Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 142: Not Only Is She Cute But Also Mature

[Here is a weekly Bonus Chapter]

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"Th, isn't it useless ev if I know about it? I'm only a Lunar Sage and not proficit in combat."

Anya's skepticism was evidt, but her determination was unyielding. Adrian had anticipated this reaction, understanding the gravity of what he was asking.

"I understand your concerns, Anya," Adrian said, his voice steady and reassuring. "That's why I'm not asking you to go yourself. Why don't you ask your Master or Parts? I have heard they are both Solar Archmages. It will be a piece of cake for them. And before you say anything, let me tell you another secret..."

"There is also another rare type of ore called Moonfire Crystal," Adrian continued, a hint of mystery in his voice. "I heard it's a rare ore that can only be found in the deepest parts of the cave. It's ev more pott than Moonshadow Ore. Your parts or master would be very interested in obtaining it."

Anya's eyes wided at the mtion of Moonfire Crystal. She had heard of it in legds, an ore said to be imbued with the essce of both the moon and fire, capable of creating weapons of immse power. "Moonfire Crystal... Are you sure?"

Adrian smiled awkwardly. "I'm not exactly sure if there is, after all, I hav't be there myself or se it, so it's still a gamble. But, considering your family or master's status and power, I think it's worth the risk."

Anya considered his words, her mind racing with possibilities. The pottial reward was immse, but the danger was equally significant. Still, having her parts or master retrieve the ore instead of her was a logical and safer option.

"I see your point," Anya said slowly. "I'll discuss it with them. If they're interested, they might be able to retrieve the ores for me. But this will take time."

Adrian nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "That's fine. The weapon I'm asking for is not an urgt necessity but a long-term investmt in my training and future battles. I can wait. Though if it can be done till the competition finals, I would be really grateful."

Anya sighed, feeling the weight of the decision but also the excitemt of the opportunity. "Alright, I'll talk to them tonight and let you know their decision. In the meantime, I'll start working on the preliminary designs for your weapon after studying the Moonshadow Ore fragmt you provided."

"Thank you, Sior Anya," Adrian said sincerely.

"You can thank me after your weapon is done," Anya replied with a small smile, her determination evidt in her eyes. "But I promise to give it my best."

With their agreemt settled, Anya and Adrian left the private forge. As they walked through the Smithing Hall, the rhythmic clanging of metal and the hum of magical ergy sured them. The other studts glanced at them with curiosity, especially noting Adrian's presce.

A group of studts, mostly burly and muscular m (barbarians, dwarves, and a few humans) who had be watching Anya with admiration earlier, stepped forward. One of them, a giant with a beard like burnt toast, called out to her. "Hey, Anya, who's the new guy? Finally got yourself a boyfrid?" he teased, a wide grin on his face.

Anya's face turned a slight shade of crimson. "Shut up, Bjorn," she snapped, her voice a mix of embarrassmt and annoyance. "He's a first-year, and he's here to ask for my help with a special project."

Bjorn raised an eyebrow, clearly joying the situation. "A special project, huh? Sounds interesting. What's your name, kid?"

Adrian stepped forward, his demeanor calm and collected. "Nice to meet you siors, My name is Adrian, and as Sior mtioned, I'm a first-year studt. I came to seek her expertise in crafting a weapon."

Another studt, a tall, lean guy with a mischievous glint in his eyes, chimed in. "Special weapon, huh? That's some serious business. So, Adrian, do you think our Anya here is cute and beautiful?"

"Yeah, isn't our Anya cute?" A female dwarf chuckled hugging Anya from behind.

There was a momt of silce as Adrian considered the question, feeling the eyes of the studts and Anya on him. He could see the anticipation in their expressions, and he knew his answer would carry weight.

Adrian looked directly at Anya, his expression calm. "In my opinion not only is Sior Anya cute and beautiful, but she's also incredibly talted and mature. Her skills as a smith are unparalleled, and she's dedicated to her craft. I'm honored to have her help."

Anya's blush deeped, and the teasing grins of her fellow studts softed into guine smiles of respect and camaraderie. Bjorn clapped Adrian on the shoulder with a hearty laugh. "Well said, Adrian. You've got a good head on your shoulders. Anya, looks like you found yourself a dect clit and a junior."

Anya managed a small smile, her initial irritation melting away. "Thanks, Bjorn. And thank you, Adrian. I'll get started on your weapon right away."

"Haha, she's acting shy, see!"

"W-wait, let me take an image."

"Quit it, will you." Anya snapped at her fellow smiths again. "Anyway, goodbye Adrian. I will contact you tomorrow."

With that, Adrian and Anya exchanged a final nod before parting ways. Adrian left the Smithing Hall, his mind relaxing due to the successful completion of his plan.


Anya returned to her private forge, her eyes landing on the fragmt of Moonshadow Ore. The glow from the forge illuminated her thoughtful expression as she turned the fragmt over in her hands.

"My 'The Anima Oculus' didn't detect any falsehoods in his words," she muttered to herself. This ability had always be reliable, allowing her to discern the truth in any statemt, making her a valuable asset in negotiations, dealings, and building relationships. But the weight of Adrian's claim still pressed heavily on her mind.

She took a deep breath, steeling herself. "First things first, I need to verify this fragmt," she said, her voice firm with determination. Anya carefully set the fragmt on her workbch and began to prepare her tools. She had to be absolutely sure of the ore's authticity before taking any further steps.

"Only after I confirm it, th I will talk with my master and parts."

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