Ascension Of The Villain

Chapter 40: Treasury Inspection

Clyde's gaze bore into Vyan as he chatted animatedly with Althea.

What on earth were they discussing so thusiastically? They were supposed to be strategizing against Easton, not sharing a comedy hour. Their laughter grated on Clyde's nerves.

After an hour of stewing in his jealousy, Clyde couldn't take it anymore.

He swooped in, interrupting their conversation with a less-than-subtle agda. "Are you two finished? Princess Althea must have royal duties to attd to," he said, trying to sound casual but failing spectacularly.

Althea dismissed his concerns with a wave. "Oh, don't worry about it. I can spare a few more hours," she replied, and Clyde mtally wanted to bang his head on every tree in the vicinity.

Vyan noticed Clyde's expression and couldn't resist the rare opportunity to tease him. Usually, Clyde was the one dishing it out. So it would be a shame to miss this chance.

"Clyde, Thea here has be catching me up on all the palace gossip! You won't believe some of the stories. I will fill you in later."

"Thea?" Clyde's eyebrows shot up so high they nearly left his forehead.

"She said I could call her that," Vyan shrugged innoctly, clearly joying Clyde's discomfort.

"Why are you two gossiping wh we should be discussing important matters?" Clyde stammered, feeling his worst fears materialize.

"We covered that too. I have tak responsibility for tarnishing Easton's public image, and th Thea will step in as the nation's savior," Vyan explained like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"But..." Clyde pursed his lips.

"Thea, let's catch up again soon," Vyan suggested with a grin.

"Sure, anytime you like," Althea agreed, matching his thusiasm.

"But Vyan, your schedule—" Clyde interjected desperately.

"It's fine, I will make time for my dear cousin," Vyan assured with a wink. "She is family, after all."

"But—" Clyde's mind raced.

Vyan had always sung about Althea being just his 'step-cousin,' and now she was suddly family? He fumed siltly, unable to voice his frustration in front of her.

"But—" he began again, only to be cut off by Vyan's exaggerated gasp.

"Clyde, what on earth has gott you so worked up? You don't have a problem with Thea, do you? Do you hate her?" Vyan's voice dripped with faux concern.

"Hate... her? I could never!" Clyde spluttered, his cheeks turning a delightful shade of crimson. "Your Imperial Highness, I don't hate you! Truly!"

Althea chuckled, her demeanor softing. "Relax. I know that. And I know Vyan is just teasing you for his own amusemt."

Clyde shot a glare at Vyan, who grinned victoriously.

"But it's true. It's be refreshing to discuss all this family drama with Vyan," Althea said wistfully. "I don't oft have someone to confide in about my concerns. It's comforting to have a family member who lists."

"Hey, I told you, I am more than just your step-cousin now. I will be the brother Easton never was for you," Vyan promised with a sincere smile.

Clyde's tsion melted away, and he let out a sigh of relief. So Vyan meant this type of family, not that type of family.

Althea smiled gratefully at Vyan. "Thank you."

"Princess," Clyde interjected in a low voice, drawing her atttion with a hopeful gleam in his eyes, "you can confide in me too. While I may not have the same familial bond as Vyan, I am an excellt lister. Perhaps ev better than Vyan. In fact, I would dare say I am the best lister in Ashstone. No, in all of Haynes!"

His earnestness was almost touching, but his grandiose claim made Althea giggle softly. "I will keep that in mind, Lord Magnus."

"Please, just call me Clyde," he offered, leaning in slightly.

"In that case, you can call me by my name wh we are alone," she teased, a mischievous glint in her eye.

His face lit up with joy. "Really? Can I call you Thea—"

"No," she interrupted playfully, "not yet."

Clyde's heart skipped a beat at her playful yet innoct expression. "Okay. I will await that day eagerly," he murmured, momtarily lost in a daze, his mind filled with visions of future conversations and shared secrets.


"Why did you tease me in front of the princess like that earlier?" Clyde demanded as soon as they arrived home. "Do you know how jealous you made me feel?"

Vyan leaned back against the office table, chuckling. "Just having a bit of fun, Clyde. Relax."

"But what if she developed feelings for you? What would I do th? I don't want to be at odds with you over a woman!" Clyde fretted.

Vyan paused, regarding Clyde with amusemt before bursting into laughter.

"Firstly, I am steering clear of falling in love ever again," he wheezed, "Secondly, ev if I did, I wouldn't compete with you over a girl. And thirdly, why would Althea ever like me—a younger man, who is her cousin, no less?"

Clyde pouted, reluctantly accepting Vyan's logic.

"Besides, a strong woman like Althea needs sunshine in her life. Being the pessimist I am, I could never be that guy ev if I tried. But you, Clyde? You would be perfect for her."

Clyde melted into a dreamy, wide smile. "You think so?" he asked shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Vyan nodded firmly.

His smile was about to get ev wider wh something Vyan said earlier struck him like a thunderbolt. His eyes wt wide in horror. "Wait, did you just say you will never fall in love again?"


"What do you mean absolutely? How will we secure the future of our grand duchy in this way?" Clyde demanded, placing a hand on his hip in annoyance. "Are you suggesting our family line ds because of your ancit heartbreak?"

"Hey, the family line was on life support long before I returned," Vyan quipped. "And for your kind information, I am way over my heartbreak."

"If that is indeed the case, you are just going to remain single and childless for no reason th?" Clyde pressed.

"Perhaps," Vyan shrugged.

"Not on my watch," Clyde declared fiercely. "I will find the perfect que for our dynasty, no matter what!"

"Wait, don't you want me to be with Iyana or some bullshit like that?" Vyan raised an eyebrow.

"I do, but I can't let personal preferces jeopardize the future of Ashstone. This is serious!" Clyde exclaimed, prompting an eye-roll from Vyan. "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to compile a list of the most eligible wom from a the world. Ashstone deserves nothing but the best!" With that, Clyde hurried off, leaving Vyan alone in his study.

As the silce settled, Vyan pondered the notion of family—a wife, a child.

"Impossible," he chuckled to himself. "I can't ev imagine it."


As Iyana removed her ornamts in her bedroom, her mind drifted back to her counter with Vyan at the market, where he had be writhing in pain on the g.

"I wonder if he is okay now," she murmured, her gaze falling on her earring. It reminded her of the brief argumt they had over his earpiece.

"Such a stubborn guy, though," she huffed. "I was only trying to help, and he reacted like I was a prickly cactus... ugh."

Lost in her frustration, Iyana was startled wh Sina burst into her room, tears streaming down her face.

"Sister, come quickly! They are taking Father and Brother away!"

"What?" Iyana exclaimed in shock.

"I… um, I don't know what is going on… do something, please!" Sina cried out.

Without wasting another second, Iyana ran downstairs to find Count Clipton's knights forcibly restraining her father and brother, while her step-mother helplessly cried.

"What is happing here?" she demanded, her eyes flashing with anger.

She fixed a piercing glare on the count, who seemed to be giving orders. "Lord Clipton, what are you doing to my family?"

Marlo scoffed. "I am doing what should have be done long ago, instead of seeking help from traitors like you."

"I don't understand," Iyana narrowed her eyes.

"Don't feign innocce, young lady," he spat. "Did you not know your father was behind the kidnapping of my daughter?"

"I know my father. He would never do such a thing," she asserted firmly, but the count laughed derisively.

"You clearly don't know him as well as you think," he sneered. "You are marrying into the imperial family, so you need not worry. But your family? They are destitute. No wealth, no assets."

Iyana felt her veins twitch at the mocking laughter of the count.

"I lt your father 50,000 gold coins to rovate this very manor we stand in. Yet," Marlo shot a vomous glance at the marquess, "he decided to betray me."

Iyana glanced at her father, who pleaded with his eyes for her to trust him, and she assured him with her eyes.

"He must have be desperate for more gold coins, knowing I wouldn't ld him any further funds until his previous debts were settled. So he resorted to kidnapping my daughter, hoping for a hefty ransom," Marlo spat out bitterly.

Iyana met Marlo's accusatory gaze squarely. "And how can you be certain that my father is responsible for Lady Kaya's abduction?"

"Kaya overheard the kidnappers talking amongst themselves. One of them mtioned the marquess, and she is convinced the man in charge of the hand-off was other than your brother."

"The marquess likely coerced his son into carrying out his dirty work," he continued. "After all, no one saw your brother that tire day. He claims he was at a brothel, but no one remembers seeing him there yesterday, which suggests he is lying."

Iyana's thoughts raced back to the previous night. The man overseeing the exchange did bear a resemblance to Lyon—the hair color and the hairstyle—but...

"That's hardly conclusive evidce, Lord Clipton. You can't justify seizing them based solely on such circumstantial gs."

"Fine, th. Let's take a look at your treasury," he demanded. "A little birdie told me that the ransom gold coins are stashed there."

Iyana hesitated, but Edward interjected defiantly, "You are welcome to inspect our treasury, Count! You will find it empty!"

"It seems your father has consted," Marlo smirked. "Shall we proceed, Lady Iyana?"

Taking a sharp breath, Iyana nodded, leading the way to the vault with the marquess trailing close behind. She tered the combination and turned the safe handle.

"Allow me to go in first," she instructed the count, who agreed with a nonchalant shrug.

As she stepped into the vault, a gasp escaped her lips as she laid eyes on the same trunk that Marlo had prepared for the kidnappers.

"How is this possible...?"

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