American Tax Officer

Chapter 100: Chapter 91: Attention from the Headquarters_2

After being scolded so harshly, Sapir frowned.

He knew that in America, Native Americans had many privileges.

In Las Vegas, the Omaha Family was the largest Indian Tribe, with power and influce, which led to Ditter developing such an arrogant character.

But facing the police or ev the FBI, Ditter's arrogance wasn't really a problem.

With his family's influce, they could usually smooth things over.

But now they were facing the IRS!

These people were ruthless wh it came to collecting taxes.

What was most crucial was that the IRS had its own courts, lawyers, judges, and other facilities, and ev more outrageously, they had their own private armed forces.

How could you, a Native American, no matter how tough your bones or how many people and how much influce you had, withstand a salvo from that massive private army?

Of course, he wouldn't say this directly to Ditter.

Because he was well aware of the guy's cruel nature, and if he really said that, it was tirely possible for the guy to shoot him dead with a single bullet.

In the d, he could only say in an indirect way, "The IRS just wants to collect some taxes, we've already paid plty in Lake District, so let's just consider it as giving them a gift..."

"Taxes? Wh have you ever se our Native Americans pay taxes?"

"Giving them a gift? I'll give them a piece of my mind, they dare to snatch my goods, I'd be letting them off easy if I don't wipe them out!"

Ditter's words left Sapir speechless.

Indeed, Native Americans had tax privileges, but those only applied to lawful income.

This black tax law clearly targeted illegal income, and the privileges of Native Americans surely couldn't dodge it.

Forget it, since this guy wouldn't list, there was no point in saying more!


Time flew, and before long it was eving.

At the Lake District Sub-Bureau, after an afternoon of organizing, David had planned the upcoming case actions from the information provided by the CIA.

Stretching languidly, he looked at his watch and his expression darked wh he saw it was 5:30.

It seemed that Ditter really didn't plan to meet him!

Or did he think that just because he had the status of a Native American, he could rest easy?

As he was deep in thought, the door oped, and Nis came in carrying a bag from McDonald's, placing it on the desk, "Have something to eat!"

It was already past time to get off work, but he knew that since Ditter hadn't come yet, today's evts were far from over.

David oped the bag and took out a burger for a few bites, th asked, "Which of Ditter's spots in Lake District is the biggest?"

After thinking for a momt, Nis answered, "The biggest would be the DA Nightclub."

"Go to Judge Kiesa's place, have him sign a seizure order, and also, notify everyone to get ready and arm up!"



DA Nightclub.

It was now 6 o'clock, and although the club was not yet op for business, it was already brightly lit.

Loads of dancers and hostesses were sitting in the booths, listing as the manager on stage gave the day's assignmts.

Just th, a waiter ran in hastily, shouting, "Bad news, lots of armed people have arrived outside..."

Upon hearing this, the dancers and hostesses immediately panicked.

And a bouncer with tattooed arms shouted, "Brothers, arm yourselves..."

No sooner had he spok than Buckynison and others burst in with rifles, scanning for threats while warning, "Nobody move, we're from the IRS, here for a routine inspection!"

Learning it was the IRS, everyone on the sce breathed a sigh of relief.

They thought they were about to face a raid.

But soon after, many on the sce became puzzled.

You say you're from the IRS to do an inspection, fine, but why come fully armed? Are you trying to scare us to death?

Watching the situation being controlled, David th walked in.

[Name: Julian Borg.]

[Occupation: Hostess.]

[Monthly Income: Legitimate income $3,000, illegal income $36,000.]

[Income Details: December 3rd, provided services to a clit, profit $,000, December 6th, provided services to a clit, profit $,00...]

[More Details:...]

[Amount of Tax Due: $3,600 US Dollar.]


[Name: Emily Emanuel.]

[Occupation: Hostess.]

[Monthly Income: Legal income $3,000 US Dollar, illegal income $4,000 US Dollar.]

[Income Details: December 4th, provided contraband to a clit, profit $300 US Dollar, provided services to a clit, profit $,000 US Dollar, December 6th, provided contraband to a clit, profit $500 US Dollar...]

[More Details:...]

[Amount of Tax Due: $6,300 US Dollar.]



David glanced roughly over the information of the people at the sce and quickly came to a geral conclusion.

In America, Nevada State is the only state where selling sex is legal.

However, it's worth mtioning that Las Vegas is not within the legal selling sex areas of Nevada State.

Therefore, the money these hostesses made from selling sex should also be subject to tax by the IRS.

That was also a significant finding!

"What's going on with your IRS, we have special policies here, we don't need to pay the IRS!"

At that momt, a man with a crew cut and in a suit walked over.

[Name: Congreve Clardon.]

[Occupation: DA Nightclub manager.]

[Monthly Income: Legal income $,000 US Dollar, illegal income $83,000 US Dollar.]

[Income Details: December 3rd, earned a commission of $,000 US Dollar by selling contraband, earned a commission of $3,000 US Dollar by arranging for hostesses to provide services, December 4th...]

[More Details:...]

[Amount of Tax Due: $,450 US Dollar.]

"I know, I'm not here to collect taxes from your establishmt!"

"Th what's your purpose here?"

"On the 3rd of last month, our Congress passed a bill that from now on, whether it's drug trafficking or selling sex, you need to pay the full amount of taxes to us, the IRS!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the dancers and hostesses at the sce were in an uproar.

Pay taxes to the IRS for selling sex?

Could there be some mistake!

After being stunned for quite a while, Congreve finally regained his composure and said with a dark face, "Do you know whose establishmt this is?"

"I do, Ditter Omaha, right?"

"So you know, and you still dare to do this?"

"His establishmt isn't all that impressive!"

David was here today specifically for Ditter.

He had already put his word out there, and if this guy still wouldn't come to see him willingly, th it didn't matter!

He would shut down one of the guy's establishmts every day, and he couldn't believe that the guy could remain calm!

"Alright ladies, everyone please leave here for now, starting today, this place is to stop doing business!"

Congreve, who was about to call Ditter, heard this and quickly put down his phone and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

David took out a closure order and said, "This is a closure order issued by Judge Kiesa, we now suspect your establishmt of tax evasion and hereby temporarily close it down!"


Congreve was raged, their establishmt had be operating here for years, and no departmt had ever dared to cause trouble here, let alone come straight out saying it was going to be closed down.

"Alright, you just wait!"

Congreve picked up the phone and walked to one side.

Meanwhile, over at the Bellagio Hotel.

"What did you say? They have a closure order? Who issued it? Judge Kiesa? Alright, I got it, I'll call you back later!"

Sapir put down the phone, walked to where Ditter, who was dining, and said, "We have trouble, Mr. Ditter, the IRS is preparing to close down our DA Nightclub."

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