Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 3: Always Take Care Of Each Other

Seven years later.

The Lighthaven Family.

The castle courtyard echoed with the laughter of twins, the boy named Adrian and the girl Aurelia, as they played in the warmth of the afternoon sun. Their parents, Lady Eleanora and Lord Harry watched with joyous hearts as their children chased each other, their carefree giggles filling the air.

"Mother! Father! Watch this!" Aurelia called out, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she twirled around, her dress billowing like a delicate flower caught in the breeze.

Adrian, her twin brother, joined in the revelry, showing off his skills in a mock 'sword fight' with a stick. The courtyard became their kingdom, and the twins, the playful monarchs.

As the sun began its descent, Lady Eleanora and Lord Harry approached their children with smiles on their faces. The twins ran toward their parents, cheeks flushed with the exhilaration of their games.

"My darlings," Lady Eleanora said, her eyes filled with maternal warmth. "Come, sit with us. There's something important we need to discuss."

The twins, curious but obedient, settled beside their parents. The atmosphere shifted as Lady Eleanora and Lord Harry exchanged a solemn glance.

"Listen closely, Adrian and Aurelia," Lady Eleanora began, her voice tinged with a mix of love and gravity. "What we're about to say is something you must carry in your hearts for eternity."

The twins nodded, their eyes wide with curiosity.

"Promise us that you will always take care of each other," Lord Harry added, his gaze fixed on his children. "Never let harm come to one another. Your bond as siblings is a precious gift."

The twins exchanged a glance before nodding in unison. "We promise," they said.

"Good," Lady Eleanora continued. "Now, Aurelia, come with me. There's something I'd like to discuss with you."

Aurelia followed her mother, leaving Adrian and Lord Harry alone in the courtyard. As Lady Eleanora and Aurelia disappeared behind the castle walls, Lord Harry looked at his son with a solemn expression.

"Adrian," he began, his voice low and measured. "There may come a time when we are not here. If that day arrives, you must promise to protect your sister. She is your family, your sibling."

Adrian's eyes widened, a sense of responsibility settling on his young shoulders. Though he couldn't understand the entire meaning of his father's words, he still wanted to agree to his words. "I promise, Father," he replied, determined.

Lord Harry's gaze bore into his son's. "Listen carefully, Adrian. In this world, trust is a fragile thing. Promise me that you will not trust anyone, aside from your mother and me. And even more so, never trust the Royal Family. Understood?"

Adrian's brows furrowed in confusion. "But why, Father? Aren't they supposed to protect us?"

Lord Harry's eyes held a hint of caution. "Not everything is as it seems, my son. The less you know, the safer you'll be. I'm not saying you shouldn't trust anyone, but trust only those you know in your heart to be true."

Adrian nodded, absorbing his father's words with a gravity beyond his years. The courtyard, once filled with laughter, now held an air of solemnity as father and son shared a moment, the weight of secrets lingering in the shadows.

Little did the twins know, that their innocent world was tinged with mysteries and complexities that would shape their destinies in ways they could not yet comprehend.

________ ____

One year passed swiftly, leaving the twins, Adrian and Aurelia, at the tender age of eight. The Lighthaven castle still stood proudly, but an air of anticipation and uncertainty had settled within its walls.

Adrian and Aurelia had grown into intelligent and curious children, their innocence yet untouched by the weight of the secrets their parents had shared with them. Lady Eleanora and Lord Harry, their loving parents, continued to provide guidance and care, all while holding tight to the mysteries that surrounded their family.

However, fate took a sudden turn one fateful day. Lady Eleanora and Lord Harry received a summon from the Royal Family, a mission they were obligated to undertake. The castle buzzed with activity as preparations were made for their departure, leaving the twins in a state of uneasy anticipation.

The courtyard, once filled with laughter and games, now seemed vast and empty as the day of departure arrived. Adrian and Aurelia stood with solemn expressions, watching as their parents donned their cloaks and embraced them tightly.

"Adrian, Aurelia," Lady Eleanora spoke, her voice carrying a mixture of love and concern. "We'll be back before you know it. But until then, I need you to be strong for each other, alright?"

The twins nodded, their young faces reflecting a mix of understanding and unease.

"Always remember what we told you about," Lord Harry added, his gaze fixed on his children. "You must be vigilant and look out for each other. We love you both dearly."

As the carriage bearing Lady Eleanora and Lord Harryon disappeared beyond the castle gates, a sense of emptiness settled over the twins.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, yet there was no sign of their parents' return.

Adrian and Aurelia, now left in the care of loyal servants, felt the weight of their parents' absence. The castle, once a haven of warmth and laughter, became a place of quiet uncertainty.

One day, as Adrian was wandering through the castle corridors (probably coming out of the library), he overheard whispers among the servants.

"Did you hear the rumors?"

"Yeah, apparently, the lord and milady have gone missing... I bet they died but the royal family is hiding it by saying they are gone missing."

"What will happen now? What will happen to us?"

"I don't know. But I heard that the Royal Family will take over the castle and the territory."

"Huh? But there are Young Master and Young Lady? Won't the castle be owned by them?"

"Yeah, but they are just kids. And you know what - the easiest people to trick are-?"


"Exactly. And don't you know how gullible and simple the young Lady is?"




As Adrian absorbed the unsettling rumors from the hushed whispers of the servants, a heaviness settled in his chest.

"Our parents... are dead...?"

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