Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 383: 97: Cosmic Meditation Method, the World's Will Favors Once Again_1

Chapter 383: Chapter 97: Cosmic Meditation Method, the World’s Will Favors Once Again_1

The idea of creating a new meditation method had already shifted several times.

The idea that Link had once had, of imprinting a rune array at the origin of the “Small World,” had long been dismissed.

Let alone the difficulty of imprinting a rune array at the world’s origin.

Not to mention, after the world origin had been engraved with a rune array, with the accumulation of knowledge, increase in power, and promotion in level, what should be done if other situations arose that needed meditation adjustments?

When a great tree was still a seed, it could be grown in specific ways;

When it had sprouted, you could change the soil and water environment, selectively fertilize;

When it had grown into a sapling, you could change the conditions of light and the atmosphere, reinforce, and shape it;

However, once it had grown into a towering tree, moving it could easily kill it.

Not to mention an already mature world.

Reckless alterations could result in landslides, the reversal of rivers, changes in climate, celestial collisions, the rending of the earth’s crust, and shifts from oceans to fields.

The impact was immense, the damage even greater.

Thus, the idea of engraving a rune array at the origin of the “Small World” thoroughly bit the dust.

During the time that followed, Link had a few ideas that felt promising.

But after careful verification, they were one by one eliminated.

If they weren’t too hard, they were likely to collapse later.

In short, they were inappropriate.

It wasn’t until the night he studied the stars, when his “Wizardry Specialisation” talent was triggered, offering a solution to the incompatible problem of three armor-type witchcrafts in one fell swoop.

The stones of other mountains can be used to polish gems.

In understanding through analogy, many problems Link had encountered in the meditation method were conveniently solved.

A brand-new idea quickly took shape.

After verification, it had high feasibility, and almost all side effects could be completely avoided.

It was practically in a state of absolute perfection.

The insights gained from observing the night sky was indeed a flash of divine inspiration.

The new line of thought still started from the point that the structure of a meditation method was a rune array.

Link’s mind buzzed as he perceived the three-dimensional rune array as a celestial body system, treating the many rune structures as flecks of stardust scattered across the sky.

The core rune structure was seen as a main sequence star, the primary rune structure was viewed as a planet, the supporting structure was seen as a satellite, a dwarf planet, comet or asteroid, and the lines linking the core structure, primary structure, and supporting structure were hidden, turning into the rules that maintained the operation of the celestial body system.

The creation of the apprentice method of meditation was constructing an embryonic form of a “Solar System”;

The wizard’s phase was perfecting the various rules of the “Solar System”;

The sage’s part was temporarily envisioned to be the “Milky Way System”, or a lower level like the “Orion Arm”.

As for the higher levels of the Great Sage and the Saint, there was no need for such distant aspirations for now.

Link chose firstly to complete the apprentice part and then gradually work on the creation of the wizard’s part.

If his idea could be realized, it would have a great impact on his Destiny Witchcraft, “Battle Armor”.

After all, the core structure of the “Battle Armor” witchcraft model—the Regular Pentagon Star, corresponds to the astronomical pattern of the “Solar System”.

In subsequent integration and expansion of more armor-type witchcraft, or other types of witchcraft, as long as it could be adapted to the celestial body structure, there would be no compatibility problem.

Even more so, Link could create different versions of his Destiny Witchcraft “Battle Armor”.

This concept was like turning Link’s Destiny Witchcraft “Battle Armor” into an open-sourced Linux operating system, deriving different versions to meet different requirements.

When the time comes, he would choose the version with the strongest targeting, or modify the parameters on the spot and build a “Battle Armor”.

Thinking about it, it was becoming more and more like Iron Man.

Um… Link’s initial idea of creating an “Anti-Loken Battle Armor” or “Anti Body-refining wizard Battle Armor” was also consistent with Iron Man’s “Anti Hulk Armor”.

Or to put it another way, he was inspired by Iron Man.

Before the final examination of the autumn semester arrived,

Link finally completed the apprentice part of his self-created meditation technique, temporarily named the “Universe Meditation Method”.

But theory is just theory, it still needed practice.

After finishing the final test and claiming another first place,

Link chose to enter the second-floor magic laboratory of the villa that night, secluding himself to switch to practicing the “Universe Meditation Method” apprentice part.

Before the retreat, Link contacted Serene Wizard. Should anything come up, he told her to directly reach out to Jasmine.

He activated the highest-level internal defense measures.

Link sat cross-legged in the center of the spacious magic laboratory, on a wooden floor, calming his mind and breath.

He first ran through the Mind Closure Technique, ensuring all distractions were eliminated, and nothing else occupied his mind.

His mind then sunk into the Sea of Consciousness, beginning the first step of conversion:

Change the layout within the Sea of Consciousness.

The lake, the structures by the lake, the phantom over the lake, and the entity under the lake, all disappeared under the voluntary destruction triggered by Link’s consciousness.

After carefully cleaning to make sure there were no residues left in the Sea of Consciousness, he returned it to the dark and quiet state it was in at the beginning.

Link began the second step of conversion: constructing an embryonic form of the solar system.

After a long process that took a lot of time and energy, a static model of the solar system appeared in the Sea of Consciousness.

In the empty cosmos, a great sun hung high, spreading light and heat, illuminating the Sea of Consciousness.

Mercury, Venus, “Small World”, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were respectively in their orbits.

The “Small World” and the moon formed the Earth-Moon system.

Other celestial bodies, such as dwarf planets, comets, and asteroids, had not yet been constructed.

The Solar System in the apprentice part was just an embryonic form, still incomplete.

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