Ascension Of The Villain

Chapter 24: The Estelles

At the Estelle Manor, the tsion was thicker than the marquess' mustache as four individuals gathered in the lavish office.

Lyon raised an eyebrow as he processed the news of an impding visit from the new Grand Duke and asked, "Why on earth would he want to grace us with his presce?"

Sitting at his desk, Marquess Estelle felt the weight of responsibility to tertain the powerful guest and sighed heavily, "Unfortunately, the message was as vague as my nephew's excuses for missing etiquette lessons."

Carolina was the only voice of reason amidst the chaos as she attempted to inject some optimism, "Perhaps he is just looking to expand his social circle. After all, who wouldn't want to rub elbows with the Estelles? We are practically the trdsetters of Haynes!"

"Well, we technically are the most powerful ones," Edward agreed with his wife, "giv that the Duke of Ganlop is gaged in war and the Duchess of Preaton has not shown her face in over a decade."

However, Lyon was still not convinced. "But what about the party at the Diamond Palace tomorrow? Why bother with a pre-game warm-up?"

"Ah, my dear Lyon, politics is like a game of musical chairs," Carolina reasoned with a soothing smile. "You never know wh the music will stop, and you will be left without a seat. The Grand Duke is just making sure he secures the comfiest cushion."

With a mixture of resignation and curiosity, Lyon reluctantly nodded. "I suppose we will just have to wait and see what he wants."

As the discussion continued about the new Grand Duke, Sina, the youngest daughter of the marquess, could not contain her curiosity.

"Is it true that the new Grand Duke is young and devilishly handsome?" she piped up, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

Lyon shot her a skeptical glance. "Where on earth did you hear that? Have you be eavesdropping on the gossiping geese again?"

Sina waved off his concerns with a flick of her wrist. "Oh, you know, Brother, just picking up whispers here and there. But seriously, is he dreamy or what? And what's his name?"

Lyon rolled his eyes. "I have not se him. And for the record, no, I do not know his name, either. I have be too busy trying to remember which fork to use at dinner."

Sina turned her atttion to their father with pleading eyes. "Father, you must know something. Is he at least passably good-looking?"

Edward clched his fists at how ignorant his childr were. He shook his head in disbelief and barked, "Honestly, you two are about as clueless as a chick in a chess match. His name is Vyan Blake Ashstone, and as for his looks, I couldn't say. Because it doesn't matter. And why would it matter if he has the looks of a Prince Charming or not wh he is the one with more power than an actual prince?"

"Vyan?" Sina let out, ignoring all the rebuttals from her father like noise, and commted, "He has the same name as Sister's ex-puppy."

Edward let out a resigned sigh, giving up on trying to explain further, "Yes, yes, he does. Now, if you would only remember his name for Hecate's sake."

As the conversation took a turn towards reminiscing about their former knight, Lyon couldn't help but chuckle. "Ah, Vyan, what a character! I sometimes miss having our very own obedit doormat a. Remember how he would do all those pointless tasks without a single complaint? He was like the human equivalt of a welcome mat, just waiting for someone to wipe their feet on."

Sina nodded in agreemt, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "And let's not forget how he willingly signed up to be Sister's personal knight. Talk about drawing the short d of the sword. Who in their right mind would volunteer for that job?"

Lyon snickered. "Exactly! He was probably just grateful for the opportunity to serve. It didn't matter to him whether he belonged to a witch or not."

Carolina chimed in, shaking her head at the absurd stunt Vyan pulled on his last day, "And th there was that whole incidt with the second prince. Who would have thought our residt wallflower had such a fiery side?"

"And yet, ev after all that, Iyana still pleaded for his life. Talk about misplaced loyalty," Lyon scoffed, his disdain evidt.

"But Brother," Sina interjected with a playful smirk, "let's not forget your role in all of this. Wer't you the one who told Vyan that Sister was perfectly fine with him being executed?"

"Guilty as charged!" Lyon grinned. "I may have embellished the truth a bit, but hey, it made for some great tertainmt. Too bad he managed to escape from our prison in the d. I can't help but think if Iyana had something to do with that."

"Sister was always so soft-hearted, after all, wh it came to Vyan. It makes me wonder if I will ever find someone who makes my heart go all soft inside," Sina sighed wistfully.

Lyon smiled and mussed up her hair affectionately. "Don't worry, little sis. Your heart is already as soft as a marshmallow on a summer day, unlike that stone-hearted wrch."

Sina's grin wided, basking in the spotlight. "Naturally. I am a paragon of nobility compared to Sister. I mean, who in their right mind would trade in a tiara for a sword? It's like she is allergic to logic."

"Absolutely!" Edward nodded vigorously. "Leaving her own wedding preparations to go play hero in some war zone? Utter madness!"

Lyon's restmt simmered beath the surface, his voice barely a whisper, "Honestly, I wonder if Mother regretted giving birth to that wrch so much that she died from the pain of it."

"Let's just hope she doesn't d up as a war casualty," Edward grimaced. "Can you imagine the embarrassmt? 'Sorry, Your Majesty, your future daughter-in-law got squished like a grape on the battlefield.'"

Being the opportunist Sina was, she seized the momt to indulge in a bit of fantasy, "Oh, wouldn't it be just divine? His Imperial Majesty would realize his mistake in not choosing me as Prince Easton's bride. I mean, let's face it, I practically act like a princess. So I would actually be fit to be the crown princess, instead of Sister."

Carolina gtly patted Sina's head. "Darling, you were barely of age wh that proposal came through. But I have no doubt His Imperial Majesty would have be smitt with you if giv the chance."

Sina tossed her hair with a regal flourish. "Mother, I am well aware of my charms. Marriage proposals have be flooding in since I was in pigtails. Did I tell you about the time the son of—?"

Just th, a butler tered and announced the arrival of the Grand Duke.

"Yes, bring him here," Edward instructed the butler and looked over the two females in the room, "and you two should take your leave now."

"Father, can't I stay?" Sina's eyes practically sparkled with excitemt. "I simply must lay my eyes upon this pottial suitor. Who knows, he might take one look at me and realize he has be searching for his one true love all along!"

Edward sighed, already resigned to his daughter's antics. "S, this is not some fairy tale. And besides, it is rather late for you to be playing dress-up as the next Grand Duchess."

But Sina was undeterred, already dolled up like a walking boutique mannequin. "Nonsse, Father! A girl must always be prepared for her momt in the spotlight. And you don't know if my radiant beauty will be just the thing to sweep this Grand Duke off his feet!"

"Sweetheart, it's not about whether you can impress him or not," Carolina attempted to interve, her voice tinged with exasperation. "It's about showing proper decorum. Wom have no business being prest in m's discussions. It might bother the Grand Duke—"

"It's no problem. In fact, I would like it if you all stayed," spoke up a voice that rang somewhat familiar, prompting all four occupants of the room to lift their gaze in astonishmt.

As the door swung op, revealing the unexpected guest, the Estelle family froze in shock.

Standing before them was a figure they knew all too well, yet tirely transformed.

Clad in an impeccably tailored black suit, his presce commanded the room with an aura of authority. But what truly shocked them to their cores were his scarlet eyes, piercing through the air with an unfamiliar intsity.

"You...?" Edward's voice faltered, his utter disbelief displayed on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean by that, Lord Estelle? Do you not remember accepting His Grace's request to meet you?" demanded his companion as he came forward.

"His Grace?" Edward echoed, his mind racing to make sse of the situation.

Lyon was also rdered speechless. "But that's... he's Vyan—"

Before he could finish, Clyde gracefully interjected, "Yes, exactly, he is Vyan Blake Ashstone, the Grand Duke," his voice was smooth as silk, completing Lyon's stce with chilling precision.

Lyon's mind was boggled. "But it is impossible!"

"I think you made a mistake there, Lord Lyon. Don't you mean to say it is a pleasure to meet me?" Vyan finally spoke, his smile sding a shiver down their spines, his scarlet eyes gleaming with an unsettling glint.

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