American Tax Officer

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The New Identity

"A United States Tax Bureau Inspector, intriguing!"

In front of the mirror, a man was intently examining his appearance.

His skin tone was slightly yellow, similar to Asians, but his eyes were blue, thanks to his father being Caucasian and his mother of Asian descent.

Although he looked mostly Asian, his mixed heritage still left subtle traces on his face, making his overall appearance unique and charismatic.

His name was David.

He had transmigrated into this body ten minutes ago

The original owner of the body was an Inspector from the Las Vegas branch of the United States Tax Bureau.

Don't underestimate this identity.

The renowned United States politician Benjamin Franklin once said, 'In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.'

And the world recognized four deadliest sins.

They are trafficking drugs in China; counternarcotics in Mexico; prohibition in Russia; and tax evasion in the United States.

From this, one could see how powerful this department was.

And in fact,

the United States Tax Bureau did have power ample enough to scare people to death.

They had their own army, weapons.

The most chilling fact was that their weapons and equipment were not the least bit inferior to the most elite forces of the United States Navy and Army.

Beyond that, the Tax Bureau also had its own courts, lawyers, judges, and other facilities.

If they suspected you of tax evasion,

they could take you in for questioning without any procedure, even freeze your bank accounts, and ultimately send you to prison.

Even if you were a state governor, Cabinet minister, or even the President, you couldn't escape.

This might sound a bit sci-fi and ridiculous.

After all, the United States is a country that advocates democracy, freedom, and freedom of speech, so how could it tolerate such blatant behavior from the Tax Bureau?

But in truth, from removing Presidents to destroying the common people, such is the power bestowed upon the Tax Bureau by the United States Constitution!

When facing the FBI or CIA and their injustice towards you, you could resort to the law to fight back against them.

But when facing the Tax Bureau,

The Tax Bureau would tell you that they held the right to interpret the law!

The United States Tax Bureau, that's how overbearing it is!

"I think I'm up for this job!"

David's smile grew brighter. In his previous life, he had been a police officer, skilled at investigating cases and capturing criminals.

And in this life, he had become an Inspector of the 'Dongchang of the United States,' the Tax Bureau, with power and authority. Wouldn't that be even better?

"Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding... ding-ding-ding..."

The classic iPhone ringtone interrupted David as he was smugly admiring himself. He walked over to the desk, picked up the phone, and pressed the answer button: "Mo Ning Nisen."

"Mo Ning David, I'm downstairs at your place. Hurry up and come down; we're starting our operation today!"

David walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and drew back the curtains. Shielding his eyes from the glaring sunshine, he looked down to see a black Volvo already parked downstairs.

"Just a minute, I'll be right down."

David swiftly got dressed in his formal attire, holstered his service weapon at his waist, and hurried downstairs where he opened the car door and got into the front passenger seat.

"Got you a hot dog from the old town; picked it up on my way!"

Nisen, full name Nisen Martinez.

He was a Caucasian man in his thirties, with somewhat naturally curly hair, tidy and short, giving off a sense of texture.

As a former member of the United States Marine Corps, he had a robust build and solid muscles, like a sturdy stele.

Like the police forces, the United States Tax Bureau too adopted a partner system.

The so-called partner system

involves pairing up two people, with the main principle being to support each other in dangerous situations and to implement a mutual supervision duty.

After all, the Tax Bureau's power was too great.

It was inevitable that some inspectors with ulterior motives would abuse the name of the Tax Bureau to commit crimes under the guise of authority.

The existence of this system significantly prevents such phenomena from occurring.

Currently, Nisen and David are partners in the same group.

"Thank you!"

David turned around, about to accept the hot dog that was handed to him, but the lines of information floating above the other person's head froze his extended hand in mid-air.

[Name: Nisen Martinez.]

[Occupation: Inspector at the United States Tax Bureau.]

[Monthly Income: 7,800 US dollars.]

[Income Sources: Fixed monthly salary, bonuses...]

[Expenditure Details: On December 3, 2021, a tip of 600 US dollars at the Strip Club in the main district, consumption of 128 US dollars at Sam's Restaurant on December 4, December 5...]

[Tax Due: None.]


"Is this... the system?!"

David had read many novels and knew that many of the protagonists had systems or golden fingers as a BUG.

But when this thing appeared to him, he was still taken aback.

However, he quickly tried to calm his emotions.

To confirm his guess, he immediately turned his head to look at a passerby not far away.

[Name: Sam Johannes.]

[Occupation: Courier.]

[Monthly Income: 3,800 US dollars.]

[Expenditure Details:...]

[Tax Due: None.]



After David's confirmation, he was sure that this was indeed his golden finger!

Under the observation of this golden finger, he could unabashedly view these targets' personal information.

From now on, no one would be able to keep tax matters secret in front of him.

And they wouldn't be able to evade taxes under his very nose either!

But that's not even the most important thing.

The most important thing was that, before the previous month, on December 3, 2021,

The US Congress officially passed a policy called the 'Black Tax Bill.'

The bill explicitly stated,

From now on, no matter what activity you engage in—be it robbery, prostitution, drug trafficking, or any such activity—all the profits must be fully taxed to the Tax Bureau.

This bill was officially issued from the Washington D.C. Headquarters to all the local branches of the Tax Bureau across the country, becoming the top priority task to be implemented.

In order to motivate the 140,000 employees of the Tax Bureau nationwide,

The headquarters in Washington D.C. also offered various rewards for raises and promotions.

And now that David had such a golden finger, wasn't the opportunity to rise meteorically at hand?

"What's wrong, David?"

Nisen, curious, looked at David who was alternately dazed and smiling and asked.

"Nothing... Today is truly a wonderful day!"

Of course, David couldn't tell him about the golden finger and just laughed it off.

"Maybe... Let's start work!"

Nisen didn't waste any more words, started the car, and drove toward the main road not far away.

Las Vegas.

A miracle city built on the desert, its street network is like a huge labyrinth, intersecting and unique, spectacular.

Along the way, an ocean of neon lights, all sorts of casinos, hotels, and stores have everything you could wish for.

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