Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1055: Under His Protection

Chapter 1055: Under His Protection

The great shadow of undeath minions, staggering in their numbers rose even up to the heights where the amalgam, Jerthrax and the Null Devil King were soaring.

It was tall, it was wide, and it was potent.

No one and nothing that was alive within the vicinity had been able to avoid being engulfed by this surprise of active monstrosities that immediately pounced eagerly, viciously, as though some mad directive they absolutely couldn't ignore was blaring in their heads!

They drowned the sea, the devoured the width of space, and they leapt up to scare the skies. It was pandemonium. They were pandemonium.

What was even more staggering than their numbers, was the fact that at least half of the fifty million undead creatures, were formidable while a fifth were truly dangerous to face.

They all brimmed with vibrant undeath essence, never fearing, never tiring and never giving a rat's ass.

The amalgam reacted rather quickly. Right when the faces of hundreds of these creatures tried to crash into him, he dragged Yuyui behind him with an unseen from one of his hands.

Then the incredible collision occurred.

Thousands of undead creatures hammered into him all at once, wishing for nothing more than to tear him apart.

Unfortunately, they all perished.

The amalgam was way beyond their reach.

Because within his merged Null fibres was the full arsenal of the Astute Duke, including his two invisible barriers that constantly protected him from any and all threats.

[Inverted Boundary] transported anything that came into contact with the amalgam elsewhere, while [Accelerated Inverted Boundary] - under the former - shredded anything that bypassed [Inverted Boundary] by creating a space which acted in opposition with the speed, rotation and composition of whatever approached it.

Better yet, the amalgam was capable of expanding the influence of these barriers, and this resulted in countless undead disappearing - seemingly - from the plain open space they headed into without a trace!

What was on the other side of the [Inverted Boundary], even the amalgam wasn't sure. However...

[You have killed (VI) LV56 Horned Ilk. 900 EXP awarded]

[You have killed (IX) LV191 Pit Humanoid. 2,070 EXP awarded gained]

[You have killed LV47 Human. 4,332 EXP awarded]

... It was more than certain that wherever it led to, was an instant death sentence given form.

The amalgam's socket flames flashed bright.

'That bastard sure made a good smokescreen. It's impossible to sense where he is in this field of undead,' he thought. 'He is probably aiming to attack the dragon from somewhere hidden. Will he be able to though?'

Just as the amalgam wondered, he felt a tug at the mana chains he had formed to link to his enemies.

Jerthrax was agitated.

He was buried within the mass of undead, but of course, none of them were able to so much as scratch his thick, foggy grey scales. Even the Null Devil King had only been able to scratch and crack them slightly after three days of fighting.

The Herald drew back his head from the sea of vile, pungent monstrosities, some of which were livid with rot.

"CAST A SHADOW ALL YOU LIKE. YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME..." Jerthrax said menacingly, and as if on cue, all the undead grew stiff, frightened by the glow building up in his mouth, its trail visible even from his long, thick neck.

'It's coming,' the amalgam thought, and prepared.

An instant later, the world was once again died in an exaggerated hue of dawn. The darkness that had swarmed the world, strangling the daylight, parted instantly, as did the cold,

nauseating feeling of undeath.

Vibrant, careless heat that disrupted the foundation of the world blasted down, erasing the undead with ease, and without mercy.

The smell of burnt flesh coursed through the air in excess.

It signalled an end.

The amalgam was once again impressed.

He had nearly been devoured by an attack like this minutes ago, and he was certain, even now,

he wouldn't be able to survive it at point blank range.

Momentarily, he was disoriented, as it became hard to navigate with the treacherous


Had all the undead been wiped out just like that?

Was the masked man's plan foiled?

It was yet to be seen.

The nasty highlight started to die down, as did the incredible heat. And...

'What?' the amalgam was stunned.

He was finally able to see and sense something other than Jerthrax's overwhelming power.

What he saw... was undead. Lots and lots and lots of undead.

There had barely been a dent made in the creatures' vast numbers. They rose again. Wilder than ever. Braver than ever.

Without a doubt, Jerthrax's breath should have destroyed all of them, leaving behind no traces, but only a little less than a hundred thousand of the creatures had been vanquished!

Even the mighty Herald was shocked by this.

How could this be?

Well, the answer soon became clear to both him and the amalgam.

The undead... were coated in layers of divine energy!

They were protected!

The masked man was applying his newly acquired divine powers to shield them from attacks, and this worked especially well against attacks that also held divine power!

'He was prepared. Thoroughly prepared,' the amalgam thought.

Once again. The sky was suddenly engulfed by the endless undead, but Jerthrax, with his unnatural speed and power zoomed upward, escaping the clutches of the abominations with a devastating impact that killed off tens of thousands more of them.

His escape caused the enemies that saw him grow too far to reach, to turn to the next prey in

sight; the amalgam.

The undead rushed the Null Lifeform.

They stepped over each other, kicked each other and leapt up to reach him; humans, monsters

of different statures.

They were relentless.

Many were devoured by the [Inverted Boundary], but many also weren't.

Because the barrier could only process so much information at a time, some of the undead went through, reaching the [Accelerated Inverted Boundary] which ground them into


However, even this barrier was quickly overwhelmed by the numbers as well. It couldn't possibly deal with all these monsters of varying strengths and abilities at once.

"Master!" Yuyui who peeked from behind the amalgam cried.

"Don't worry," the Null Lifeform reassured her. "This much is child's play."

It was true. What this called for, was active action. This was far from enough to overwhelm

the amalgam.

The great, dark creature balled the hands to his trio of hands into fists.

They gleamed, the stellar warts of them becoming even more bright, while the pulsing, thick

builds of their arms flexed.

A truly astounding amount of physical strength was contained within these arms. It was difficult to quantify accurately, especially when considering just how many skills were amplifying the amalgam's powers as well.

It only became apparent how treacherous the amalgam was when he sent all three fists he prepared zooming towards his enemies... who all understood immediately, that their reanimated lives were forfeit.

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