Because There Were 100 Goddesses in Charge of Reincarnation, I Received 100 Cheat Skills

Chapter 100

Editor: Sky, Summerstood,

Sky Prison, First basement level.

The moment we descended to the first floor, my whole body was attacked by an incredibly hot wind and it felt like it was burning me.

Uoh, Hot, hot

This is the Scorching Heavenly PrisonThis entire floor is eternally covered in flamesburning to death the angels who have committed sin

As Gabriena said, there were seas of flames ablaze in many places.

Just by breathing in, my throat seems to be burning.

Although we are still quite the distance away from the sea, the surrounding temperature still exceeded that of a sauna by a large margin.

Its probably around 180 degrees.

Though Id still be okay even if I entered that sea of flames because of my skillEnvironmental ResistanceExtreme.

The magma the Prison Flame Dragons spewed was hotter though.

Gabriena, on the other hand, protected her body with an Aura of Heavenly Power, which seemed to defend her against the flames and heat.

If its me I can hold on for several years

However, that feat was only made possible by her enormous Heavenly Power.

This isnt possible for normal angels.

Even if they were to stop using their Heavenly Power, the angels high vitality would keep them alive for a while, but theyd eventually become unable to endure the heat and die from dehydration.

Its that way, because, unlike the ground floor, it is said if one gets imprisoned in the first basement floor and below its the same as getting the death penalty.

Thus, I heard that theres no end to the people who are trying to escape.

However, thats why the strongest gatekeepers who prevented them from doing that were there.


What came falling down from above our heads with a tremendous roar was a huge demonic person who had flames raging all over his body.


Race: Angel (Fallen Angel)


Skill:Heavenly Power Condemning ConflagrationExtreme

A gatekeeper is placed on each floor because they cant let others go up to the upper floors

Usually, such strong enemies are found at the end of each floor according to game theory, but if one were to think about it, the prisoners are trying to escape to the upper floors.

So, on the contrary, if you were to go down, theyd be the first ones you encounter.

Ifrit wasoriginally an angelalthough he became a Fallen Angel and went to the Heavenly PrisonThat Fire Power was highly valued so he became this floors gatekeeper..or so it seems

Didnt he match his workplace pretty well?

No one is allowed to break out.

Ifrit stood before us, while fire was spouting out of his nose.

No, we dont want to break out, you know? Were trying to break in, break in. We clearly came from the upper floors, didnt we?

Intruders? Intruders shall beEliminated!!

Ifrit swung down his huge fist covered in flames.

His full height was larger than 20 meters, even his fist is bigger than mine.



I stopped it with one hand.

Hooot~. Even though I repeatedly cast flame resistance magic and gathered my fighting spirit in my fist its still this hot?

That guys body is covered in super-high temperature flames that a hot iron plate would look cute next to it.

Normally, if one were to touch it directly, ones flesh would melt in just a moment.

It cant be.Why, was it stopped.?

Ifrit put strength in his arm and seemed like he planned on crushing me.

However, unfortunately, in terms of raw power, no, even in raw power, Im superior.

If its like that, I shall use even more flames until youre burned into crisps

The flames on Ifrits body concentrated on one of his arms.

The amount of heat I could feel on my right hand went up even more.

As is expected, this is hot.

I have to cool it off, huh.

Eternal Frozen Earth Permafrost


The cold wave of that extreme cold pushed back the heat, in fact, it froze the demonic persons gigantic fist into solid ice.

Its the same super grade ice magic I used to freeze the Hell Flame Dragon.

Whats with that, magical power.?

Gabriena is holding her breath because the power of a magic spell is basically proportional to the amount of magical power one puts into it. I, who held the skillMagical Power ManipulationExtreme, could release an enormous amount of magical power all at once, so I was able to increase the power of super grade magic by several-fold.

I wont, get frozen.. By this degree of cold

Ooh, as expected. The Hell Flame Dragon became an ice sculpture with just this

I was able to freeze one arm of that flaming demonic person.

And that part was only frozen on the surface as well, moreover, it would immediately melt from the inside out because of that super high heat if I relaxed just a little bit.

Gabriena, are the preparations ready?

I just finished

At that moment, Ifrits whole body got covered in the light of Heavenly Power.

? This is!?

Ifrit is stuck in the motion of pulling out his fist.

What sealed his movements was the Heavenly Power Barrier Gabriena produced.

My, my body! How did you make such a strong barrier?

Ifrit didnt notice Gabrienas presence at all.

She was under the radar because I attracted his whole attention.

Theres no doubt about it, that she, who is a seraph breaking into the Heavenly Prison to save her older sister, would get burned down.

Because of that, I used the skillConcealmentExtremejust on her, so as to not let her be noticed as much as possible.

It can also be used on specific people.

Should I set up another barrier just to be sure?

I also have the skillBarrier MagicExtreme.

I additionally applied a barrier made out of magical power around the Heavenly Power Barrier, trapping Ifrit.

Obviously it wasnt possible to teleport out of it or into it, but it also shouldnt be possible to establish communication with telepathy.

This might slightly delay the transmission of information that intruders appeared inside the Heavenly Prison.

Heavenly Prison, Second Basement Floor

What awaited us who passed through the Scorching Heavenly Prison and went down to a lower layer was a symmetrical, extremely cold world.

.This is the Frigid Heavenly PrisonAnyway, its cold

Rather than just cold, this is to the level that it burns and hurts, thats what this is

It was close to 100 degrees below zero.

The lowest temperature observed on earth was if Im certain, -90 degrees in the South Pole, right?

Besides, snow was constantly getting blown about.

A normal human probably might have immediately died and turned into an ice sculpture.

Of course, there was also a gatekeeper in this place.


This time it was a beautiful angel with a pure white body.

Compared to Ifrits height this one was a lot smaller, but she was still around two meters tall.


Race: Angel (Fallen Angel)


Skill:Heavenly Power Condemning CongelationExtreme

This one also seems to be a Fallen Angel.

Intruders shall be exterminated.

The Fallen Ice Angel declared as such in a stern voice.

Welp, shall we neutralize her with the same method I did to Ifrit?

Heavenly Prison, Third Basement Floor

We easily overcame the second basement floors gatekeeper by locking her in a barrier as well, then after we passed through the floor covered in snow and ice we went down to the third basement floor.

A stench assailed my nose, making my eyes and throat hurt.

Thats how it should be.

There were poisonous swamps here and there and the air of this floor was filled with poisonous gas that would kill a normal human if they were to just breathe in a bit of it.

The Fallen Angels that are taken to this place are said to die. after one week even I could only survive a month

Looks like angels can only endure a week in here.

Naturally, people who wanted to escape from this place appeared one after the other.

Moreover, because they were going to die anyway they all bet their lives on escaping.

The gatekeeper who thoroughly turns the tables on these Fallen Angels is that guy.

Fafnir Hydra

Race: Poison Dragon

Level: 118

Skill:Lethal Poison SecretionExtreme

The gatekeeper of this floor seems to be a dragon for some reason.

Originally, a Poison Dragon would be a high-ranking dragon, however, that guys strength was of the Divine Dragon class without a doubt.

I dont know whether hes a mutant or lived for a long time and evolved, but his poison resistance was flawless, so he might have been taken forcibly by the Angels as they deemed him suitable to be the gatekeeper of this floor.

He had more than ten heads in total.

However, right now he was sleeping in a swamp.


We planned to just sneak past him because it wasnt really necessary to especially wake him up.

Well, though I bet hell wake up when were just one step away.

If just one of them opens their eyes all the heads will wake up.


Hm? He hasnt woken up yet?

Though we just normally passed by him, is that really alright?


.He didnt wake up though?

Welp, alright then. Lets advance.

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