divine energy!

The Null Devil King narrowed his hollow sockets at this.

Jerthrax grumbled and raised his arms for an attack. Those of his Incarnation were

preoccupied, after all.

However, the Null Devil King wouldn't allow it.

He extended his hand towards the dragon and like before, the Herald was tugged towards

him, this time with a greater pull!

Once again, the Null Devil King was drawing the Null Life Essence from his victim even

though he was still alive!

However, whatever he planned to do afterwards, was interrupted.

A long, dark whip with lengthy spines shot from the Ungodly flame.

Both the dragon and the Null Devil King saw it approach... but only when it already close to the

shadows covering a specific spot around Jerthrax's chest.

At that moment, Vohnvolt, who had just sped through the fire, saw IT happen.

The blade at the end of the whip stopped just before it encountered the burning shadows. And



Jerthrax let out a cry of immense agony that took everyone aback!

What in the world...?

How had the Herald been injured?


"The soul..." the amalgam finally understood.

This masked bastard was aiming at the soul!

No one else seemed to be able to catch onto this until now!

And worse yet, that wasn't all.

Something travelled from Jerthrax and into the whip the masked man had made.

Something pure, something powerful!

It fed into his body, and all of sudden, his presence became all the more heavy, all the more


"PARASIIIIIIIIITEEEE!" Jerthrax roared wrathfully as he swatted the whip away, his body

roiling chaotically in the dark.

Yet, the necromancer could care less about his rage. He took a deep breath and unbeknownst

to all, he wore a relieved smile.

Then, he spoke with a crisp voice that all could hear.

"Majestic Territory..."

[Author's Note]

Sorry guys, I'm going to have to delay the first mass release by just two days. It'll be up on the

23th. Please, hold fast.

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