All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 179 The Goblins Are Here

The village chief greeted Damian and Frederic with a cup of tea. "The attacks started a month ago," he said. "We don't have enough warriors to deal with the goblins."

The chief led them inside his home, the largest in the village but still small. It was a simple village, not a luxurious resort.

Raikono was inside as well. Surprisingly, he had the power to reduce his body size, down to the size of a regular wolf.

"Do you know why the goblins are attacking?" Damian asked.

"Food, I guess," the chief replied. "They always target our hunters, gatherers, or the fishermen. This is affecting our lives here, and we've all developed a habit of dropping all our food and running away to avoid getting killed."

The frustration was evident on the chief's face. The recent attacks had made his nights sleepless and his mind stressed. It was a lot for a single man to take care of.

"Don't worry," Damian said, sipping his tea. "We'll deal with these goblins in no time."

"I'm so glad to hear that. And thank you! We don't have much to repay you, but I'll do my best to spread the word about your good deeds after you've dealt with this situation."

They stayed inside the house, talking about the location of the attacks. No one had a clear idea of the goblins' base, so Damian wanted to gather as much information as possible to find it.

"Are you leaving to track the goblins now?" the chief asked. "Don't you want to rest? I'm sure the journey was tiring."

"It's fine," Damian said. "We can deal with the problem first and rest later."

The chief smiled, glad that the adventurers who had taken the request were hardworking. It was not uncommon for some to avoid doing the task, only wanting the payment.

Damian left the village, and it was time to track the goblins.

"The attacks against the fishermen happened near the lake, obviously," Damian said, sharing his guess with Frederic and Raikono. "But the attack on the hunters and gatherers happened near the same area."

"They need water," Raikono said. "And this lake is the only decent water source around here. At least that's what I saw when I flew above the area."

Damian had asked Raikono to search the area after they talked with the village's chief. That's why he knew that.

"Let's go there to check. But Raikono, stay in your little form or else the goblins will never get close to us."

"Maybe we can disguise ourselves as fishermen?" Frederic said. "I've always wanted to fish!"

It was not a bad idea. In fact, Damian had shared it with the village's chief, and he had liked it too!

"This is your new clothing and fishing rod," the chief said. "It will make you look exactly like us."


The clothes were simple, made of leather, like those from medieval times. Frederic looked quite happy with it. Or maybe it was because of the fishing rod he had in his hands.

"This is my aspiration," Frederic said. "To become a legendary fisherman. Yes, this is what I want!"

Damian and Raikono believed it was only a joke at first, but Frederic looked and sounded serious.

"What? You left your dragon legacy to become a fisherman?"

"Maybe a fisherdragon? I am no man. But yes, why not? Fishing sounds cooler than being a dragon."

"You look like those RPG fanatics who only play the game if it has fishing in it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, nevermind. Let's go to the lake! Fishing time!"

Damian knew that Frederic had no idea what a roleplaying game (RPG) was, and he was glad that was the case. Frederic looked like someone who would spend his entire day playing.

They made their way toward the lake, carrying an oil lamp. It was getting darker outside, so it was better to be prepared.

"There are even chairs and benches for us to sit and fish. Such a relaxing time," Frederic said. "This is way better than fighting."

Raikono tapped Damian on the paw, whispering, "This old bones is getting crazy!"

"I heard you! I am not deaf!" Frederic said, but did nothing more. He was busy with the worm, putting it on the fish hook.

Damian liked fishing too. Not as much as Frederic, but why not take the chance to do it? It was not everyday Damian had the opportunity to relax and do something other than fighting or training.

The fact that their enemies were goblins — weak-ass goblins — made their fishing time peaceful.

None of them was scared of the goblins.

"It is easier for something to come out of this lake and kill us than the goblins," Damian thought.

"I caught one, look," Frederic said, pulling out a small blue fish.

He held it up high, proud of his achievement. Damian found it funny.

"I still need to get one. You're doing good, Frederic."

They fished from sunset to night, and as time passed, it became colder and colder. Damian put on a fur cloak that the village chief had given to them.

Damian was still hearing everything that was happening in the surrounding area, and during the night, he heard something.

He looked toward Frederic and whispered, "I think the goblins are here."

Frederic continued fishing, not bothered by the sudden appearance of enemies. He knew Damian and Raikono would deal with them.

"Kik kik, kik kik!!!"

A voice came from the forest, and a group of six goblins ran toward Damian and Frederic, wielding various weapons like swords, spears, and two of them had bows.

They spoke in an unknown language, but Damian did not mind it. He was the only one who stopped fishing. Frederic stayed in the same position, and Raikono was hidden, not even bothering to show up.

"It is playtime!" Damian said as he created a greatsword using his Slime Ring.

The goblins weren't dumb. It was the first time a human they attacked was fighting back, and that could only mean bad things.

But they still believed Damian had no chance against six of them! So they kept moving forward toward him.

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