Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1062: The Logic-Defying Clash Across Null Remnants! (3)

Chapter 1062: The Logic-Defying Clash Across Null Remnants! (3)

[Consecutive Realm Transmission], derived from [Grandiose Manifestation], was a skill that allowed Prisma Vohnvolt Exonn to pre-set dimensions that he wanted himself and his selected targets to be transported to on a fixed timer.

Because Vohnvolt had the whole of Araeyn built into him, he also shared the memories of all the dimensions that the Astute Duke of Transversal learned about passively. These memories also came with some extremely vital knowledge.

The dimensions or regions that the Astute Duke could transpose, were remnants of places within the vast Null Verse that either perished or were abandoned for various reasons despite how some of them looked. It seemed [Grandiose Manifestation] was set up like this on purpose so as to not encroach on the realms ruled by the four authorities in the Null Verse, something Replicus had learned after the birth of Araeyn.

(A\N: Refer to Ch.805).

As such, the Astute Duke, and in turn, Vohnvolt, were free to control and benefit from these remnants.

On that note, just as Replicus had experienced a boost from being on 'home ground' before, the same had happened now.

However, the difference was mind-boggling.

Previous, individually, Replicus had had a forceful 300% increase to his Null Life Essence reserves, 140% to his stats and 250% to all his Null Life related skills, while Araeyn had gotten double in all respects.

Yet now, the benefits he got stacked, considering him as three separate beings bunched together.

Thus, his Null Life Essence reserves were bolstered by 1,200%, his stats by 560% and the performance of all Null-Life related skills by 1,000%!

This was all on top of the fact that the Bringer of All was a literal god in the Null Remnants!


The next region [Consecutive Realm Transmission] took Vohnvolt and everyone else to, was a place called the Frigid Pools.

It was essentially like a vast ocean, but one that was saturated with Null Life Essence, giving it unusual properties.

Vohnvolt, with just a whim, made Eaniss and Aurolio plunge down at extreme speed towards the dark depths that couldn't be appraised quite well below his feet.

Eaniss gave him a strange look as she disappeared into the darkness while Aurolio...

Aurolio resisted.

The... man (?), placed his hand on his chest and said something that Prisma Vohnvolt felt pulse with the same feeling of Veneration.

His body rose rapidly, resisting the pull which the amalgam had commanded.

Soon, Aurolio was face to face with the Bringer of All.

Vohnvolt sized him up.

He had changed. At least appearance-wise.

The man still spotted his long, white hair, but it was no longer tied into a ponytail. Instead, it flowed like a river within the ocean, lengthier than before. Below it, Aurolio's face looked vastly different. Instead of eyes, he had what looked like a wide, slit across his face that barely exposed an intense, purple glow behind it. His skin had grown paler, or perhaps it was the fact that he no longer had facial skin at all. Instead, what looked like hard, white ceramic texture covered his face. His lower jaw was covered by a segmented layer of purple-silver steel that clamped tight onto it, leaving only his upper lips visible.

This segmented steel layer drew down to Aurolio's neck and then to the rest of body, forming a sleek, but stylish armour that reflected something other the dark waters, as though it was in another place entirely. On its chest, the armour spotted a clear crystal that oozed of the same purple energy bubbling around Aurolio's body.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to use this again," he said, the purple light from the slit on his face radiantly sparking.

Vohnvolt scoffed.

"I sure hope you don't regret saying that," he said, and without waiting for a response, he acted. He appeared in front of Aurolio and grabbed both his arms tight.

He took a moment to appreciate how tough they appeared to be.

'Hmmm. Won't make much of a difference though.'

Then with three of his other arms, he sent three lethal blows supported by his raw strength, Red Rage's [That One Punch] and [That Other Punch] skills, several of his new mana-related skills and of course, super charged Levin!

The ocean cried.

The force set loose by the three punches was enough to make the water content so thin around the two that it almost seemed as though the ocean didn't exist!

Aurolio received each of the punches.

His body ached tremendously and each blow felt as though it erased a part of him, but his armour wasn't just for show.

As a relic that Aurolio received from the influence of his Voided Deathform powers, it had its own unique powers. One of them was to resist 80% of the supernatural effects in the attacks that hit him, and it served him well, despite, because of the raw power it tanked, looking as though it had tangoed with black holes!

It allowed Aurolio to find enough breath to cry out:

"You're good, Mr. Demon! Almost too good |!"


At once, Vohnvolt shot down like an arrow with immense speed into the void of treacherous Null waters.

'Interesting,' he thought in his descent. 'As I imagined. His Veneration art makes anything he speaks to condescendingly to rise up, and when he praises or speaks highly of it, it drops, like some huge weights suddenly sits on it.'

It was interesting indeed, but...

Vohnvolt merely made it so that up was down for himself, and thus, when he came soaring from above Aurolio with immense speed, he delivered a mean punch that caused the man's face to explode, Voided Death Essence leaking from it as he sped through the vast waters like

a moist comet!

Vohnvolt followed and dragged his body deeper into the depths where the temperature continuously plummeted until it got so cold that it was a wonder why the water was even still liquid at all.

Cold, ice crystals with a faint glow could be spotted with each sharp descend, and Vohnvolt smashed Aurolio through every single one of them as they continued their plunge.

The strange pigment the water attained did make it more fitting though. The black tint of it made it seem more horrifying on top of its cruel properties that turned Aurolio into a black, ice-covered popsickle which Vohnvolt chucked even deeper into cold, and watched it

disappear into the darkness.

'We are similar, I guess. That must be why he and Skullius had some kind of agreement between them. He doesn't seem to be anything like a Null Lifeform though,' the amalgam


Because of the memories from Araeyn, he had already gotten some understanding about Aurolio's unusual abilities, but the transformation he just saw spelled a lot more information

to him.

Just as he mulled this over, Vohnvolt felt a burst of heat approaching him rapidly as a gigantic beam that would have torched him whole without regard of the waters here.

The amalgam merely switched positions before the scorching beam could hit, travelling

higher up to the less freezing part of the ocean.

The dragon.

Vohnvolt scoffed.

An attack from a super long range.

That wasn't enough to kill him despite how impressive it was.

'Hmmm?' Prisma Vohnvolt turned behind him.

To his surprise, Aurolio had risen once again to stand opposite him!

His body still had traces of dark ice, and his face looked deformed from the blow he had

received, but was recovering rapidly.

"I guess the current version of you wouldn't know. You can't beat me. Not when my technique

is active," Aurolio said with a deep grin over his steel jaw.

Right after Aurolio finished speaking, Vohnvolt gripped his throat.

"Yes, you do seem like a hard-to-kill bug," he said.

"You don't know the worst of it!" Aurolio cried... and something withdrew from his body.

It looked exactly like him, and was even as solid as he was, making it hard to argue that it

wasn't anything other than a second body!

But that wasn't the case. This projection of Aurolio grinned and swiped its hand over its face.

As it did, a shiny, yellow mask with pointed edges, as though to make it look like a bland caricature of the sun appeared over it, with no other details granted to its face; no spots for

the eyes or the mouth.

The projection then uttered ominously:

"Mastered Void Gate."

And at once, the tide of the battle shifted.

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