Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 218: Historian

Chapter 218: Historian

"Oh hey, you came!" Tabbris came riding on his horse to say hello.

"Gerald truly didn't come with you?" he asked, looking around just in case.

"Are you kidding? Haha! He is probably still sleeping! I could hear him snoring and talk in his sleep even after leaving the Mansion," Sera answered in a half-joking and half-serious tone.

Tabbris sighed, quite visibly disappointed, but he didn't dwell on it for long.

"Oh well, I'm sure he'll catch up with us later"

He then turned his attention to the rest and began his speech.

"As I'm sure you are all well aware," Tabbris started, "We have all gathered here for a single purpose! We have received clues of a possible Orc nest, and it is our duty to seek it out and destroy it, should the information prove accurate!"

His booming voice attracted everyone's gazes, and they turned to listen what he had to say.

"We are now a group of warriors unfamiliar with each other! However, during the next two days, we will familiarize ourselves with each other and become a powerful unit!"

"Stick close to each other and trust in our combined strength, for only together can we truly reign victorious over the monsters!"



His words of encouragement invoked loud cheers of agreement and approval, greatly lifting morale and igniting their fighting spirits.

"Alright, let's go!"

The fifty-something warriors started their march. Although some of them had mounts, the great majority were on foot.

That was a weakness of such a group. They could only travel as fast as the slowest among them.

Since Tabbris wanted to establish a friendly relationship with Gerald, he offered his teammates to ride on their provisions' wagon. They accepted, of course, who wouldn't. There was a long road ahead.


[I spent some time asking around the capital, and a few people also noticed the flying man.]

[They pointed me in the direction he went, and after a few hours, I think I have confirmed the place.

It's a mansion, of course it is

Only a rich man or a noble would have access to flight magic.

I tried to see inside, but the walls are quite high and I'm on the short side

It's tough to be me.

I tried to eat more when I was younger, but then I started growing in the wrong direction.

Not worth it!

Anyway, I tried asking the guards who lives in there, and if they have seen a man fly over, but they seemed confused.

I'm not sure if they are just good actors or if they are truly clueless, but I failed to get any useful information out of them.

After an entire day of questioning, I decided to take a rest. I only learned of their coat of arms on the banner, some sort of a black crystal

I wanted to continue observing for a week at least, but then I learned of the special mission the Guild was advertising.

The reward was quite good, and I need money, so

It was also an opportunity to work with Phoenix Knights, they are also my role models!

I signed up, of course. Can't miss an opportunity like this.

On the day of the mission, I woke up early.

Filled my backpack with all sorts of tools, medicines, and ointments I did.

You can never be too careful in the wild, especially since we are hunting Orcs.

There are some people already gathered, and more are coming all the time.

There is the boss.

Leader of the Phoenix Knights, Tabbris Northendark!

He is one of the most promising young warriors in the Kingdom, just like his father used to be when I was still a young lad.

Oh, it seems he knows a group of young girls, two of them are Dark Elves even

Lucky him.

I always wanted to have a Dark Elf girlfriend, they are so beautiful!

Too bad, I had no such luck with ladies...

After that, the guy gives a speech we get ready to depart.

He offers the girls a ride, of course.

Damn must be nice to be so good-looking and rich!

We have been on the road for a while now.

It's what you would expect of a group of warriors in high spirits.

We sing, we laugh, some of them even decided to take out some musical instruments and play!

We are so loud that we probably scared all wild animals around us, so hunting will be hard.

Also, I'm pretty sure I saw some people looking at us from the woods.

Might have been bandits.

But they are probably too scared to attack us, haha!

Since we are a group of warriors.

At most, they would get some weapons and armor.

At worst they would be dead.

Not a good investment of their lives.

That's why I'm worry-free, and so are the rest.

Simple life.

I'm not usually one to make friends, but I guess speaking with a few people can't hurt.

Apparently, some of them are worried because of the weird stuff that is happening.

Especially those followers of Beliar, they came out of nowhere.

And they are so creepy, I get goosebumps every time I look in their eyes.

It's almost as if they are possessed.

The rest don't agree with me.

They say I'm overthinking things.

While they do look weird, they are just poor lunatics in the end.

That's what they say.

Nobody really cares to hear what they preach.

But I do.

I hear everything.

I'll record it too, just like I'm doing this.

I heard them speak of a powerful beast.

Of one that can devour the world.

I don't know if it's just a metaphor or if there really exists something like it.

We met a few of these crazies on the road.

They were spouting nonsense like always.

Something about how they received godly powers from their god.

We ignored them.

Still, one of them came close and tried to touch one of the warrior ladies while rambling about sin.

Not a good idea.

Apparently, her partner was one of the big guys.

The Beliar's disciple got kicked across the road and landed heavily on the other side.

I was sure he broke a few ribs at least, but surprisingly, he appeared fine.

I'm not sure if I'm paranoid, but I think I saw tiny black lines spreading from those mad-looking eyes.

It happened so quickly I'm not sure if it was real.

When I blinked it was gone.

Nobody seemed to notice, and we continued on our way.

We walked for most of the day, but that wasn't a problem for us hardened warriors.

We then set camp near a small stream and ate our provisions.

There was no time to hunt, and we were in a hurry.

Another day and a half and we should arrive at our target.

At least that's what one guy said.

I don't care to confirm, too tired.


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