Beast Taming: Starting From Zero

Chapter 186: Counter Shield

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Zheng Guoping asked, "Did you watch the match between Liu Qutong and Ning Yu on the Beast Taming Channel last night?"

Qiao Sang shook her head.

"No, but I saw the trending topic about them."

With an understanding look, Zheng Guoping said, "Indeed, their match was quite exciting. It's no surprise they were trending, especially because of the Counter Shield used by Ning Yu's Explosive Battle Turtle. That's also the move I want your Flame Hound to start training on next."

Qiao Sang was momentarily stunned.

"Counter Shield? What's that?"

She didn't recall any fire-type beast skills with that name.

Zheng Guoping was also taken aback. "It was trending, didn’t you know?"

"Nope. They trended because some paparazzi snapped photos of Liu Qutong and Ning Yu having dinner after the match, and they even stayed in the same hotel room for two hours." Qiao Sang replied innocently.

Liu Qutong and Ning Yu were star competitors in this year's Yuhua Region Tournament.

It had been uncovered that they attended the same elementary, middle, and high schools, and many people shipped them as a couple.

Zheng Guoping was dumbfounded.

He thought the trending topic was about an exciting match, only to find out it was relationship gossip! Aren't netizens a little too idle?

Zheng Guoping hesitated before finally blurting out, "Did they really stay in the same room for two hours?"

"Seems so." Qiao Sang nodded.

"At least, that's what the paparazzi photos showed."

Zheng Guoping fell silent for a moment, then returned to the topic.

"The Counter Shield is a tactical move. The beast rotates in place, so the skill isn’t focused in one direction but covers a broad area, turning an offensive skill into a dual attack-defense technique."

"There's an old saying online, The best defense is a good offense. Your Flame Hound knows Fire Whirl, so it could definitely train for this move."

Rotating in place?

Qiao Sang thought for a moment.

"Teacher, Yabao doesn’t have a turtle shell like the Explosive Battle Turtle. If he spins on the ground, won’t his fur get worn off?"

Zheng Guoping’s eyelid twitched as he tried to maintain his usual tone.

"Don’t worry about that. Extraordinary beasts aren’t that fragile. If they were, they’d spend every match in the intensive care unit after taking a few hits."

"It’s just that Flame Hound isn’t a ground-type, so training for this move might be a bit tougher."

Qiao Sang seriously considered the feasibility of this technique.

The difficulty wasn’t an issue; she had already planned out defensive strategies.

Yabao wasn’t only a fire-type beast; he also had psychic abilities.

While telekinesis was one of the most basic skills for psychic beasts, if Yabao mastered it to the pinnacle, he could use it to control his surroundings. Redirecting an attack back would be no problem.

However, there were ways to counter telekinesis. It could be dodged, and although avoiding a maxed-out telekinetic attack was unlikely, it wasn’t impossible.

Also, telekinesis could be interrupted during casting, and if the opponent were significantly larger or stronger, it wouldn’t be effective.

So, having another defensive option might actually be a good idea…


6:22 p.m.

In the living room, Yabao and Little Treasure were watching a video together on a phone.

The video was yesterday’s match between Liu Qutong and Ning Yu.

In it, a large pink turtle-type beast retracted its limbs and spun like a top.

Circles of fiery red flames expanded outward from the spinning turtle, colliding with dozens of crescent-shaped blue wind blades coming from above.

The tremendous force exploded on impact.

Amidst a blaze of red, a medium-sized bird-type beast shrieked and plummeted to the ground.

Sitting on the couch, Qiao Sang took a bite of her apple and commented, "It’s simple, really. Just spin while releasing fire, maintaining high-speed rotation without getting dizzy."

"But you're different." Qiao Sang looked at the confused Yabao with a smile.

"I realized this kind of technique can't defend from all directions. If the opponent can burrow, it’s useless."

"For full coverage, we’ll have to spin in the air."


Yabao looked even more confused.

How does one spin in the air?

"When you’re airborne with telekinesis, just focus on releasing fire while staying clear-headed. Let your clone handle the spinning." Qiao Sang explained.

Besides, Yabao didn’t have the ground element, so spinning at high speed on the ground might cause some injury.

In the air, it’s different, without friction, he could spin endlessly as long as he didn’t get dizzy.

As for whether Yabao could master it, Qiao Sang wasn’t worried at all.

He learned teleportation in under an hour last night. Could this technique really be harder than learning a new skill?

If other beast tamers knew her plan, they’d probably riot.

Letting a beast spin in mid-air controlled by its clone while staying clear-headed enough to release fire? What kind of logic is that?!

Isn’t the clone a skill?!

Does the clone control the main body to spin?


The main body controls the clone to spin itself!

Is this even normal?!

Of course, Qiao Sang only saw this as a clever idea, and Yabao agreed.


Understanding, Yabao nodded eagerly. A clone appeared beside him, ready to start training.

"Wait!" Qiao Sang put down her apple quickly.

"This is the living room!"


Yabao nodded, indicating he understood, and turned toward the courtyard with his clone.

"Hold on!" Qiao Sang stopped him again.

"Not yet."


Yabao tilted his head, puzzled.

Aren’t we training?

While enthusiasm was good, couldn’t he wait for her instructions?

Qiao Sang sighed.

"We’ll take it step-by-step. If you get dizzy and fall from the air, then what? First, let’s work on anti-dizziness training."


Yabao’s eyes lit up with sudden understanding.

Even if his beast tamer was a bit poor, at least she was smart!

"Let’s start here in the living room. Don’t go airborne just yet. Let your clone spin you, no fire, just pure spinning." Qiao Sang instructed.

"Yap yap."

Yabao nodded, setting himself up, ready for spinning.

The clone’s eyes glowed blue.

"Xun xun!"

At that moment, Little Treasure ran up to Yabao and chirped, signaling him to stop.

Then, Little Treasure turned and patted his chest, looking at Qiao Sang.

"Xun xun!"

"You want to help Yabao spin?" Qiao Sang asked.




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