Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 200. A Mother’s Soothing Words.

Chapter 200. A Mother’s Soothing Words.

This was something that no one expected. This was something that almost no one even dreamt about. They had been living in this place for many months, almost a year. During all this time, the giant tree in the center of the city had grown increasingly larger and increasingly stronger. 

However, as it was a Life Tree, nobody found a reason to be nervous about it. Those who knew about Fortuna and World Trees thought that this Life Tree would never truly become a threat to that being, making them feel safe coming here openly. 

Yet, what was occurring in front of their eyes made their hearts beat with both awe and fear. 

The normal-looking giant tree transformed in front of their eyes like an illusion melting with the wind. The straight trunk changed and gained curves as the glow created from the illusion melting away illuminated her like a dream. 

The green canopy changed, gaining a faint golden glow, and the aura of the "Life Tree" utterly transformed, becoming several times more domineering and primal. Moreover, the branches became longer and more elegant, gaining her willow characteristics. 

Around the shapely trunk, faintly glowing, blue energy veins appeared, adding to the being's etherealness and gorgeousness. 

When the illusion completely disappeared, what was left behind was a female-shaped trunk with the form of a woman raising her arms to hold the canopy. Her curvy body was a mix of innocence and carnal attractiveness as her thin waist, wide hips, and bountiful chest were revealed for everyone to see. 

Moreover, unlike other World Trees similar to this level, which lacked anything resembling a head, Liu Shu had developed a head-like protrusion at the top that had no facial features yet. Even then, that head-like protrusion was growing very thin, verdant green vines that dropped across her back and almost touched the ground. Their length was over three-quarters of the trunk's length, looking like gorgeous windblown green hair. 

Then, in the canopy, the spectators of the show of incredible beauty could spot four glowing branches, thicker than the rest and of different colors. These branches gave off an intense aura that seemed to twist the ternary essences around them. 

Everyone clearly knew what it, or better said, SHE was. 

"W-World Tree!?"

"This tree has been a World Tree all along!?"

"Impossible! I've used several items to check her race, and all of them told me that she was a Life Tree!"

"Old man, do you think your little devices can pierce through the analysis defenses of a World Tree? Ridiculous! Much less one that can give the auras you are feeling!"

"So what if she is a World Tree? Her auras and the quality of this town just increased several notches!" 

"Stupid! What about Lady Fortuna!? She won't be happy about this!"

"Does it matter? Let's see them trying to come and face this city! Lady Tianlian's aura is no less than Lady Fortuna's! Plus, I prefer living here than there, to be honest. What does Lady Fortuna have other than a few boosts to Destiny that are not even permanent?" 

"Blasphemous! How dare you mock Lady Fortuna!"

"You are the blasphemous one! How dare you speak of other World Trees in front of Lady Tianlian!?"

Discussion exploded everywhere as people's unrest increased by the second. 

Because her name was being discussed, Liu Shu couldn't help but have her senses triggered faintly, making her feel even more annoyed than she was. Flor arrived more or less at the same time as Wert, and she quickly asked, baffled. "What happened, Liu Shu? Your illusion came off! Oh, dear. You need to quickly turn it back up!" 

Wert snorted. "There is no use now. The illusion is up; nobody will believe it even if she hides again." The man crossed his arms and asked. "What's wrong, Liu Shu? Why did you do this?"

Liu Shu looked at them and spoke lowly. "Why am I being worshipped? Why are the Rose Fairies that have taken care of me walking away from me? Why is everyone looking at me as if I were a sacred being that is above everything!? Why is almost everyone who used to treat me like just "Liu Shu" treating me like a "World Tree" now!?"

Wert and Flor looked at the gargantuan creature that covered the sky with a complicated expression. Even in their eyes, her figure had started to look sacred. This was particularly true for Wert since it was the first time seeing Liu Shu's actual shape. 

After reaching Level 20, Liu Shu's strength had already overcome Wert's. Her stats were monstrously high as well. There was no chance that people could look at her and not feel awe at her figure.

Flor was a bit different. Thanks to her title, she was almost immune to Liu Shu's pressure. So, behind the imposing exterior and furious aura, Flor could see that the World Tree was confused and somewhat scared. Flor sighed and flew upward. While flying upward, she spoke. "Liu Shu, love. Relax. It has been very long since you actually woke up completely like today. You were always busy with other things, so you didn't notice the gradual change." 

Liu Shu looked at Flor flying at her and commented. "I don't like like it… It feels odd. Why are they thanking me when taking my fruits? Why do they treat everything like a strange ritual?"

Flor snorted a laugh, and she finally arrived at the top of Liu Shu's trunk, landing beside Liu Shu's "head-like" stump. "Uff, now you are so tall that it takes a while to fly up."

Below, Cinderielle and the others arrived and asked quickly. "What's wrong? Why did Tiantian stop covering her figure!? S-She is naked!"

Verdantia babbled. "L-Liu'er! Cover yourself! You are showing everything to everyone! Your pretty curves are being stared at by bad termites! They will want to eat you alive!"

Tempestria clicked her tongue. "I didn't know you had an exhibitionist trait, Shu'er."

Liu Shu couldn't maintain her anger and looked at them, baffled. "What are you talking about? How can I cover myself?" 

Verdantia pointed at the long hair behind her and ordered. "Use that! Move your hair-like thing to cover the front!"

Tempestria asked. "Then, won't her butt be revealed?"

Verdantia almost coughed blood. She scratched her head and suddenly remembered. "Right! Use your serpent!" 

Liu Shu looked at Verdantia, speechless. However, she still listened and called for the giant serpent she had summoned and asked. 'Um, do you mind covering me with your…' Before she could finish her sentence, the snake flew up and coiled around her chest, using the large wings as a bra and her snake tail to cover the lower intimate part. '... body?' 

The serpent scolded. 'How could you be naked like this, master!? What if people with bad intentions see you? Of course, I will use my body. No, please use me! I will become your clothes until you can solve this yourself! No, I will become your clothes! Please let me snuggle like this in your body! I am not saying this because it is very comfortable, and your aura makes my body feel cozy, not at all! I am doing it for your own good!'

Liu Shu didn't know how to answer, so she decided to ignore her. Meanwhile, Cinderielle and the other two Sylvans were looking at that Serpent with suspicious eyes.

Cinderielle asked with a whisper. "Verdantia, is that snake smiling, or is it just me?"

Verdantia just clutched a high-tiered branch she was holding so tightly that it snapped in half.

Tempestria sighed. "Perverts everywhere." However, her eyes were still fixed on Liu Shu, trying to sneak glances here and there. 

Flor asked, as she knew that Liu Shu was looking at everything. "See? It's fine, right? The new people will revere you because they don't know the old Liu Shu."

Liu Shu's mood dropped again. "What about Clavel? She knows me even longer than you, but she escaped from me."

Flor blinked, surprised. "Really?" She muttered. "That's strange… I wonder what happened? I will speak with her later." 

Liu Shu sighed. "Will you speak with everyone? Each time someone treats me like that, will you speak with them?"

Flor smiled and leaned on Liu Shu's neck. "Why not?"

Liu Shu muttered. "I just… Everything moves so quickly. I can't keep up."

Flor sighed. "I guess, for you, this whole time must've felt like a few weeks or even a few days, right? But, Liu Shu, almost a year has passed since we opened the place." 

"A year…" Liu Shu savored the bitterness in those words. "So quick…"

Flor agreed. "It is quick even for me. I am so busy each day, even when I want to slack off. Thankfully, Ignatia, Cinderielle, Tempestria, and Verdantia greatly help with the management issues. If not, I would've aged a decade with all the things I need to do."

Flor looked around the canopy and smiled faintly. "Your canopy is such a wonderful place, isn't it? A gorgeous golden glow, your Branch Accessories giving a multicolored hue, the refreshing scent coming from your flowers, and the nice smell that your fruits produce. Everything combines into such a gorgeous view; how could the Rose Fairies that explore this place daily to check on your fruits not revere you, Liu Shu?"

Liu Shu hummed. "Is being pretty enough to be revered?"

Flor laughed. "No. Being pretty is enough to be coveted, not revered. You are pretty and strong. Therefore, you are revered. You are like the most tempting fruit that can't be taken with any means. Like the Moon in the sky, which looks gorgeous but is impossible to attain."

Liu Shu asked. "The Moon?"

Flor blinked. "Right, you can't see the Moon yet. Hmm… You've seen it reflected in the lake surface, perhaps? That white ball of light."

"White ball… The one that is there now?"

Flor shook her head. "Now, the Sun is there. The Moon is the one that appears when everything is much darker."

"I see… That's the difference!" 

Flor looked toward the City and sighed. "Liu Shu, now that you've revealed yourself, everything will be very… chaotic. We have managed to create a relationship with the cities around us. However, Fortuna City is the absolute overlord of this place."

"Why? Because they have a World Tree?"

Flor shook her head. "No. Because they have a World Tree that is subordinate to a global superpower."

"Huh?" Liu Shu was confused. "But I heard that Fortuna is an independent World Tree from the people that have arrived at the town."

Flor shook her head. "This is something that only higher-ranking people know. To the public, Fortuna is a free city that has grown thanks to the presence of Fortuna. To those in power, Fortuna City is a place under the <Azure Rose Confederation>. While the connection is very small, it has been enough to deter everyone from making a move to Fortuna City since its creation. Plus, Eila Neoflora is… very strong. Probably Level 30 or above." 

Liu Shu got thoughtful and said. "If they want to attack us, they won't get out unscathed. The entire city grows with me. We have many Level 20s now." 

Flor smiled. "I know." Her smile turned a bit nostalgic, and she sighed. "I am also Level 20, but I feel like you are in a completely different dimension strength-wise." 

Liu Shu paused and spoke. "Well… Sorry."

"No." Flor shook her head. "I am the one who should apologize. I completely ignored how you would feel when making these changes." 

Both the Rose Fairy Queen and World Tree became silent for a second. Then, Liu Shu started talking with the others who had gathered and told them her worries about being worshiped. 

The conversation came as a surprise for almost everyone. Wert couldn't help but be positively surprised. After Liu Shu's words, they all prepared to tackle all the complaints that people would have about her. 

Meanwhile, Liu Shu decided to use the heavily cluttered vault and create several houses and more guardian trees on the walls. She intended to double the number of all the buildings. 

Without needing to hide anymore, she could use her energy to the fullest, and her aura surged like a waterfall as she started working on the town's structures.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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