America Tycoon: The Wolf of Showbiz

Chapter 98: Chapter 98 My Sister is a Big Star


The production team gathered for the routine script reading meeting at the beginning of the new week, which also served as a meet and greet for the creative team.

For publicity purposes, Warner Bros. specifically scheduled the reading at the Warner Bros. Studios headquarters in Burbank.

Wh Bruce drove Martin to the vue, over a doz photojournalists were gathered at the trance, their camera lses all focused on Eliza Cuthbert and Paris Hilton.

They followed and photographed the two from the momt they got out of their car until they tered the Warner Bros. building.

Martin prepared to get out of the car, "How many journalists will take notice of me?"

Bruce, in perfect accord, oped the glove compartmt, "Buddy, I've brought your special weapon for attracting atttion."

He took out a large pink water bottle, "Take this, shout 'I'm the male lead in the film,' th take a big gulp. They'll definitely snap photos of you."

"Thanks a lot!" Martin declined.

He noticed a girl carrying a bag following behind Paris Hilton. Although not as famous as in his previous life, her figure was theless impressive in tight jeans.

Scarlett's butt was like a little sister compared to Kim Kardashian's.

Martin reminded his good frid, "Old Cloth, check out the trance."

Bruce had already se it, transfixed, he beat the water bottle against his head, "That's top-notch!"

He asked Martin, "Is she also an actress?"

Martin truthfully replied, "She's probably Paris Hilton's sidekick, the female supporting actress."

"Great! Really great!" Bruce's thusiasm was fully kindled, "I'm going to join the team; I want to go to Australia with you."

Martin got out of the car and arrived at the trance of the studios.

A few photojournalists had se Martin's picture in the crew's announcemt and casually took photos with their cameras.

After tering the lobby of the office building, Martin quickly found the meeting room, where three unfamiliar male actors, as well as Paris and Eliza, were sitting.

They were not interacting with each other, merely focused on reading their scripts.

Martin approached Eliza, pulled out a chair, sat down, picked up the script on the conferce table, and initiated a conversation, "Hello, twin sister."

Eliza turned a, saw that the newcomer was handsome and pleasant, and thought to herself, "You're my twin brother?"

Martin introduced himself proactively, "Martin Davis."

Eliza responded, "Eliza Cuthbert." She looked Martin over carefully, "I feel like I've se you somewhere before."

Martin was quick to respond, "Have you be to Atlanta, or have you se 'Zombie Stripper'?"

Eliza remembered and was slightly surprised with her mouth agape, "The zombie machine gun dance!"

Martin laughed, "That's right, it was me."

Eliza was very curious, "I surf the internet oft and saw your fan meet-and-greet videos, but some people say they were edited in post-production?"

Martin assured her earnestly, "No, I can guarantee that."

Eliza was amazed, "That's incredible!" and th felt a little embarrassed, "I might be a bit presumptuous here…"

Martin, ever the people person, quickly bridged the gap, "You're my sister, and it's only natural for a sister to make requests of her brother."

Eliza spoke up, "Is there any chance to see that dance live? You might not know, but the zombie machine gun dance is very popular in some nightclubs now."

Martin replied, "If my sister makes a request, her brother must fulfill it." He leaned in a little closer, whispering mysteriously, "Let me tell you a secret, I'm a crazy siscon."

Eliza eyed Martin once more, oply taking in his impressive build and good looks, and said, "Brother, it's a deal."

"Guys, is it here? Thanks." A slightly shrill voice came from the meeting room door, and in walked Me, a black man whose skin was nearly bleach-. He spotted Martin instantly, unable to hide the surprise on his face, and strode over quickly, "Classmate, what are you doing here? Are you a member of this crew as well?"

Martin was equally tak aback and pointed to a seat on the other side, "Sit down, let's chat."

Me knew Eliza and was more surprised to see her chatting comfortably with Martin. He pointed to Melissa, "You're her brother?"

Martin playfully winked at Eliza, "Eliza and I are the most in-sync twin siblings in the world."

"Who did you go through to get in? Introduce me," Me said, his already dark complexion turning chimpanzee-black as he thought about certain things, "You know how much I struggled to get this role..."

Martin interrupted him, "Classmate, we need to cooperate well this time."

Me immediately snapped back to his sses, realizing some topics wer't suitable for the currt setting, "Right, right! Let's work well together."

One by one, other members of the cast and crew came in, including Zomi Silla, the director whom Martin had wanted to meet several times but had not managed to see.

This Spanish director was barely 30 years old.

Although he was just the on-set director for this project, Martin still had Thomas collect lots of information about him.

After Adrian arrived, he too seated himself across the long conferce table, opposite Martin. From time to time, he smiled at Martin, his smile as bright and sunny as before.

As if Martin were his best buddy, always checking out what was behind him.

Martin smiled back, the picture of a carefree fool.

But there was a feeling that Adrian was like a vomous snake, and unfortunately, he was someone Susan had firmly chos.

Martin knew he had no power to bully Adrian.

While whispering to Eliza, his mind was racing.


With Susan's arrival, the script reading session officially began.

This is a Hollywood tradition because many actors of average backg can't ev comprehd their characters and the themes of the script, let alone read the script itself.

The so-called reading difficulties are not uncommon among those who have received a happy-go-lucky education.

The script for "House of Wax" was a straightforward, no-brainer typical example, not to mtion anything stunning—had it not be a pre-decided concept developed afterward, it would likely sit untouched for years in the script vault of numerous Hollywood companies.

Eliza's lead role shined exclusively, followed by the role of Nick, the twin brother played by Martin.

The climax of the script was the showdown betwe the twins and their wax figure counterparts.

The reading session ded close to closing time.

Susan came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Director Zomi Silla had no inttion of interacting with the actors, departing the meeting room directly.

Martin took out his phone, "If you don't mind, can we take a photo together? I want to update my blog wh I get back, and I've already thought of a title."

"No problem with taking a photo," Eliza didn't mind and asked, "What's the title?"

Martin said with a straight face, "My Sister is a Superstar. How about this title?"

Eliza took him seriously, "Your blog's URL?"

Luckily, Martin wasn't spinning tales; he actually had a blog and had updated it a few times rectly. He gave her the address right away.

Martin handed his phone to Me and had him help take a photo with Eliza.

"Your sister will check her brother's homework," Eliza said before she left.

Martin's face seemed to adjust automatically, instantly drooping, "What if the brother is an academic failure?"

Eliza walked away, laughing.

Me returned Martin's phone, saying, "Dude, you move really fast on the ladies."

Martin looked at the selfie, put away his phone, and headed out as well, "We're just siblings expressing normal affection for each other."

As they left the Warner Bros. building, they saw reporters suring Eliza and Paris.

Me said viously, "Wh will I be sured by the spotlight?"

"You're playing Paris Hilton's boyfrid, right?" Martin had just reviewed the script, "Just hook up with her, th countless tabloid reporters will accompany you 4/7."

Me considered it seriously, "I don't mind the sex tapes, really." He had to get it off his chest, "To land this role, I've ev wooed wom in their fifties."

Martin vaguely guessed that it might be the casting director, Mary Gale, "The one you mtioned last time?"

"Yes, that's her." Me, usually so optimistic, wanted to cry wh he mtioned her, "I thought you didn't have the connections last time, so I didn't call. She's very promiscuous, and I couldn't take the risk with actors I didn't know well."

Martin understood, "Came from behind and stole your role?"

Wooing older wom was a skill in itself, and one also had to guard against others.

Me nodded, "I borrowed some money to hire a gigolo in another city, which is the only way I could fulfill her threesome requiremt. It wasn't easy at all."

Martin consoled him abstmindedly, "At least you got some return on your investmt."

"I wanted to buy you a drink, but my pockets are empty, and my waist can't hold up," said Me, twisting his behind, "Let's talk about it wh we go to Australia."

Martin nodded, approaching his car, and realized Bruce wasn't there.

Five minutes later, Bruce returned from afar, flipping op his phone and bringing it to his mouth, tongue...

Martin didn't want the eye pain and looked the other way.

Before updating "My Sister is a Superstar," there was already a buzz about "My Assistant is a Pervert." What now?

Bruce came over, shaking his phone, "I've got it; take a look. It's top-notch stuff; Jnifer Lopez and Scarlett Johansson have turned explosive."

Martin reached for the phone, th retracted his hand, pulling out a tissue from his pocket, "Wipe it first."

He warned, "Old Cloth, this phone is a few hundred dollars, not very waterproof, so don't freaking use it as a cup!"

Bruce cleaned the scre, and handed the phone to Martin, "Do you know her name?"

Martin saw that Bruce had tak more than one photo, all stealthily snapped from behind, and said, "Her name is Kim Kardashian. She's a very scheming woman."

"Kim Kardashian," Bruce memorized the name.

Martin oped the car door, "Let's go, find a place to eat something, have a drink, th go pack our bags. Australia is waiting for us."

After dinner, they purposely chose Avalon Nightclub, a favorite of Hollywood stars. Initially at the bar on the g floor, wom constantly hassled Martin with evidtly ulterior motives.

Martin and Bruce had to move up to the second floor.

Seated by the window on the second floor, they finally found some peace.

The two didn't drink much. Bruce, the freak, couldn't stop talking about Kim Kardashian. A 9 pm, just before leaving, he tapped on the window, "Look across the street. Is that your good frid from the same company?"

Opposite the Avalon was another famous nightclub called Grapevine Manor.

There, outside the nightclub, a thoroughly drunk Adrian was about to fight someone, his face full of murderous intt, and his heavyset assistant Tony couldn't hold him back.

Of course, Martin wouldn't get involved in such matters. He called for Old Cloth, and they left. There was still "My Sister is a Superstar" to be updated.

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