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7 months ago
After an unexpected and devastating loss at the Battle of Atropatene, the Crown Prince of Pars must... Read more After an unexpected and devastating loss at the Battle of Atropatene, the Crown Prince of Pars must gain new strength and make new allies to retake his lost kingdom. The 14-year-old Arslan has been sheltered for most of his life, but now must face the challenges of warfare, betrayal, politics and something even more sinister looming on the horizon.With the help of a few loyal followers, Arslan quickly learns that nothing is ever as it seems on the surface. His own family history, the identity of the masked stranger trying to kill him, and the cause of increasingly strange supernatural events are all mysteries to be solved.Set in a fictional representation of ancient Persia, this classic story (from Japanese author Dr. Yoshiki Tanaka) combines political intrigue, military tactics, and fantasy. Collapse Adapted to Anime, Adapted to Game, Adapted to Manga, Aristocracy, Assassins, Beast Companions, Betrayal, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Character Growth, Classic, Conflicting Loyalties, Curses, Cute Protagonist, Divine Protection, Domestic Affairs, Evil Religions, Family Conflict, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Identity Crisis, Kingdom Building, Kingdoms, Legends, Loyal Subordinates, Male Protagonist, Military, Mysterious Family Background, Nobles, Past Plays a Big Role, Politics, Priestesses, Revenge, Royalty, Schemes And Conspiracies, S*aves, Spear Wielder, Strategist, Survival, Sword And Magic, Sword Wielder, Teamwork, War Records, Wars, Weak to Strong Who’s gonna read it if you can watch it Quote: 1justreadsWoah so much hate? Is it that bad in persiaWith all these sanctions it's even wrost than what you can imagine 💔 I am Persian and I am proud to be Persian there's nothing to be proud we are all f#cked up in this country. That's right,truly fu#ked up🥲 Woah so much hate? Is it that bad in persia Just Watch The Anime....It Has 2 Season It Fire....I Think Season 3 Will Be Out In 2023Just Watch The Anime....It Has 2 Season It Fire....I Think Season 3 Will Be Out In 2023 This thing was published in 1986? Holy f#ck, that’s the oldest webnovel I’ve ever seem