Apocalypse: The Hotel She Runs Is the Only Paradise

Chapter 107: The Hammer of Eighty

Chapter 107

"Your hotel must be quite interesting, right?" Gu Han asked excitedly. "I heard even zombies can't get in? Wow, if only I had found such a hotel back then, I wouldn't have had to run around clutching Coke and hamburgers!"

"Speaking of that, I really admire you," said Gu Wanyin. "Surviving the apocalypse for so long with just Coke and hamburgers. You must have been through a lot of hardship."

Gu Han waved her hand dismissively. "Don't remind me. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. Those days, I really don't want to remember."

"Well... would you like to see Coke and Burger?"

Gu Han hesitated for a moment, then shook her head. "It's enough to know they're doing well. You're Gu Wanyin now, you're their sister. Since we've already swapped identities, let's go all the way with it to avoid unnecessary complications."

Gu Wanyin agreed with this reasoning.

"Where are we going now?" Gu Han asked.

"I spoke with that male demon called Moon Eagle earlier," Gu Wanyin said. "He suggested we should find the Demon King first. Although Nine-Tails and the others have fallen into enemy hands, the Demon King is safe under their protection. He just doesn't know exactly where the Demon King is now."

"Host, I know!" the system chimed in her mind.

Just as Gu Wanyin was about to respond, she heard Gu Han say, "My system says it knows."

Hearing this, Gu Wanyin's 088 system became disgruntled: "I know too! I'll lead you there, no need for that one. My performance is better!"

Gu Han's 073 system could probably hear 088's words, and it wasn't pleased either. Gu Wanyin heard a buzzing in her head, obviously 088 arguing with the other system again.

Seeing Gu Han rubbing her temples, Gu Wanyin knew she had guessed correctly.

"You two systems, stop arguing," she said out loud. "You're both great, much better than that, what was it, 066 system!"

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Both 088 and 073 were dissatisfied with 066, so when they heard Gu Wanyin's words, they quickly reconciled.

With both of them giving directions, Gu Wanyin and Gu Han soon arrived at the foot of a mountain.

By now, darkness was slowly falling.

In the descending night, the mountain looked particularly eerie.

"Geez, I'm suddenly feeling a bit scared," Gu Han said, clinging tightly to Gu Wanyin. "Yinyin, you have to protect me, boo-hoo."

Gu Wanyin: "I'll punch clingy crybabies like you one by one."

"You're so unromantic," Gu Han complained. "So, where should we start climbing?"

"I guess, it should be that way," Gu Wanyin pointed.

Gu Han saw a small path there, somewhat hidden by the surrounding weeds, making it hard to notice.

"You can even see that? Impressive. If I were as observant as you, I wouldn't have almost been tricked by that green tea bitch before!"

Gu Wanyin looked at her sympathetically. "Have you encountered many green tea bitches?"

"Don't mention it, it brings tears to my eyes. Of course, there were more good beautiful sisters, hehe..."

Gu Wanyin quickly stopped her silly giggling, and they started walking up the mountain path together.

As they walked, Gu Wanyin suddenly stopped, pulling Gu Han to a halt as well.

"What's wrong?" Gu Han asked, confused.

"There's something ahead," Gu Wanyin said.

She reached out her hand, stretching it forward.

Indeed, there seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of them. Though unseen, it blocked their way.

"This should be a barrier set by the Demon King or his subordinates," Gu Wanyin said. "After all, with rebels around, they're probably searching for them everywhere."

"So what do we do? Break through the barrier? But wouldn't that alert the enemy to our presence?"

"They're already here," Gu Wanyin smiled. "Look behind you."

Gu Han turned to look and immediately shuddered.

Not far from the mountain, a vast army of demons was marching towards them.

"Are those... the rebels?"

"Yes," Gu Wanyin said. "Moon Eagle told me that the rebel army's flag is black, while the Demon King's is red."

By the light of the torches carried by the demon army, Gu Han could clearly see that all the flags they held were black.

"With so many demons, this barrier surely can't hold!"

It was obvious that while the barrier might stop a few dozen or a few hundred demons, if such a simple barrier could stop such a massive rebel army, the Demon King wouldn't have been driven up the mountain in the first place.

"So, we need to break through the barrier quickly, get up the mountain, and warn them that the enemy is coming. We need to help them relocate quickly. If anything happens to the Demon King, Nine-Tails and the others' efforts will have been in vain."

As she spoke, Gu Wanyin was about to ask her system to bring out her gun to try breaking the barrier.

The system-enhanced gun was no ordinary weapon.

However, at that moment, Gu Han said seriously, "Let me handle this."

She stretched out her hand, and the next second, an object appeared in it.

Gu Wanyin looked closely.

It was... a giant hammer.

Gu Han immediately swung the hammer up and brought it down forcefully on the barrier.

As she smashed, she shouted.

"Eighty! Eighty!"

Gu Wanyin couldn't help but burst into laughter.

She watched, amused, as Gu Han hammered away at the barrier.

Surprisingly, the barrier actually started to crack under the blows of Gu Han's hammer. With one more powerful strike, a hole large enough for both of them to pass through appeared.

What Gu Wanyin didn't expect was that instead of disappearing, the broken barrier shattered into pieces on the ground, like shards of glass.

She pondered for a moment, bent down to pick up two pieces, and tucked them into her pocket before quickly heading up the mountain with Gu Han.

"What are you taking those shards for?" Gu Han asked as they ran.

"I thought they might be useful," Gu Wanyin said. "By the way, where did you get that hammer from? It can break through a demon realm barrier, so it's not an ordinary hammer, right?"

"Of course not!" Gu Han said proudly. "That was a reward I got from completing a mission once. It's a super hammer enhanced by interstellar technology! I named it 'Thousand Dreams Yet Unharmed Ke Wei Mo Shang Li Yu Huan Purple Silver'... mmph..."

Gu Wanyin quickly covered her mouth.

She really wondered how Gu Han managed to remember such a long name!

Could she even say it a second time?

Gu Wanyin seriously doubted it.

Just as they were about to reach the mountaintop, suddenly, a massive figure blocked their path: "Halt! Who goes there? Prepare to die!"

Gu Wanyin: "..."

This escalated way too quickly! They hadn't even had a chance to explain who they were, and already they were being sentenced to death!

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