Because She Had A Time Limit, She Became The Villain’s Daughter-in-law

Chapter 36

As soon as I got on the carriage, I reached out to the Duke of Icard with a proud expression.



I have something for you.

Saying so, I offered the gift I got from Marcel.

This is?

Immediately, Duke Icards eyes were shaken greatly after seeing what I gave him.

You said you wanted it earlier.

Laria, how did you

I got it from priest Marcel.

How did you get it?

Marcel is a very powerful man, so its all right even if he doesnt swear it

Is that even possible?

Well, he gave it to me because it was possible, right? He said that hes a talented priest you should recognize!

But, this is

I want to repay Father.

I said, placing the sacred ring directly on Duke Icards big hand.

Thats, I was just no, more than that, how did you get

Duke Icard backed down as if he didnt want to show that he really wanted to have that relic. Though, of course, I knew how to press a person who stepped back.

Hmm dont you want it?

I added quickly, Then, you give it back to me. Ill return it to the priest Marcel.


As I expected, Duke Icard did not let go of my hand.

Actually Ive been wanting this relic for quite a long time.

Im glad to hear that. Its a relief.

Still, I didnt expect

In fact, this was the biggest problem. When he asked how I got it, I couldnt think of a convincing answer.

I was really persistent, and I think I looked so pitiful that he ended up yielding. Instead, he asked me to keep it secret from others.

Hearing so, Duke Icard nodded surprisingly slowly as he thought about my reply, and decided to move on.

Well yeah, you do look pitiful. To do things for you if you ask too Yes, it can happen.

Hmm. Does that mean you think Im pitiful?

Yeah. If it were me, I would give you anything. So, I guess its possible. Did you cough or something?

I answered without hesitation.

Well, yeah, a bit

He finally sighed as though he was fully convinced now.

Did- did he fall for it?

Well, of course Just as I expected.

He did!

However, you didnt have to

It was the first time that I had seen Duke Icard with such a surprised look.

As expected, a gift moves his heart more than a hundred flowery words.

You have given me physical care and even given me a blessing from the temple. I have received so much from Father. Im sorry that you had to spend so much money because of me.

Ive adopted you, and thats given.


I replied calmly with my hands on my knees.

I want to repay you even a little bit. Thats just how I feel.

Duke Icard sighed lightly, squeezing the sacred ring I gave him, and murmured while looking at me smiling.

Youre soft-hearted. It must not have been easy to ask for this.

Well, still Its more important for me that father is happy.

Wouldnt a consistent mass of pretense be better than just a single pretense?

Of course, even if the priest said it was okay, I felt so uncomfortable. Since I was coveting other peoples things but I did it for father.

With that thought, I added something heartwarming.

Youre so nice.

He smirked at my words.

I cant believe you put up with the inconvenience Youre a member of the Icards family. If you devote yourself, you wont feel uncomfortable in the future.

Um I wasnt sure if the expression devote was the right term here.

Of course, and if you feel uncomfortable, you can return it to the temple. Whatever you want, father.

No way.

Duke Icard took the gift and patted my head.

I dont know how long it has been since Ive received such a pure and sincere gift.

Im sorry I mean, its a gift that doesnt have pure intentions

Thanks, Laria.

Then, even if it costs you a lot of money, please save me for a while longer

Anyway, why the hell would he want to get a sacred relic? It didnt really work for ordinary people. Nevertheless, I know instinctively that I shouldnt ask him about the details because it is probably part of his big plan that I didnt know.

As soon as we got back to the Duchy and got off the carriage, we ran into Evan, who was standing where the carriage stopped.

Duke Icard asked, frowning.

Dont tell me that you have been waiting for us here all this time?

No, I was just passing by on my way to the training field.

Thats in the opposite direction.

I was just taking a stroll.

Hurry through, then. Laria and I need to have some tea time.


Father? Tea time?

Obviously, I had no idea it was my next schedule.


Evan remained expressionless, but he did not move from his spot. Instead, he spoke bluntly.

Im actually not in the best condition for training. I think a good cup of tea would be perfect for a good nights sleep.

He had an overly lively face, and he didnt even blink when he spoke.

The sunlight has been so intense in the room lately that I cant sleep.

Youre making a fuss about nothing. Dont be so sensitive, just sleep.

Duke Icard replied bluntly. It looked like he was not interested in such a trivial matter.


He, who ignored Evans words and was about to move away, immediately stopped at my words.

Its a little sunny this morning. I woke up a little early today as well.


Turning towards me, Duke Icard questioned again seriously. Should I have them reposition the bed?


Or, Ill talk to the butler immediately for a blackout curtain.

But, I thought you dont care about little things

No, doesnt the blackout curtain hurt the atmosphere of the room? Why dont we just move your room in a different direction? He continued without listening to my words.


Yeah, it wouldnt be a bad idea to designate a room in the east, west, north, and south, and move every season.


I will host a meeting tomorrow morning to make the best decision.

No Whats with this difference in reactions?

6 Godmother Tigress

After the visit to the temple, my treatment was completely formalized.

Everything began to go smoothly.

First of all, Borotnas villa was extensively constructed. Although I had to stay at the Duchy until the villa was completed.

Around that time, two important letters arrived at the Duchy. The first letter came from the Academy to Evan. There was a request for him to participate in the upcoming youth swordsmanship competition.

Hmm? Why are they specifically asking for you?

Because I won first place in the last tournament.

Evan spoke calmly.

Normally, the winner of the last competition will be the judge, and hand over the trophy at the awards ceremony.

Oh, I see. Though youre thirteen, and youll be a judge?

Usually, the winners are around seventeen.

Then, youll be judging people older than you. Sounds fun.

However, he replied immediately to my words.

Oh, thats not gonna happen. Im not going.

Why wouldnt you?

When I asked him with my eyes wide open, he replied casually. Even if you dont watch the preliminary round, it will take mostly a week.

And, whats the problem?

Only the participants and officials can watch it.

So, why is that an issue?

I have to leave the Duchy alone.

Is thata problem?

How did you leave the Duchy and live in the academy dormitories until now?

He frowned slightly at my question.

I have to be away from you.

Evan, youve been away from me for thirteen years.


If the last winner is the judge, then its only this year that you can judge. Why dont you go?

Youre sick, and youre also about to leave

Just because youre here doesnt make me get better. I hate that you wouldnt attend such a big event because of me.

He didnt even seem to listen to me very much, but I genuinely wanted to send Evan to the academy.

Ludva might have hurt his heart, but if he went there again and saw others, he might recover a little. In the book, while being in the Duchy, Evan kept thinking about Matilda, so he felt like he had nothing and became depressed.

Therefore, I wanted him to go out and cheer up among those who praised and looked up to him.

You know what?

I decided to take a little detour.

Wouldnt the scene of handing over trophies at the Youth Sword Contest also appear in the newspaper article?

It will come out. It comes out every year.

Then, cant there be a picture of you, too?

I wont go. Im not going.

However, if you go, you can be in it.

I spoke slowly as if singing a song.

It would be very meaningful if we both came out in newspaper articles this year.

What do you mean?

Its just its amazing when couples are side by side in a newspaper article the year they got married.

What does

I would be so happy to see my husband in the newspaper article, wearing the clothes I picked for him.


Im going to cut my picture at the racetrack and hang it on the album.


Ah. Then, I would be going to the recovery villa and hanging your article as well. And, Ill think, Oh, my husband is truly amazing, every day I see it.

Evan jumped up and sat on his desk.

Oh, he took out the letter.

Evan? What are you doing?

Im replying that Im going to participate.

The way he spoke was blunt, but strangely, it was really cute.

Perhaps, because of that cuteness, I, who only thinks about my comfort here, wanted to do as good as Evan.

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