Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 160 Neutral Spell

Neutral Spell.

[Ace POV],

Turning to face Emma, who had her head buried in the grimoire, I had the impression that she could use any spells written in it.

After all, since we had only recently just obtained it, it was understandable that it would take some time to be able to use any of the spells written there. What would be unusual is if she could actually cast a spell from the neutral spell grimoire after only a few minutes with it.

I knew Emma hadn't had time to sit down and study the content written in the grimoire since we left the mansion shortly after we received our rewards, so it would be quite impressive if Emma could already use a neutral spell.

Or perhaps her rate of learning the spell is considered normal among mages, and I'm just trash at this, hence my current state.

As I was thinking about these things, Emma finally spoke up and her voice brought me out of my reverie.

"Let's start with something simpler," Emma suggested, adding, "We'll start with an attack spell."

Emma turned to look around after saying that we were going to start with an attack magic spell right away, and after finding what she was looking for, Emma led me away from our current location to somewhere else.

"Where are we going?" I asked Emma, and when she heard me, she responded without looking back as she continued forward.

"I'm looking for a suitable target for us," Emma said, noting that she used the word 'us' rather than 'you'.

Seeing this, I wondered if Emma wanted to cast some spells as well, but since it was none of my business and the only reason I was here was that Emma wanted to teach me, I just focused on following Emma's lead as a few thoughts flashed through my mind.

Because of everything that had happened up to this point, I was beginning to realize how little time I had for myself and the things I wanted to do.

I was very occupied, and this was true not only for me but also for others.

It appears that I must devise some sort of plan for myself.

Emma eventually found a suitable target for her taste, which was a tree located just before the woods near the mansion.

Turning around, I could still see the grand-looking mansion in the distance, indicating that we weren't too far away, so I returned my attention to the large and wide tree in front of me.

This tree, like most trees in the true world and the alternate dimension, was rather large, but after a glance, I ignored this as my mind was focused on other things.

One was when Emma said we were going to start with an attack spell, and looking at how far we were from the tree as Emma's gaze lingered on the tree in front of me, I was pretty sure we were going to start with a range attack spell.

What was unknown was the type of range attack it would be, but I wasn't concerned because all I wanted right now was for Emma to show me how to cast spells.

It would be preferable if it were simple to learn and powerful.

While I could continue to create my magic attacks in the same manner as before and try to complete my quest that way, there was nothing wrong with wanting to learn more and satisfy my curiosity about spells.

There was also the part that learning a spell could make my life easier when I go out hunting tomorrow since there were some magic spells that I couldn't replicate by attempting to manipulate Mana. Learning how to cast spells could potentially do more for me in the long run.

As I thought of these things, Emma, who had been silently observing the surroundings beside me, spoke as she turned to look at me and addressed me as she brought out my thoughts.

"The spell we're going to practice today is a neutral Magic spell, as you may have guessed, and this is the better choice for both of us because it is the only magic that can make us experiment together without the limit of our different elements," she explained, adding, "And the neutral spell we're practicing today is a projectile attack; magic arrow."

After hearing everything Emma said, I nodded in response to show that I was paying attention as a few thoughts flashed through my mind.

For one thing, it appears that, while Emma appeared to be confident in what she was doing, she still wanted to experiment and, in the process, teach me along the way, and I was able to learn what spell we were dealing with today from the latter part of what she said.

Magic arrow.

Magic arrow was familiar to me because it was one of the spells Emma casts and was part of the magic attacks I manipulated my mana to replicate. What was different was that the magic arrow we both created was made with our respective elements, which should be different from a neutral spell that anyone could use, and I was about to learn what neutral Magic was all about and what made it unique.

I knew nothing about neutral magic, so I was curious and observe what I could about it.

Emma spoke just as I was thinking these thoughts, shortly after dropping the grimoire in her hands to the floor.

"Let's get started, Ace," she said, adding, "Follow my words exactly as they come out and chant with me."

After saying this, my first formal lesson in magic began in the true world and the alternate dimension  I call home.


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