Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Volume 1 - Ch 2.2

Besides Lin Qin, there are three Missiontakers still in the Dollmakers. Two of them seem to know each other, and the other is alone.

It is the lone wolf that is arguing with the other two, it seems. Their opinions are divergent.

They actually all know about this Nightmare about a doll store. Nobody did completely win, sure, but after several challenges, they all know what will happen in the Nightmare.

All the Missiontakers will appear on the first floor of the store. Then soon enough, the dolls will come to life and begin chasing after the Missiontakers.

As the Nightmare continues to restart, the dolls will grow more and more insane, causing their run to become harder and harder.

Now, this is already the third run of this Nightmare.

The man wearing glasses, the lone wolf, is adamant, since the Missiontakers all ran away before to no avail, then we must try some way of winning this Nightmare.

Another person, who is clearly the quarrelsome kind, says, must? Who are you, even? Why should we listen?

Then, Quarrelsomes companion, a girl with a ponytail who has been quiet for a while suddenly interjects, stop arguing. Wasnt there someone else? Where is he?

No idea, Quarrelsome rolls his eyes to say, that coward Restarted the Nightmare twice, the heck; we should all be back here because of that, but since hes not here, he probably forced himself out with a Trick card.

A Trick card is a type of utility card in Escape. Rumours coming from the upper floors say theres a special Trick card that allows one to immediately exit the Nightmare. It actually ruffled some feathers down here.

Later, though, the Missiontakers were like, the heck we excited for; assuming the card did exist, theyd still have to draw it first.

The main way they acquire these utility cards is by random reward after winning the Nightmare. And random means it depends on the person.

Quarrelsome here doesnt know how high the percentage is, but besides that kind of legendary card, there seems to be no way of explaining the persons disappearance anymore.

Who cares, the fact is that hes gone! Glasses says nervously; impatiently. He then adds, I saw a doll moving already.

All three of them go quiet and take a few steps in three different directions. Giving Lin Qin a wide berth, of course.

A few seconds later, the dolls rush right in the direction of Quarrelsome, who, without hesitation, runs right outside with the army of dolls behind him.

This is also from experience after the Missiontakers have entered the Nightmare many times. The store is small and cramped. Theyre likely going to be trapped just leading the dolls on in the store forever.

And in the streets outside, the dolls are slower, so despite the numbers, the Missiontakers only need some time to lose them.

Shit! Why me!

Quarrelsome is cussing in his mind while running like mad. Dust can be seen rolling on the abandoned streets thanks to that, almost concealing his form entirely.

Gasping, coughing from the dust, having difficulty breathing, but when Quarrelsome looks back around to see all the dolls still diligently going after him, he can only run while feeling like crying.

The dolls first chase lasts five minutes. Running is enough to escape from them. The target is completely random, which everybody knows. Oh right, Olai didnt know(TL: Or Lin Qin, probably; youll understand later on as the story develops).

Anyway, all four people here know that. So, when Quarrelsome realised he was chosen, he could only cuss before heading for the streets for a race against the wave of dolls.

He cant help but viciously pray that the dolls would go after Lin Qin instead, so that everyone is happy Why him!

If nothing else, what about that arrogant Glasses-guy? Why not him? Everyone will be happy!(TL: Except Glasses-guy, probably, hehe)

In the meantime, he has managed to lose the dolls. Right now, he has already circled back to the storefront. He takes a few deep breaths kneeling, before slowly making his way back into the store.

With a whole group of dolls after him back then, the store is now much emptier already. Yet, the moment he steps back in, the damp feeling creeps back onto him immediately. It is uncomfortable.

The Missiontakers really should have been used to these scenes. Theyre not any more run-down than the Tower already is, really; yet, for some reason, these scenes are always scarier to them in the Nightmares.

Quarrelsome decides to shake his cold feet away and walks back in with big strides.

Ponytail immediately asks, did you notice anything in the surroundings?

Glasses interjects before he could even answer, sarcastically saying, what could he even notice with that dunderhead of his?

Quarrelsome stares fiercely at him, rolls up his sleeves and taunts back, yo, the legendary Captain Disagree, arent we?

Ponytail rolls her eyes to say, are you two for real? Then she gives Glasses an odd glance to ask, really, whats it to you?

Glasses, with his arms crossed, standing to the side, impatiently explains, I said, repeating that doll chasing sequence is useless! How many times has the other Missiontakers been chased already? Did they solve the Nightmare that way? They just ended up spending enough time and reached a Normal End, didnt they?

Ponytail furrows her brows, not objecting, but not conceding either. She turns to Quarrelsome to ask, did you see whats going on outside?

Quarrelsome takes another deep breath, and ignores Glasses entire to answer, I saw that bookstore the others talked about

Suddenly, Lin Qin, who has been pretty quiet up to this point suddenly begins to move, walking outside without so much as a glance at the three of them.

Glasses almost reflexively asks, where are you going?

Lin Qin ignores him entirely, as if he hasnt even heard it, as he walks outside the store.

Glasses looks a little embarrassed as he watches Lin Qins silhouette leave, a little miffed, perhaps.

Its his first time actually meeting Lin Qin in the Nightmares, and was still holding a glimmer of hope of successfully catching a ride to easytown, if the strong, powerful dalao could protect him a little.


Quarrelsome is mocking him on the side, did you really think dalao would care about you? Really really? Is there actually such a self-agrandising simpleton anywhere in the world? What do you think his world looks like?

Glasses gives him a death glare, but still forcibly asks, what.

Apparently, he sees just two types of people in the world. Those he can win against in a fight, and those he cant. As for you Maybe first learn a bit more about your place.

Glasses is quiet for a moment before sneering to say, even so, isnt he still just stuck on the bottom floor of the Tower? He cant go anywhere above. Useless.

Ponytail gives him an odd glance at the remark.

Not that she can react much, though, because, a large pile of dolls have begun moving, shambling their way already.

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