Ascension of the Monster Queen

Chapter 31: Their departure

"Akio, please take me to the cave," Nessa said, and the wolf howled.

"All right, follow me," He replied as he turned to walk away wh Aion approached.

"My lady," He said and she looked at him.

"Aion, what's the matter?" She inquired.

"We are going to hunt something for the feast tonight, you can call on me using the wolves," He responded.

"Got it, be careful out there, I will be by the cave in the hill, you know where that is right?" She asked and Aion nodded.

"Got it and yes we do, we bumped into it many times, I see now the doors are finally wide op and free now, that's nice, we'll be careful, don't worry, we will have a big feast tonight," He responded before leaving and she smiled.

"My lady," Lisa said as she and her frids approached Nessa and the girl looked at them, carrying their belongings.

"So you won't be able to stay for the feast?" She asked.

"Believe me, we would have," Lisa responded, "but we have another job to do; maybe we can come back another time, I like this place too, and I want to come back in the future." Johnathan nodded.

"Yes, we can; if we pass by again, we'll stop; I like it here; it's peaceful; I'll come for vacations as well," Rina said, and Nessa smiled.

"Same here, to be honest, I would love to see what this place will look like in the future, my lady, I wish for it to grow as you want, you guys are doing a fantastic job here," Johnathan added.

"Thank you for your kind words, you guys can come by whever you want, our doors will always be op to you guys, I wish you all good luck on your jobs, and be careful out there," Nessa said, as they smiled.

"Don't worry, we will be careful; see, Rina can use magic; she just needs to practice a little more; her main elemt is fire; we'll be sure to come to visit you again," Lisa promised.

"That's good to know, protect each other and I look forward to seeing you bunch again," Nessa said.

"We will protect each other," Johnathan replied, and Nessa smiled. "Good luck with the building, my lady, we truly wish you the best, and we will spread word of the fridly monsters living here so no one would be afraid to come here to visit."

"Alright, thank you," She said, waving as they walked away, and the three grinned th left, leaving Nessa to sigh.

"That group is quite amusing, I hope to see them again sometime soon, I see they said goodbye to everyone too, nice, let's go, Akio," She said before leaving with Akio who accompanied her in the forest to the hill beside the town where the cave was located.

Nessa felt a differt presce in the forest while walking, a gtle and tingling one which she has never ssed before.

'I am curious as to what that might be,' She wondered, looking a but seeing nothing.

"This place is still as strange as it was before," she said, and Akio looked at her.

"Are you all right, my lady?" Akio inquired, and she glanced at him.

"Yeah, I am fine," She replied, "just thinking about how much I still don't know about this place, I still have a lot more to learn."

"That's understandable, but I'm sure you will understand this better than any of us here over time; I believe it's fate that you have come here; you are making everyone's dreams come true, my lady," He said and she kissed him on the head, and he began happily wagging his tail, and she chuckled.

"I am glad I have you and the foxes by my side as well and I have no regrets coming here," She replied with a grin, and the wolf exhaled deeply as they approached a hill that was connected to the forest and the door to the cave was wide op.

"Now anyone can ter it," Nessa said as she and Akio tered the cave, and she closed her eyes a little due to the bright light reflecting off the crystals, and Nessa left staring at the things that had appeared in the cave, ones that she hadn't se wh she was stuck in it.

"Well, now I can say that magic works in an igmatic way," She said, and the wolf nodded.

[Notice: The cave now contains far more useful magical herbs and crystals than it did previously; this occurred after you released the dragon, and the magical ergy within the cave skyrocketed.]

"I see, well, I might as well look a," Nessa said.

[Master, you can ev consume the herbs in your meals, it does wonders for a person's body and you only have to eat it once in your lifetime for it to do that, you can also eat it every day, your choice, also the red leaf Nelna that's in here was used to help create your healing potion within your body.]

"Okay, got it, th the red leaf Nelna should always stay here, no one is allowed in this cave without my permission from here on out, not that finding the herb will do them any good without the other magical properties to make the potion," Nessa said and Akio bumped into a large red crystal th looked at his reflection in it and Nessa smiled.

"Be careful, you could get hurt," Nessa cautioned, and the wolf nodded.

"Have you be in here before, my lady?" Akio inquired.

"Yeah, I got lost and locked in her for a while, I ran into a few monsters and killed them, but now I don't sse any here, I guess this past few months, ev the cave changed, I got something nice from the cave too, well I hope it is, let's keep looking a," She said with a smile.

"Okay, as you wish, my lady," The wolf replied, and they continued to explore the cave.

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