Ascension of the Monster Queen

Chapter 26: From a village to a town

Irza sighed after he finished speaking with his frids, th his eyes glowed orange for a split second before returning to normal.

"I wish I could see what the future holds, but it doesn't matter right now. Let's go back," He said.

After returning to the village, Irza saw Nessa talking with Youthim about expanding the village more and making further adjustmts to the land since it has expanded, they couldn't call it a village anymore.

"Nessa," Irza said, and she looked at him as he approached them.

"What is it, Irza? Everything wt well with your frids?" She asked, and he smiled.

"Yeah, better than expected. You know, you could use more help," He responded.

"I know. I'm thinking about trading with a kingdom right now to help this place grow. We'll need more money to hire more people, and this is one way to start," She said.

"Wonderful idea. You seem to have had a lot of money to get all of this done," He replied, and she lowered her head and smiled.

"You can say someone helped me with ough to start building, I am grateful," She said, and he smiled th stretched off.

"The dwarfs have arranged for you to stay in a tt, go to bed," She advised.

"I will. Good night," He replied.

"Good night," She said, and th Irza and the others wt to sleep.

"Youthim, that's all for the night, you guys had a long and hard day, go rest, I'm going to sleep too, and we'll discuss more on what to do tomorrow," She said, and he smiled.

"If that's what you want th, okay, good night, my lady," He replied.

"Good night," She said before going to her tt to fresh up.

After Nessa had finished freshing up, she changed and noticed a small pouch on her bed, which she picked up and oped to find more money.

"Kurson," She said as she walked out of her tt and noticed him standing on the hill overlooking the village.

"What's the deal with everyone and that hill? They seem to joy looking at this place from the hill; well, it's a nice spot, "She muttered as she approached him, and he grinned.

"Hello, Nessa, it's be a while," He said.

"It's be several months. What is the point of this? Why do you keep leaving money for me?" She asked and sighed and looked at the village which had now become a town.

"I see it has transformed into a town already, you are working hard," He responded and her brows furrowed.

"It's a start, the population here has increased, it became a town today, I'll throw them a feast for them, I plan on expanding it, this place will not remain a town, you..." She said quietly, and he smiled as he turned to face her.

"It's my only contribution, the dream of a land where we can all coexist; it's a dream shared by many; you're making it a reality now; accept it," He replied to which she sighed.

"Fine," she said, "but this is the last time I accept money from you."

"I'm fine with that, and I came here to give you a heads-up," He said, capturing her full atttion.

"What exactly is it?" She inquired.

"There may be a demon lord who wishes to take over this land, news is spreading about monsters congregating in one place, you will have a lot of problems to face, are you up for the task my lady?" He inquired, and she smirked.

"Let them come, I'll kill them if necessary, I came into the world unwillingly, and now that I've grown to like certain things and my heart is already set on building a nation on this same land, I'm not going to let anyone take it," He left staring at her after hearing her response.

"I thought you were going to aim a bit lower, but you are right; take the tire land, Nessa, the kingdom of Styrmir has a nice ring to it, and build the nation of your dreams," He said to which she scoffed.

"I am tired, are you here just for this?" She asked as she stretched off and Akio jumped out before her growling and Kurson jumped.

"What the hell?" Kurson yelled, and before Akio could attack Kurson, Nessa patted him on the head.

"It's fine Akio, he is a frid," She said th the wolf looked at her and calmed down.

"How many dangerous monsters do you have under your wing, Nessa?" He inquired, and she chuckled.

"Let me tell you what type of monsters the town has, Goblins, Dwarfs, Foxes and the Direwolves, well are you guys still Direwolves?" She asked.

"After we evolved, we became Styrmir wolves," Akio explained. "No dire wolf had ever evolved before, so I gave us a name."

"There you have it, Kurson," She said, smiling. "Oh, and I will tell you from now on, any other monster, as long as they are not evil and mean no harm to those who live here, I will take them in."

"Nice, well, no one has ever done this before, so, I wish you good luck in the future sweetheart, I will see you a," He replied.

"You can come to live here if you want," She said before he could leave, and he lowered his head, frowning.

"Thank you for the offer, it truly means a lot despite you not knowing me for long; perhaps one day I will actually take you up on that, Nessa, go visit the kingdom of Masca," He said before disappearing, and she tilted her head in confusion.

"Huh? The kingdom of Masca?" She asked.

[The kingdom of Masca is small and ideal for forming alliances; it would take nearly a week to get there.]

"I see, I'll talk to the others about it later, let's head back, I need to sleep," Ness said before returning to town, where Nessa wt to her tt to sleep and Akio wt back to his pack.

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