After using cheats, I became the strongest Beast Tamer

Chapter 91: 87: Fusion Turtle

Chapter 91: Chapter 87: Fusion Turtle


The sound from Liu Yuzhen’s ringing cellphone was noisy.

“Lingya, Xiao Xing, come quickly and look. Is that a volcanic eruption in the video?”

Liu Yuzhen waved at the two.

They sat on either side of Liu Yuzhen on the vacant spaces on the sofa while Chen Guohai silently shifted his position.

Chen Xing leaned over and saw a video playing on Liu Yuzhen’s screen.

The video displayed a factory, apparently shot from the back of a flying Beast Taming creature, with the videographer’s hand trembling.

The factory in the video had become a boiling sea of molten lava.

A large crater had opened in the center, continuously spewing out lava.

Rolling smoke formed a thick black column erupting from the crater.

Many nearby buildings had collapsed, gradually being devoured by the lava.

“I remember Jinzhou has no volcanoes,” Chen Lingya hesitated.

“There is one, about two hundred kilometers to the north. It’s a dormant volcano, but it’s located in the wilderness.”

“I heard from the group chat, this video came from a blocked-off area.”

Standing aside, Qi Sheng glanced at the video, “Tianlan Pharmaceuticals.”

Chen Xing was surprised. It was all burned like this, and one could still recognize it?

But thinking about his profession, he must be very familiar with this area in Jinzhou.

“I’ve delivered goods inside before; I heard that Tianlan Pharmaceuticals has strict controls, not allowing aerial entry,” Qi Sheng said.

“Actually, there’s nothing that can’t be said. It’s no big secret that Tianlan Pharmaceuticals conducts monster research privately,” Qi Sheng continued. “Basically, many people in certain local circles in Jinzhou know about it.”

“Monster research is a broad field. How to research, and what to research, is hard to pinpoint. To my knowledge, many forces conduct such research privately. It’s just that I didn’t expect Tianlan Pharmaceuticals to cause such a big disturbance this time,” Qi Sheng reflected.

“In the video, if this disaster was caused by a tamed beast, could the perpetrator be of Transcendent Level?” Chen Xing pointed toward the factory area engulfed by the lava.

Qi Sheng is a Senior Beast Tamer, closest to Super Rank; he would know best.

Qi Sheng reflected, “Definitely. Advanced Skills can’t achieve this kind of scale. Although Advanced Skills can alter the terrain temporarily, to create a disaster scene like this… it must be a Transcendent Level beast responsible.”

No Senior Beast Tamer dreams of anything other than becoming a Super Rank Beast Tamer.

If a Senior Beast Tamer is considered an elite in society, then a Super Rank Beast Tamer is truly the ticket to entering the nobility.


At the same moment, someone in Liu Yuzhen’s phone chat group forwarded another new video.

Liu Yuzhen opened the video.

The video, seemingly shot by the same videographer as before, was taken from a higher altitude this time.

The camera captured a more comprehensive view than the previous video.

The sprawling factory was visible, especially the area where the lava was breaking through, where the ground was continuously rising.

Something seemed about to burst forth, with the golden-red lava covered earth gradually lifting higher.

As the soil rose higher, a large chunk of a massive beast peeked through the widening cracks.

The videographer gasped, and at the end of the video, a dual-headed giant turtle with a miniature volcano on its back emerged from the ground. Its shell seemed like a small mountain with a massive volcanic vent at the top from which a continuous flow of lava poured out.

The video ended there completely.

Qi Sheng was somewhat astounded; he had seen Transcendent Tamed Beasts before, but none had ever been as impactful as this dual-headed giant turtle.

Because, size alone, the diameter of the shell on this dual-headed giant turtle must be close to a hundred meters, right?

This massive size was not of an inanimate object.

But a real living creature!

Its sheer weight was an astronomical figure.

Merely moving caused tremors that shook mountains and swayed the ground.

He was now curious about only one thing, how did Tianlan Pharmaceuticals manage to persuade this behemoth to cooperate with their research?

With such a massive body, a slight movement was terrifyingly powerful.

What made this behemoth so cooperative with them?

Could it be that a transcendent mental-type Beast Tamer had controlled its mind?

After watching the video, the first thing Chen Xing thought of was not the size of the behemoth, but something else.

Taotie’s body size had already surpassed ten meters, and the growth rate brought about by the intermediate pet food had finally slowed down.

From a previous 23cm per day to now 15cm a day.

Reaching an extreme size of one and a half meters in just ten days, every centimeter it now grew was breaking the normal limits of the Salty Bay Crocodile.

If Taotie were to grow beyond twenty meters in the future and then consume volcano steaks…

Wouldn’t that start from two hundred meters?

Looking at the video of the twin-headed behemoth that was already terrifying in size, Chen Xing’s scalp tingled. If Taotie grew bigger than this one, how would he communicate with it? How much meat would it eat at once? Could he even afford to raise it?

What if it still liked to rest its head on him while sleeping? Suddenly, there was a sense of anxiety as if his child had not yet grown up…

If only there was a skill to reduce its size, that would be great.

Release its body during battle, but keep it small and stay by his side at other times.

Liu Yuzhen, looking at the twin-headed behemoth in the video, thought of her son who had a big appetite every day. Luckily, her own little crocodile wasn’t that huge, “Such a big guy, how much would it eat in one meal? Ours eats so much less.”

Chen Xing silently glanced at his mom. Perhaps in a few years, you wouldn’t say the same…

Qi Sheng, hearing his older sister’s plain-spoken words, couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Such a giant beast is not something you can simply decide to raise.

Despite this creature likely eating enough in one meal to bankrupt countless families, if given the choice, more than ninety percent of the forces would wish to own such a behemoth.

Because it represented true strategic deterrence.

Such a large behemoth was definitely capable of creating corresponding value.

Chen Guohai said anxiously, “Such a big creature… If it charges into the urban area, the destruction would be immense.”

Qi Sheng was very calm, “We won’t let it come in.”

This was Jincheng in Great Xia, Shu State’s capital, a vast city with over twenty million inhabitants and twelve districts.

Not to mention, close by was stationed the Great Xia Dingxi Army, consisting of more than one hundred thousand troops.

This twin-headed behemoth couldn’t cause chaos in Jincheng’s new district.

The only concern was that the aftermath of the battles might inadvertently affect this area, although the probability was very small.

Atop a building’s rooftop in Tianlou, several kilometers away from Tianlan Pharmaceuticals, amidst the rain, Wan Hailong stood alone holding an umbrella, gazing at a factory district far away, lit by fire and filled with thick smoke.

A Thousand Illusion Demon Crow perched on his shoulder, and in front of him an eyepiece projection showcased a magical eye. The scenes within the eye mirrored the enlarged view of the behemoth in the factory area, every magma pattern on its body visible in clear detail.

Wan Hailong carefully observed the twin-headed behemoth, which was unlike any creature he recognized.

But upon closer inspection, faint unnatural splicing traces were still visible.

“Earth Core Turtle, Volcano Sprite… So it turns out that the divine item from back then ended up in your hands, Shen Yue, you’ve really kept this hidden well,” Wan Hailong’s dark pupils reflected the firelight.

“It’s a pity, with things having escalated this much, trying to fish in troubled waters probably won’t be easy,” Wan Hailong murmured.

He wasn’t the only one who knew of that thing from the past. Others did too.

When many people know, secrets cease to be secrets.

Besides, this was Jincheng, located in the heartland of Great Xia. Even if someone snatched the item, there would be no place to flee.

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